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![]() The time has come for you to start acting!Ascended Master Igor I AM Igor, having come through this Messenger. I AM Igor, who, while living as a simple peasant, was balancing the karma of all of Russia during the terrible time of the revolution and civil war at the beginning of the 20th century. Two forces clashed in the battle for the future of Russia. It was truly a battle between Light and darkness. But we did not withstand. The path of Light was postponed for Russia, despite all my efforts and the efforts of others, who balanced this situation while being in embodiment, and trying to do everything possible to minimize the victims. The karma of Russia did not allow it to pass over the abyss and soar to a new level of Russian statehood. Russia fell into the abyss of faithlessness for 100 long years. Even now, this difficult period of timelessness has not passed. Russia hangs between the past and the future. She does not move towards the bright future destined for her, and cannot slide back to the past, which seems terrible to her. Millions of victims of war, revolution, dispossession, and repression. I tell you, not a single country in the world could have endured all these monstrous experiments on itself. It required infinite patience and humility of this nation, to go through this part of the path and not break. The people would have just liked to breathe when Perestroika[1] began, but it was not to be. The beast that has overwhelmed Russia does not sleep, does not let her rise from her knees, spread her wings and throw off the beast of ignorance, the beast of unbelief — the bloodthirsty beast, clinging to Russia with a death grip. Mother Russia, the long suffering Land of the Mother. The darkness has enveloped Russia so tightly that no ray of hope is visible. It is impossible to see where to aspire to. Faith has been ruined; the moral ideals of society have been destroyed. Absolute disbelief and lawlessness have settled in the hearts and minds of people. The strength of any nation lies in the hearts of her people. There is nothing impossible which cannot be changed in the external physical manifestation, if there are aspiring hearts, loving hearts, and believing hearts. Hearts, ready to sacrifice life itself for the sake of establishing a happy reign in their beloved country. I did everything I could when I was in embodiment. I did not leave my prayer post for days, only occasionally allowing myself to stop for a short sleep. I prayed, and prayed, and prayed. I wanted only one thing - for Russia to be carried over the abyss. I prayed to the Holy Virgin and the Heavenly Father for a miracle for Russia. But the miracle did not happen, although the burden was lightened and Russia retained its integrity. And now after 100 years the situation repeats. The same poverty reigns in Russia, the same bureaucratic lawlessness reigns in Russia. And there is no strength to look at it and endure it. The heart sheds tears, looking at the suffering of the people of this country. What is the solution? Do you expect advice and recommendations from me, on what you should do? I will tell you honestly, if I was embodied in Russia at present, I would not be able to balance the karma with prayers alone. If you see a child, who is in a burning house, and this house is about to collapse, what will you do? Will you pray and call for a miracle to happen, or will you rush into the fire and pull the child out? Everybody decides this question for themselves. It is all about the purity of the heart of the one praying. And if you are sure of your holiness, that your prayer is capable of stopping any calamity, I bow before your faith. And I am with you in your prayer. And I will strengthen your prayer by my presence among you. However, now Russia needs concrete actions on the physical plane. This is especially true for the education of children and youth. Deprived of ideology in any form, deprived of basic moral foundations, young people, who are the future of Russia, will not be able to take responsibility for the country in their adulthood. For the sake of momentary benefits for themselves and their families in the present, they will be ready to pawn the whole of Mother Russia for 30 pieces of silver in order to obtain the Kingdom of God for themselves in overseas lands. There is not and cannot be any Kingdom of God on Earth. And the measure of your achievements is not determined by the number of dollars in your current account in a foreign bank. The measure of your achievements is determined by the degree of the sacrifice that you can make to save your neighbours, the disadvantaged and the needy. Any state is created to protect itself from external enemies and to protect itself from internal enemies. And the internal enemies include poverty and misery. Therefore, the state which does not care for the people in need of care — children, elderly people, and the disadvantaged — is not a state that is supported by the Supreme Law. Such a state is doomed either to extinction or to transformation. I offer you the help of Heaven to transform your state. There were times in the history of Russia when she was almost conquered by foreigners. You remember the Tatar invasion, the Patriotic War of 1812. Remember Minin and Pozharsky, Alexander Nevsky. Remember the Great Patriotic War in the last century. There were always people who rose and, at the cost of incredible efforts, at the cost of life itself liberated the country from foreign invaders. I am telling you, that the country is now being conquered by foreigners. And the difficulty is that they have come from within the country, from the nation itself, but, in fact, they are foreigners. They rob and plunder Russia and export the loot to Europe and America. People of Russia, you must rise again altogether, and you must win the final victory in this battle between Good and evil. Russia has a bright future ahead. But first, it is necessary to get rid of the foreign invaders who have seized power in the country through cunning and deception, and are ruling you and rubbing their hands from every plundered million deposited in a Swiss bank and bank of America. I promise you the help of the Ascended Hosts, with all the assistance of Heaven in the liberation of Russia from these invaders but you must rise altogether, and you yourselves must throw off this yoke of the invaders. The time has come to roll up your sleeves! You cannot be idle any longer! You must act! The child is on fire! Mother Russia is on fire! Only the blind and the deaf can continue to pretend that nothing is happening. I am giving you now the most powerful weapon, against which there is no defense, and against which no enemy can resist. I endow your hearts with Faith, Hope, and Aspiration. I endow your hearts with Love for your Motherland, for Mother Russia. I kindle a fire in your hearts. With this fire you will no longer be inactive. This fire will not let you rest either day or night. And you will do what you know you must do. You will do what you came into embodiment for. You will carry the fire of Faith and Knowledge to everyone you meet on your path. You will do everything in your power, as during the siege of your hometowns by the enemy. And you will work tirelessly, having only a short time to sleep. You must act! Get up, Russ! Rise, people of God! The enemy is in the yard! And the Victory is ahead! And liberation, and Joy! I am giving you this impulse of my heart, and I am endowing you with aspiration for Victory! Beloved, Heaven is looking at you. The time has come for you to start acting! I AM Igor, and I am with you now. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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