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![]() We have grandiose opportunities ahead for the implementation of God’s plans for the planet EarthBeloved Cyclopea I AM Cyclopea. I AM, having come through this Messenger today. I AM Elohim Cyclopea. I AM, having come to give you the Divine Vision of the situation on the planet in the near future. I AM the creator of the world of forms, and I was the one who materialized the Divine Vision during the process of creation of the world of manifested forms. The entire manifested world was created with my participation. I participated in every stage of the manifestation of the material Universe. And I am the one who keeps in consciousness the Divine Vision for this Universe and the plan of God for this Universe. I am beginning to present my Vision. The manifested world of form, in all its diversity, is a necessary part of creation and appears when the vibrations of the primordial Divine Energy, which is the basis of this Universe, are reduced to the limit, the lowest frequency on the spectrum permissible for this Universe. You are now at the lowest point of the manifested world. Your vibrations are at the lowest point. And your manifested world corresponds to this point. You are in this world because your vibrations correspond to the world surrounding you. Therefore, everything that surrounds you seems to be real. You can see it; you can touch it. It is your world. However, the world that surrounds you is similar to the part of an iceberg that is above the surface of the water. And your physical body represents only a small part of you - the part whose vibrations belong to the lowest frequency of the manifestation of the Divine Energy. Your higher bodies, that surround your physical body and cannot be seen with your physical vision, have a higher frequency of vibrations. These subtle structures largely determine your manifestation in the physical world. Your higher bodies, your subtle energetic structures are interconnected among themselves and are connected with your physical body through the system of energetic centers, or chakras. You know that along your spinal column there are seven main energetic centers connected with your emotional body, mental body, and etheric body. In fact, the number of energetic centers located along your spine is much greater. There are also other energy centers located in other parts of your body. Through these centers, your physical body is nourished with Divine Energy. I will not reveal a secret to you if I say that the majority of embodied mankind has no connection between their higher bodies and their physical bodies due to the fact that their energetic centers are not functioning. And the main reason why your energy centers do not function is your karma, energy dense as treacle, which has stuck to your energetic centers and prevents them from transmitting Divine Energy. At best, people have only the lower chakras open or partly open, which allow them to sometimes feel the vibrations of Divine Energy during moments of enjoyment in nature, music, or a church service. However, in the majority of mankind there is no possibility to receive Divine Energy directly by means of their chakras. But you know that this whole world is only Divine Energy, vibrating at different frequencies. And actually in this Universe there is nothing, except Divine Energy. Therefore, when a person cannot receive the Divine energy through his chakras, he actually separates himself from God and the Divine Reality. He condemns himself to death because he loses touch with the Divine Reality. Therefore, beloved, the existence of a physical body without connection to the more subtle planes of the manifestation of Divine Reality dooms you to death at the end of your physical life cycle. And for you, the choice that each of you makes in this difficult time for the planet is actually a matter of life and death. I hope that I have explained to you quite clearly the essence of the processes taking place. If you reject the Divine Reality, if you choose a separated existence in the illusory physical world, then you literally doom yourself to death. That is why the question of your choice comes to the fore now: Which world do you choose — the illusory world surrounding you or the Divine world. Perishable or imperishable. Those souls, who choose to exist in the physical world, choose this world doom their higher, immortal part to non-existence. There cannot be only that part of an iceberg which is located above the water. You either have a whole iceberg or you do not have an iceberg at all. I hope that I have made my point clearly enough. If you do not allow God to manifest through you, then what significance do you have for God? You are all constituent parts of the one organism of God, and if a healthy organism does not get rid of the dead obsolete cells, then this organism condemns itself to death. You do not even notice the fact that every minute your organism liberates itself from dead cells, from all that is not vital in it. The analogy between your organism and the Universe is absolute in this case. You yourself make the choice: You either direct the vector of your attention to the illusion or you direct the vector of your attention to the real Divine World. You have been told many times in the Dictations given through this Messenger that there has been a change of cycles. The cycle of the contraction of the illusory world has begun. The cycle of raising the vibrations of the physical world has begun, the cycle of transition of the Divine manifestation onto a higher plane has begun. You cannot say that each of you have heard nothing of this. You had an opportunity to make a choice quite consciously with your external consciousness. And the majority of the Earth’s population has already made this choice by now. Therefore, in the near future, there will be an increased differentiation between the people who have chosen God and the people who have chosen the illusory world. And you will observe the manifestation of previously hidden abilities and spiritual gifts in some and the obvious degradation of others. People who have doomed themselves to be separated from the Divine Energy will not be able to manifest themselves in this world in the near future, because they will be deprived of energy sources. They will no longer be able to take energy from others, and they do not have their own energy. On the other hand, people who have made their choice in favor of God will gain access to the Divine Energy and will be able to manifest this energy through their being and do the works of God in the dense world. Beloved, you cannot bargain with God. You can no longer give the energy of prayer to receive benefits in the physical world. The bargaining is finished. And I recommend that those of you, who have not yet made a conscious choice in favor of God, to hurry with the choice. Let the dead bury the dead. We have grandiose opportunities ahead for the implementation of God’s plans for the planet Earth. And do not let yourself be confused with the obvious injustice and various abuses that you see around you. The night is always dark before dawn. And the dawn is about to break, and after a few generations of people, you will feel how the planet will change. I have not given you any new knowledge. You have already heard about all of this from other sources many times. Probably, I have simply offered you a slightly different point of view. And I will be glad if this point of view helps you to gain the Divine Vision of what's happening around you in the physical world now, and endows you with the Divine Vision of the grandiose prospects that await this planet in the future. I AM Cyclopea. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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