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![]() Your world is to be changed, and this change can only be implemented by way of transformation of your consciousnessBeloved Jesus I AM Jesus, having come to you today. The content of my talk today will be about material, without which your progress on your Path will be less successful. Therefore, you should find the time and get acquainted with this material. You know that I stepped on Earth about 2000 years ago. And this event became so significant in the eyes of many people that many of them believed in me as the Son of God and their Savior. This belief of theirs formed the basis of the religion that you know as Christianity. But I must tell you that never during the entire history of its existence did Christianity reflect the essence of the Teaching that I taught while living on Earth. The last thing that I want is to sow in your minds and hearts the distrust of Christianity, or any other religion in the world. I simply would like to direct your mind and draw your attention not to the external manifestation of the Teaching, as it is presented in all external Christian churches, but to the internal essence of my Teaching. And you will understand why I was crucified. The internal essence of my Teaching is that this world is a temporary world and you must prepare yourselves for the transition into a new world, the Divine world, which is your true Home, where you came from, and where you will return to. Therefore, there is no religion in this world that would reflect the essence of my Teaching. The secret here is that any religion represents an interpretation of the Divine Truth in the minds of people who are in embodiment and who try to formulate the Divine Truth in their own words. And as the consciousness of these people is far from perfect, then the Truth that they represent in the external religion is also far from the genuine Divine Truth. That is why God has always sent messengers and prophets into the world to remind people of the true Faith and of the true religion — a religion that is not based on a cult or worshipping something that is outside of you, but a religion based on the veneration of the One who is within you, within your heart; a religion of the heart, teaching universal Love for the entire creation and the unity of every particle of life. Within this Faith or religion, there is no place for asserting a superiority of one human individual over another. Within this Faith or religion, everyone is in an absolutely equal position before the One Creator, God-Creator. And all are servants in the temple of the Lord. Since human consciousness is imperfect, this imperfection has become the reason for inequality of people, the inequality of property that led to the division of mankind into rich and poor, and the social inequality that led to the division of mankind into different social layers and castes that created unequal and uneven access for different layers of population to education, information, and various material benefits. Any inequality that is characteristic of your world is a result of your imperfect consciousness. In fact, you are all absolutely equal before your Father. The Heavenly Father loves each of you and cares for each of you equally. However due to your individual peculiarities, which are initially inherent in you, you create for yourselves those karmic conditions that generate limitations. And each of you eventually finds yourself to be at different stages of the development of your consciousness. Some individuals gained an opportunity of a greater advancement on the Path because of their achievements that they previously developed in previous incarnations. Other individuals fall behind in their development, and it is very difficult for their consciousness to comprehend even elementary knowledge. Therefore, beloved, God allows such a large number of different faiths, different religions, regardless of the fact that many of them distort the Divine reality greatly. However, for some, precisely such an approach is the best at the stage of the development of consciousness of the individual, which they are at. We are fully aware of the fact that the Dictations being given by us at present through this Messenger will be understood by a very small number of people. In other people, especially in those people who have very firmly attached their consciousness to some religious doctrine, these Dictations will cause nothing but irritation and a desire to get even with the person through whom these Dictations are given. And you may again face the same situation that humanity faced 2000 years ago, when the enraged mob shouted, “Crucify him!” Maybe this time it will not come to a direct physical assault. But the negative forces that act in your world have made sure that a whole arsenal of means of black magic and witchcraft became accessible to anyone wishing. Look at the shelves in your stores. With all the abundance of books that they are filled with, you will hardly find a few dozen of books that you really need for your spiritual development and your spiritual advancement. The remaining 90 percent of the books are spiritual surrogates, the reading of which is useless at best, but at worst, simply destructive to your consciousness, your way of thinking, and literally programs you to commit wrong actions. Therefore, I always feel a great joy, when watching from the subtle plane, that one more person is found who has gained access to these Dictations, having discovered the websites where they are placed, in the maze of the Internet. For me, this person resembles a light of reason, love, aspiration, and faith that suddenly flashes out in the darkness of your world. And I, watching how more and more such lights flash out in those countries where people understand the Russian language in which these Dictations are given, I regret that we have not yet managed to find reliable people through whom we could make translations of these Dictations into other world languages. Therefore, I ask those of you who feel the desire, an aspiration, and the ability to translate or to contribute to the translation of these Dictations into other world languages: please take the trouble to fulfill my request and render this important service to the world. These Dictations are like a fresh wind blowing into the stuffy atmosphere of humanity. For some, this fresh wind of change is useful, because they like to put themselves under the gusts of this wind, and in this wind, they anticipate something new that will inevitably come to Earth, and that are already coming through the minds and hearts of those who read these Dictations. On the other hand, many people will be so much irritated by this fresh wind that they will want to stop at any cost this source of renewal and healing of people’s consciousness. Because they will feel the danger coming from this source, the power that can destroy their usual way of life and make them adapt to the new world and the transformed conditions of existence in this world. Just like 2000 years ago, they can exert their effort to physically assault with the source of Light, or make an effort to suppress it by their godless actions. However, recollect the Dictation of Beloved Surya.[1] Everyone who takes any actions against our Messenger will bear the heaviest kind of karma inherent in your world — the karma of godlessness. Each person, who is visibly or in his consciousness fighting against God, against the Law of God, is like a cancerous tumor that requires treatment, but if this is untreatable, then an urgent surgery is required to free the Divine organism from this tumor. This will be done and is already being done for the benefit of the health of the entire organism of this Universe, a part of which is this planet. Your true enemies do not sit somewhere in the government and do not lead any religion or faith. Your true enemies, with whom you must fight mercilessly, are inside of you. And first of all, this is your ignorance and your unwillingness to change your consciousness. And you will find thousands of reasons to justify all your actions, all your negative qualities, thoughts, and feelings, instead of giving up all imperfections and laying all your attachments to this world, and all your imperfections on the altar of serving the true God residing within you, within your heart. I know that a day will come for each of you when the Light of reason will illuminate the darkness of your being and you will make your final choice, and you will never again separate yourself in your consciousness from God, a particle of who you are. And you will find the meaning of your life and the meaning of your existence in complete obedience to the Will of God and in your service for the implementation of this Will in the reality around you. Your world is to be changed and this change can only be implemented by changing of your consciousness. This is that simple Truth that I came to teach 2000 years ago, and people chose to crucify me, but not to change their consciousness. Well, you are again facing the same dilemma, and you are again making your choice. Therefore, I wish you to make the right choice this time and finally be reconciled to the Will of God and become His sincere servants for the ages. I AM Jesus. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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