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![]() A Teaching on the TransitionLord Shiva I AM Shiva, who has come to you again! Shiva I AM! I have come to you on this day! I have come! I am happy today that I have the opportunity to speak through my Messenger again! Each time I come in order to support the connection between our worlds and to continue your instruction. You know that now the time is coming when it is necessary to part with the illusions of your consciousness. You know that your victory over death is inevitable, if only you are able to elevate your consciousness to the level of your immortal part. You are like a matryoshka doll. Every time when you open another matryoshka, you see a new one. The same is the principle of your development. When you part with your physical body, you simply transition in your consciousness to a higher vibrational level. You will continue to come into incarnation and take on physical bodies until you learn how to constantly reside at a higher energy level. Therefore, our task is to prompt your consciousness to transition to a higher energy level. This gradual process will simply accelerate now. You are slightly behind the cosmic deadlines, and that is why we have to hasten you. You follow us for as long as you are able to change your consciousness. When you begin to understand many things better than we, as it seems to you, and prefer to explore new-fashioned teachings and practices, we do not interfere. It can be very amusing to observe how you fancy yourselves as very high cosmic beings. You think that you are great cosmic beings. However, before you actually become these great cosmic beings, you have to graduate from earthly school and consecutively pass through all the stages along the Path. Therefore, when you are being called to the instant elevation of your consciousness and to transition to a different energy level, if I were you I would strongly question how realistic is what is being offered. For millions of years we have been following the evolutionary development of mankind. In terms of comprehending the Divine Truth, your consciousness has not advanced very far in the past thousands of years. You should not confuse the development of your intellect with the development of the Divine consciousness. It is still very hard for you to comprehend the simple Divine Truths related to reincarnation and the Law of karma. It is a great difficulty for you to overcome a small attachment or an inconspicuous habit. This happens because the greatest difficulty is related to overcoming the attachment to the physical plane. It seems strange when you are offered to instantly receive big initiations and achieve considerable advancement on the path. If I were you, I would think about at what expense this great advancement will take place. Who will give you the energy to transform your karmic loads? And on what terms do your benefactors engage in your fast advancement? Does it not resemble the sale of your soul, of your life energy, to the devil? Try to understand how the Cosmic Law operates. When, due to the Law of free will, you make your choices and lower your vibrations, you come down to the material world, deepening into the matter more and more. After that, you will need a great amount of energy, which must be equal to all the Divine energy that you have once misused. That energy must come to you under certain terms. Imagine that a miracle has happened and all the energy that you had misused for millions of years has come back to you instantly. Considering the density of your physical body and your vibrations, how will you be able to withstand that energy? For your being, it will be similar to an explosion of a supernova. Your consciousness will not be able to instantly adjust to the new energy level. That is why we teach you a gradual evolutionary path. In the course of an accelerated evolution, almost all humanity would die. We do not have the desire to promote your death. We have the desire for you to continue your evolution at a higher energy level. Think carefully and compare my words with many of the teachings and theories that you come across and that are related to an instant leap. Who will give the energy for that leap? I am telling you this as a being that has been granted the power and called to contract the illusion. I am telling you that it is impossible to instantly transition to a level of consciousness of greater quality, unless that transition is accompanied by the death of almost all human individuals inhabiting the planet Earth. We teach the evolutionary path and we give the knowledge, thanks to which you will be able to naturally elevate your consciousness to a higher energy level. In that way, a greater number of beings living on Earth will be able to continue the evolution. Any revolutionary change of vibrations can happen only when the efforts that we make are not successful in the near future. We believe that the majority of you are ready to continue the evolution and to change the vibrations of your body to such an extent that you will survive in the new conditions. However, you should also make the efforts to extend the evolution and to not end up in unfavorable conditions that exist on the planets that had desired to separate themselves from God. All that follows the Divine Law existing in this Universe must be provided with everything necessary for its evolutionary development. All that does not wish to follow the Divine Law will face greater and greater hardships until a complete termination of development occurs, and the angels of death will escort the remnants of the soul to repolarization. You are given exactly as much as is needed to make a conscious choice of the path and to continue your evolution. We have not spoken so clearly and in such detail through any other Messenger of the past or the present. I AM Shiva! I came today in order to provide your consciousness with important information for thinking over in the stillness of your heart and for making the decision. I AM Shiva. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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