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![]() I believe in the great future of Russia, and I would like to endow each of you with a particle of my FaithBeloved Nicholas Roerich I AM Nicholas Roerich, an Ascended Master, having come to you through this Messenger. There is so much I would like to say to the people of Earth who are now in embodiment. And I must say that which is most necessary, to give exactly the advice and recommendations that should be used at present. To what was said earlier, it is necessary to add just a few concepts and explanations that are so necessary for you. If I were in embodiment now, then I would put all my strength, all my energy, and all my money into only one thing: the creation of a system of free education for children at the age when they are most receptive to receiving any information and when their minds are not yet blocked by the flow of false information, pouring out from the world mass media. I would make my every effort to meet with people, who have power in their hands, as well as with those people, who have financial resources at their disposal. It is necessary to find the right words; it is necessary to try to convince them towards creating a wide network of educational institutions for children, for those who are able to learn and have inquisitive minds. This should be a global humanitarian education with mandatory study of art history, world history, the history of religion, and the modern means of communication. It is the broad approach and the study of the best patterns of creativity both in science, and in art, that humanity possesses at this stage and which mankind has received as a heritage from previous generations of people. The education should be of the most versatile, general humanitarian character. An inquisitive child's mind, free from dogmas, religious dogmas, and the touch of hopelessness inherent in the already formed generation, is able to absorb, like a sponge, the knowledge and understanding available to humanity. A person, who has received a full education and, most importantly, who has received an understanding of the Divine Law, will serve as the basis, the foundation, on which we will be able to erect the building of the future, the building of the New Era, which replaces the old one. It is necessary to pay special attention to education in the field of religion. One should never assert in a child’s consciousness the foundations of any religion that already exists on Earth. But it is necessary to give knowledge and understanding about the foundations of Faith. The Divine feeling is inherent in every child coming into this world, especially for those souls who belong to the new Sixth Root Race and who have already begun their incarnations on Earth. This Divine feeling, Faith in the Divine Law and in Divine justice should be freely developed in the consciousness of a child, without being exposed to any church dogmas. The open consciousness of a child is able to find very quickly a common essence, a common Source, behind all the existing faiths and religions. This is exactly what is necessary for Russia at the present stage. Russia has historically been prepared to become the first successor of the New Faith, not belonging to any of the existing faiths, but containing them all. Any contradiction on religious grounds is a manifestation of the limitation in people's consciousness. Unscrupulous people use the limitation of people’s consciousness in order to assert their power through the introduction of religious dogmas and rules. The task of these unscrupulous people, and the forces acting through them, is to swaddle the human mind and drive it into a box of dogmas and rules that are characteristic of any of the religions that currently exist on Earth. And a person is forced to experience the action of opposing forces. On the one hand, the dogmas and limitations of the official religion that dominate him; on the other hand, the absolutely boundless Divine consciousness that does not tolerate any restrictions, of which he is a part. And this is his Higher Divine Self. People torn by this contradiction are really forced to stay between a rock and a hard place their entire lives. I foresee strong resistance from official religions in creating the educational institutions of the future. I foresee how difficult it will be to fulfill the conception and implementation of the plan. However, every child, who has received a full education, will be able to influence and participate in the formation of the life guidelines for thousands and millions of citizens of the country, regardless of the sphere of activity in which he chooses to apply his efforts. Caring for the education of children is a task which in its significance and importance cannot be compared to any other. A country that does not care about its future cannot be a viable country. It is time to return to everyday life such concepts as dignity and honor. Society needs an urgent restoration of moral guidelines. I am fully aware that what I am asking for and what I am talking about today will be very difficult to accomplish. The whole country and every citizen of the country bear the karma of godlessness which Russia took upon itself after the Revolution of 1917 and the execution of the Tsar’s family. And this karma does not allow many of you to see the prospects and hides from you the Divine vision of the future for this country. If you feel complete impotence and inability to apply your efforts to create the conditions for the positive development for this country, then, in any case, do not fall into despair and despondency. Believe in the miracle that will save Russia. Your faith in the Divine miracle that will inevitably happen and save Russia gives the Ascended Hosts an opportunity to intervene in the current situation in the country. Sometimes one speech, made on time, at the necessary moment and properly directed, is enough to change the course of history for the whole country. But in order for this speech to take place and the necessary impulse to be created, it is necessary for you, beloved, to accept in your consciousness a possibility for the manifestation of a miracle for Russia. Pray and ask God in your everyday prayers for the salvation of Russia, for God to have mercy, and allow a miracle for Russia. The karma that Russia created during the time of godlessness is too heavy. However, it is necessary to accept this karma with humility. Repent. It is the repentance and confession of the sins committed in the past that will be the moment that will allow the Ascended Hosts to intervene in the situation in your country and perform a miracle. Do not rely on America and Europe. Do not rely on anyone who will come and save Russia. Russia will rise like the Phoenix bird from the ashes, and it is its mission - to show the path for the whole world, for the same America and Europe. All the prophecy for Russia is written in the Russian folk tales. Remember Ivan, who had been lying down for a long time on the stove, and then the stove itself took off, and Ivan changed and began to perform miracles. It is in the Russian folk tales that the prophecy about Russia is written. I am telling you about what is destined, about what is being prepared, and what will happen for Russia. I am not speaking about a distant bright future and I do not urge you to prepare your grandchildren for living under communism. I am speaking about a miracle that will happen in the memory of the current generation of people. Come on, Ivan, get off the stove! Your time has come! That is enough lying around! Great work is to be done to transform the consciousness of humanity! You do not realize the strength, the energy inherent in the people of Russia. If Russia did not have its great mission, would the forces of darkness have spent so much effort to suppress any sprouts of the New World on the territory of Russia over the past 150 years? I believe in the great future of Russia, and I would like to endow each of you with a particle of my Faith. I AM Nicholas Roerich. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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