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![]() You can oust all imperfection from your world with the help of your LoveBeloved Lanello I AM Lanello, having come to you again! I AM, having come to give you an opportunity to familiarize yourselves with my thoughts and my reflections about Russia and the situation in the world. And it is of your free will whether to take my contemplations into consideration or not, to be guided by them in your life or to discard them. Unfortunately, you rarely heed the advice that you receive from us. And the information contained in these Dictations is no different for many of you from the information that you get from purely human sources. The reason for this is your lack of Faith. You cannot believe with your human mind that the Ascended Hosts can come and talk to you so easily. Things only happen, beloved that you admit in your consciousness. And if you endlessly repeat in your external consciousness that nothing will ever change in this Russia and it will not be better, then it would be naive to expect any changes to occur around you. First, your consciousness must accept the changes, then the precipitation of these changes on the physical plane will take place. Do not forget that energy, the Divine Energy can only enter into your world along the crystal string anchored within your heart, within the secret abode of your heart. The Divine Energy, entering into your world through your hearts, is colored by your thoughts, your feelings, and your aspirations. And if you continuously repeat in your consciousness and constantly keep in your mind, the worst thoughts and the worst forebodings about the future of Russia, then does it not seem strange to you, to expect any positive changes in your country after that? Therefore, what you need to learn in the near future is to develop a positive mindset to the reality around you. You must cultivate in your consciousness a positive image of the future for your country, for your locality, and for your family in the end. Make it a habit to practice meditation for the benefit of Russia every time after performing your services. Put on a beautiful classical music of the Russian composers — Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, or a music of the outstanding world composers - Bach, Beethoven, Mozart. Think about what future you would like to see for your country. Do not be shy to express the most, at first glance, fantastic ideas. Build in your consciousness a happy future for your country. If you find it difficult to focus on the whole country, then you can reflect on the activities that your group can perform. If you do not belong to any group, then you can build in your consciousness the future for your family, your relations and friends, and finally, for you personally. And if your imagination is not enough to come up with a happy future for your country, for your family and for yourself, then think about what happiness is for you. What would you like to change in your life to constantly experience a state of happiness, peace, harmony, and love? Even simply being in an elevated state of consciousness and sweeping aside from yourself all the burdensome thoughts and feelings, you become a source of Light for your world. Imagine that pure Divine Energy is pouring into your heart in a continuous flow. And you are the owner of this Energy. And you are fully responsible for keeping this Energy pure and holy. Feel this energy filling your aura. Your aura is expanding and becoming evened out. Your entire body is being immersed into a state of bliss, delight. You feel calm and confident in yourself, in your future. You understand that God cares about you every minute of your life on Earth. All you only need to be sensitive and listen to the advice that you receive from the Higher part of yourself. Your Higher Self always knows what you should do. Do not be stubborn; listen to its advice, accept its help in your earthly affairs. When you become filled with a sense of peace and love, try to extend this feeling to the whole room you are in. Imagine that your aura is expanding and embracing the whole room. Then your aura goes on expanding and is covering the entire house you are in. Your aura goes on expanding and is already covering the adjacent houses and the entire city. And each person who falls into the field of action of your aura becomes as calm, harmonious, and balanced as you yourself. All bad and disturbing thoughts leave each person who falls into the field of action of your aura. With every beat of your heart, your aura is expanding more and more. With your every breath in and out, the area of influence of your aura is becoming larger and larger. You can imagine that the entire country and the entire globe fall into the field of action of your aura. The whole world experiences a constant lack of Love, peace. You can give your Love to the whole world, to every living being on the planet Earth. Imagine how many beings on planet Earth need your help right now. And the waves of Love emanating from your heart right at this moment can prevent someone’s death or relieve someone’s suffering. Bestow your Love upon the world. This is what you can do for the world, and that does not require any extra effort from you. Send your Love to the president of your country. Send your Love to all the people who have the power in your country and whom the changing of the situation in your country depends upon. When a person feels the Love being sent to him, this gives him strength and confidence to perform the right Divine actions. Pray that your leaders be able to accept the Divine Wisdom into their hearts, so their hearts will open for the Divine guidance. Your country is your child, your collective brainchild. And each of you is responsible for taking care of your child. Now your country resembles a neglected child that nobody cares about, and that is cursed by everyone. Change your attitude toward your child, and the situation in your country will change. Today I have given you a direction for your everyday work. You can compose the text of meditation yourselves and repeat it. The only condition is the sincerity and purity of your feelings. You cannot pretend with Love; you cannot pretend in your caring about your country. You must do this sincerely. Sincerely send your Love to every disharmonious situation that occurs in your country. So, first you harmonize yourself. Feel the Divine Energy flowing to you, into your heart. Feel the warmth inside your heart. You feel the Divine Love and harmony penetrating you from the Divine world. Now you can expand this Love and this harmony to your entire country, to the whole world. And when you encounter any disharmonious situation in your life, always recall this feeling of Love in your heart during your meditations, and send this Love from your heart into that disharmonious situation. You cannot fight the imperfection of the whole world, but you can oust all the imperfection from your world with the help of your Love. I AM Lanello, with love for you. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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