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![]() We are establishing our focus of Light in the Land of RussiaBeloved Lanello (Mark Prophet) I AM Lanello, having come to you through this Messenger. Do you remember me? I AM the one who founded the organization, the Summit Lighthouse in America in 1958. I established that organization following the instructions of El Morya and other Ascended Masters who had supported that organization for almost 40 years of its existence until the moment when El Morya ceased his sponsorship of that organization in 1997. I must convey to you new information regarding our sponsorship of the organizations currently existing in America. You may know that there are several organizations in different American states, including the state of Montana, that declared themselves as the successors of the Summit Lighthouse, and the people who founded those organizations declared themselves as messengers. The moment has come when I must help you clear up this confusion in your minds caused by such a large number of organizations and messengers. My wish is to provide you with guidance as to how you should treat all those organizations. Unfortunately, the situation in America is such that none of the organizations is granted the sponsorship of the Ascended Masters, and none of the messengers who declared themselves as the messengers of the Great White Brotherhood, is in fact a messenger of this Brotherhood. The further sponsorship of any organizations which is in the territory of America was turned down. Too much Light and too much Energy were spent by the Ascended Hosts in order to establish such organizations as the Bridge to Freedom, the I AM Activity, and finally, the Summit Lighthouse. So much Light was released through those organizations, that hardly ever had such an amount of Light been released within such a short historical period of time in the history of the development of Earth. The people of America had an opportunity to be present during the direct communications with the Ascended Hosts that were taking place literally before their eyes. They had an opportunity to feel the Light that was being released during the process of Dictations. They were literally pressing their lips to this Light, and were drinking and drinking this Light. We had their thirst slaked, and we gave knowledge exactly to the extent that it was possible to give this knowledge at that particular moment in that particular country. And what did we get in the end? I will not reveal a great secret to you if I say that the people who were drinking the Light of the Dictations for tens of years managed to use 90 percent of that Light for their internal quarrels and squabbles. You can only imagine what it was like for the Ascended Hosts to watch the Light that was poured by them with love into the hearts of those individuals then turned into ashes of condemnation, jealousy, envy, and other negative feelings inherent in people. Beloved, what it was like for us to watch the distortion of the Energy of Light that was given by us with so much love. The unprecedented dispensation of Heaven failed in the Land of America. And I must state that sorrowful fact. No organizations will ever be granted the sponsorship of the Ascended Hosts, at least not in the foreseeable future. We tried repeatedly to anchor the focus of light in the territory of America, and each time we were defeated by the unpredictable and unreal part of our embodied followers. I AM Lanello, having come to you to inform you about this sorrowful fact. We are leaving the Land of America and we are relocating our focus of Light to the Land of the Mother - Russia. You know that the initial plan of the Great White Brotherhood was to anchor the focus of Light exactly in Russia for implementing the plans of the Brotherhood in this country, the country beloved by God. However, the resistance of the forces of darkness was so great that we had to step back. During the entire 20th century, we were unable to act in the territory of Russia due to the karmic circumstances that emerged there. You know that Elizabeth and I were embodied there as Tsarevitch Alexey and Tsarevna Anastasia. But our mission was interrupted at the very beginning owing to the Revolution and the subsequent shooting of the Tsar’s Family. A heavy karma of this action befell the whole nation of Russia. And what you see now in this country — a war-like devastation in the absence of any apparent military actions in the physical plane — is the consequence of the karma created by the shooting of the Tsar’s Family. Russia has repulsed many enemies during its history. And I always felt compassion for the courageous people of this country. But never before has this country had to face an invisible enemy, the enemy that has penetrated the hearts and minds of people and makes them perform actions that are inconsistent with the Divine plan for this country. We shift our focus again to this Land of the Mother — Russia. And I am now addressing those residing in the Mother Russia who can hear me and can read this Dictation. The example of America is before your eyes. The example of Russia is also before your eyes, those actions that it committed in the past against the Messengers of God, the representatives of the Hierarchy of Light. The situation on planet Earth is so unpredictable that we cannot foresee in advance to what extent our efforts will be successful this time. Yet, I can assure you that the success of the actions being undertaken by the Masters now must be entirely supported by your personal efforts. Yes, we invested a lot of Light in the Land of America, but we did not reap anything sensible in that Land. And every new dispensation is given under more severe conditions and with much greater limitations. And now you have to start acting without an organization in which the Masters can anchor their focus, with no financial resources, without having anything but your hands, your feet, your heads, and the devotion of your hearts. These are rigorous trials and an ordeal for the light-bearers of this country. But I can assure you that the best representatives of the Light, the best sons and daughters of God, are embodied in the territory of Russia now. And each of them will consider it to be an honor to fulfill their Divine mission under whatever hard conditions they will have to act in the territory of Russia now. You have a Messenger, and you have an opportunity to receive this instruction and instructions of the other Masters. In fact, you do not need anything else in order to start acting. We were nourishing the sons and daughters of God in America for almost the entire 20th century. And now we have to return to the Land of Russia to find support in the hearts of its daughters and sons who did not receive so much Light, so much of our care and guardianship, but who are quite mature children of Light, and who are capable of acting under any circumstances and in the most severe conditions peculiar to this country. You received your tests and you received your trials while dwelling not in the hothouse environment of the Summit Lighthouse. You received your initiations from the very life in the conditions of Russia. And you withstood such severe conditions. What was easy to realize in America owing to the principles of freedom and democracy laid in the foundation of this country by Saint Germain, was always very difficult to realize in the circumstances of Russia. A great number of daughters and sons of God perished in the concentration camps and mental hospitals. You had to go through terrible ordeals, and this hardened your hearts. We are establishing our focus of Light in the Land of Russia. And now it depends only on you yourselves and your efforts on how you will be able to implement our sponsorship. We are opening a Path for you. But you will go along it with your own feet. I AM Lanello. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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