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![]() A discourse on the aspiration to VictoryCosmic Being Mighty Victory I AM Cosmic Being Mighty Victory, who has come to you on this day! I have come from the remote regions of the Universe. It is difficult for you to understand and for me to explain that as soon as your consciousness attains a higher level, you become capable of tearing yourselves away from your home planet and getting drawn to the layers of the etheric octaves of Light which will allow you to acquire the Freedom of travel in the vastness of this Universe. You will gain this state of Freedom and independence from the matter and from the gravitation of any planet or planetary system. However, this will happen to you no earlier than when you are able to overcome the gravity of the matter of your planet in your consciousness. Your consciousness is currently limited by the time frames and space frames of your planet. You think within the framework of your three-dimensional world. Now the time has come for the stage when you must transform your consciousness and allow it to ascend to the next level of evolutionary development. This process of new consciousness being born inside of you is not always painless. In the same way as a new being is born into your world through pain, you have to be reborn in the throes in order to become capable of carrying the new consciousness. It is truly a burden, the same burden that was carried by all martyr saints of the past. The resistance of the matter is too strong and there are too many forces that counteract the coming of the new consciousness and the new thinking into your world. That is why you are acquiring the new with such difficulty. It is unlikely that the majority of the population of Earth understands what I am talking about. Many millions of years ago, I was at your stage of evolutionary development. Now I am trying to remember the main difficulty that stood before me as an unsolvable problem. Do you know what it is? It is the gravity of the matter. It is the unwillingness to part with the gross world. It is similar to how the infant must come out of the cradle in order to make his or her first step into the unknown world. You are simply afraid to part with your old and habitual state of attachment to the matter. The matter is your Mother. However, there is also a Father, who is calling you to the ascension to a higher level of consciousness. Otherwise, you are risking staying in your cradle forever. The new is always frightening. However, it is necessary for you to develop fearlessness and the ability to change your consciousness. You should not be frightened by anything. You should always remember in your consciousness that you are immortal and that God is taking care of you. The transition in your consciousness about which we speak and which you should make will happen inevitably; and that transition will allow you to come to a new turn of your evolutionary development. Now you are in a flat world. We are calling you to the cosmic expanses; we want you to learn in your consciousness how to leave the realms of the gross world. For that, you need to part with the attachments to the material and soar higher with your consciousness. There is nothing terrible about changing the form, about aspiring to more subtle experiences. Learn to distinguish the different states of being in which you reside throughout the day. Learn to hold onto the most subtle manifestations of your feelings, which are intangible like a waft of wind on a hot afternoon. Even now you can distinguish the manifestations of the subtle world in your consciousness, and you can manifest the knowledge of these worlds in your world. It is necessary for you to understand that there is a whole universe beyond the borders of your gross world. You are like the inhabitants of the forest — the insects, which only see their own world in front of them. Imagine an analogy when a human being comes into your forest. How many millions of years separate your stages of the evolutionary development from each other? Can you imagine giving a message to the insects? However, you and I are separated by the same evolutionary period of time as you and the insects that live in your world. I am trying to give you my Message. It is not so much a message filled with words and inner meaning, but it is primarily a message that contains the aspiration into the future for you, that calls you to your Victory over the mortal consciousness. I fill you up with the feeling of Love, my Love, and the Love that is characteristic of my level of consciousness. I am trying to give you the impulse of confidence in your power. You will accomplish everything, and your Victory will come to you. You should simply maintain the aspiration to the Higher worlds in your hearts. You should constantly try to overcome Earth’s gravity of the surrounding illusion. Believe me, now there is no task for you more important than the task of elevating your consciousness over all the manifestations of your established, conventional life. Constant change and constant strenuous efforts are required. In this constant process of overcoming yourselves you are capable of ascending to the next stage of evolutionary development. Nothing can be achieved without effort. Do not flatter yourselves with the thought that the next stage will come to you by itself and you will not have to do anything. No, you will not be able to trick the Divine Law and conquer the next stage on somebody’s shoulders and thanks to someone else’s efforts. You will have to put in all the efforts yourselves, rising higher and higher in your consciousness. Besides that, you also need to feel responsible for the people with whom you have a karmic connection. You need to stretch a helping hand to them, just like I am now stretching a helping hand to you by giving this Message. Everyone who has a higher level of consciousness must help those who are lagging behind or have gotten stuck on the Path. When you were children, you were taught to help the younger ones. Now you need to remember that. There are many people around you who need your help and advice. Believe me, there is nothing more significant that can help you on your Path of ascension to the Summit of the Divine consciousness than to help the ones close to you. You cannot even follow the Path yourselves but if you help the people around you to follow it, together with them you will overcome all the barriers and obstacles on your Path. I was happy to give you today’s instruction. I AM Mighty Victory, wishing you Victory on your Path! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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