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![]() Two cycles are outlined by me in the Apocalypse: The cycle of the descent into matter and the cycle of the ascension from matterSaint John the Beloved I AM John the Beloved. You must remember me. I am known as the person who wrote the Apocalypse, the Revelation of John the Beloved. I wrote what I received as a revelation during my spiritual insights on the island of Patmos. I wrote this in a form that allowed me to communicate the essence of the Revelation and at the same time, to veil this essence. Many people tried to understand the meaning of my Revelation, but it was not given to them. Not because it is not written, but because it was not understood. I used many symbols and different values for one and the same meaning. I used words having different meanings. I used images that have a negative meaning, but are positive, and I used a chronology that could not be interpreted with the help of the linear earth calendar. I did this because I was talking about an event that does not relate exclusively to the current millennium, nor to the previous, nor to the following one. I was talking about an event that has been taking place on Earth throughout the entire period of human evolution on the planet. A thousand years for a human is equivalent to a million years, if we consider this thousand and this million in relation to the lifetime of a person, they are the same units when compared with the less than 100 years of a human life. I spoke about the period of human development, and I meant the whole cycle of human existence in the physical body. A dragon and a beast have different meanings in my allegory. The dragon means the Good, and the beast means the evil. The dragon descends to Earth from the Heavens and in a rage pursues the wife, who conceived a male child. The wife represents humanity. The Dragon is the Divine Wisdom that descended into man. The Baby is the fruit of this Wisdom, the Higher Self of man that will be concealed for a thousand years and even more. Do try to understand that throughout the millions of years of existence of earthly mankind, the beast has raged. The beast that represents man’s passions, his ego. The beast must be thrown down just as the Dragon was thrown down from Heaven at the beginning of time and descended into matter, mother, wife. Two cycles are outlined by me in the Apocalypse: The cycle of the descent into matter and the cycle of the ascension from matter. While dwelling in matter, seven more cycles pass by, which are marked by the sounds of angelic trumpets. Each cycle brings troubles and misfortunes through which mankind passes in order to free itself from the beast that has merged with man and prevents the manifestation of the Divine nature of man. All the troubles and misfortunes that humanity passes through are necessary for it to realize its Divine nature, to liberate itself from the beast of carnal desires and carnal mind, and to raise its consciousness to the level of Divine Wisdom which is symbolized by the descent of the quadrangular city at the end of the cycles. Seven cycles symbolize the seven human Races, and the seven heads of the dragon symbolize the seven human Races. And, having passed through these seven cycles, man must liberate himself from the beast’s consciousness and become a Divine man. I gave an allegory, symbolizing the descent into matter of the Highest Spirits, and I gave an allegory of the ascension of these Spirits from matter along with the rise of the consciousness of all humanity. I am very sorry that the images and symbols I applied have been misunderstood and distorted. If you read this Dictation of mine together with the Dictations of Moses[1] and Zarathustra[2], then the meaning of the ancient Truth will be revealed to you, to those of you who want to know the Truth and to those of you who are ready to know this Truth. Many years will pass before this Truth takes possession of the minds of many people. And many years will pass before the consciousness of most people acquires the transparency of crystal and is capable of passing through itself the fullness of the Divine Truth. Now your consciousness is like a muddy glass; you look through it and cannot make out the Truth no matter how hard you try. Someone sees only the general contours of the Truth, and someone sees nothing at all and is forced to rely on the opinion of those who see something. And it also happens that a person who does not see anything cannot believe a person who is able to see something and accuses this person of lying, or envies the sighted one. The beast of human ignorance will still reign over the minds of people for a long time. Many people resemble beasts and do not hear the voice of Reason either in themselves or in others, and only troubles, misfortunes, and suffering are capable of teaching these people to be human. They call these troubles upon themselves by their deeds and actions with respect to each other, to nature, and to Mother Earth. The time you live in is terrible. The darkest passions rage in people. They do not want to hear the voice of Reason and do not want to turn back on the Path of knowing the Divine Truth. And everything will be just as I have described. And no cup will pass from people. So it was, and so it will be. But sooner or later the cycles will end and man will get rid of his beast, his animal nature, and will be rewarded by dwelling in the Kingdom of God, which he has deserved and which he will certainly achieve in his consciousness. It will be just as I have described. Just read it. Today I have given you the keys necessary to understand my Revelation. I have told you exactly as much as I had to tell. For those who understand, I have said too much, and for those who are not capable of understanding, I have said nothing. I AM John the Beloved, and I have been with you today. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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