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![]() A discourse on the change of the physical plane through the change of consciousnessBeloved Surya I AM Surya, who has come to you again through our Messenger. I have come in order to attest once again to the fact that we have made the decision to continue our work in the physical plane through our Messenger. This work is related not only to the receiving of our Messages. In reality, the transmission of Dictations or Messages of the Masters is only a part of the mission that we are carrying out on Earth. The Dictations give you the opportunity to become familiar with the direction in which you should advance in order not to end up at the road-side of the evolutionary process. However, in the same way as there are theory classes or lectures, there is also practice. You know that theory without practice is dead. When you only study a science or some literature without putting it into practice, you do not advance anywhere. It is similar to running in place. That is why we come and create conditions for you in the form of our energies. When you receive and absorb the Divine energy, you also receive the Divine opportunity to transform your consciousness and along with it, to transform your physical plane. Beloved, it is too little in your times to simply read our Messages. You need to adjust everything in your life in accordance with the principles that you receive from us. You need to analyze your entire life and understand how you can change it. It will be difficult for you because the karma that you have created and the karmic circumstances will not allow you to change your life instantly. However, until you gain the correct image inside yourselves to which you should aspire, nothing will change in your life. First, you realize in which direction you should advance, and next you begin to understand what in your lives prevents you from following the set direction. Then you begin to overcome one obstacle after another in your lives. Believe me, the obstacles outside of you that you face in your lives have been created by your imperfect consciousness. When you remove the imperfect energy from your subconsciousness and consciousness, when you change your inner orientation and direction, and the vector of your aspirations, then all outer circumstances in your lives begin to change. You do not get the perfect conditions and the opportunity to develop in accordance with the Divine principles right away. No, you overcome the imperfect state of your consciousness, and the outer circumstances of your life also begin to change. The passivity of the matter does not allow quick changes in the outer circumstance of your life. Some time must always pass for the outer circumstances to transform in accordance with the change of your consciousness. However, the principle is always the same: First you change yourselves, and then the outer circumstances change. It has been said many times, and I will repeat it now: Each of you has karma that is related to the misuse of the Divine energy in the past. This concerns not only this incarnation but also your past incarnations. That is why this karma holds back your development and does not allow you to instantly change all circumstances of your lives. Sometimes you have to make tremendous efforts in one direction in order to overcome just one aspect of your energies that have not been worked off yet. There might be many such aspects. Each of you performed deeds in the past that are associated with the breach of the Divine Law. Now the time has come to realize that you misused the Divine energy and to take measures so that these wrong deeds of yours do not happen again. First you remove the wrong quality from your consciousness, and then your life changes in proportion to the efforts that you make in the right direction. You should act in the same way when performing any activities in the physical plane. If you are striving to do something in the physical plane — even if it is a very virtuous deed, such as a deed directed to the fulfillment of the Masters’ plans in the physical plane — but you have a karmic burden in your energy field, then your karma will not allow you to complete the deed that you begin. You first need to part with your imperfections, and then perform the work for God. You will not be able to perform work for God until you become perfect builders. You will say that there are no perfect builders in your world. That is truly so. That is why you are required to make constant efforts in the right direction. Even when your imperfections do not allow you to complete work for God, you can and should continue to make your efforts in the right direction. After some time, all the energies that had been qualified wrongly by you in the past will burn in the Divine fire of your virtuous aspiration. That is why we teach you to not stop on your Path. Take action, make mistakes, redo, but continue your efforts. That is because when you begin to do something, we have the ability to help you, to correct your efforts and direct them properly. When you do not do anything, we cannot interfere. The energy must flow, it must change, and then it is easier to control. This is a constant and interpenetrating process: the change of your consciousness and the actions in the physical plane. When you take action, you have the ability to work off your karma during your actions. The karma is worked off not only by means of prayer and choices that you make. The karma is also worked off by means of proper actions directed at the transformation of your physical world. When you have the right motive and are moving in the right direction, you have the ability to work off your karma very fast. As a comparison, I will tell you that you will need 10,000 hours of uninterrupted prayer in order to work off the same karma that you would work off if you performed work for God, such as some action related to building an Ashram for our Messenger. I have approached an important topic that concerns the fulfillment of our plans in the physical plane. It is necessary for us to get settled in a pure location where we can begin to perform work on leading the perfect models downwards into your world. We need a place on Earth where we can begin to take action. First, you need to create such a place in your consciousness. Prepare your consciousness in order to live and work in accordance with the Masters’ plans, and then the Masters trust you to work for them. Therefore, you have a lot of work ahead of you on the transformation of your consciousness and on the transformation of the physical plane of planet Earth. We will be where you allow us to be. We will be where your vibrations allow the elevation of the vibrations in a location to such an extent that we can be among you and talk to you. I looked into the future. However, you are able to accelerate this future with the acceleration of the change of your consciousness. I AM Surya, and I was with you on this day. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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