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![]() A Teaching on Buddha ConsciousnessGautama Buddha I am Gautama Buddha, who has come to you again. I have come to you on this day in order to tell you about the main aspect of our work that we are conducting on Earth. This main aspect is related to the change of consciousness of the people on Earth. Actually, this principle of our work has not changed for many millions of years. As soon as a person reaches the level of Buddha in his or her consciousness, everything that surrounds this person in his or her life acquires completely new meanings and significance. That is because for an ordinary person what is only a sequence of events and a change in the state of thoughts and feelings, for Buddha it represents the book of Life, which he is able to read, turning the pages one after another. When you attain the level of consciousness of Buddha, you make the transition in your consciousness to the next level of evolutionary development. I am not giving my Message only to Buddhists or only to those who believe in me as the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha. I am giving my Message to all of humanity and to the people who are able to understand it, grasp it, and carry it out into the life. In reality, it is not as important what the next stage of the evolution of your consciousness is called, but it is important that you ascend to that stage of your evolutionary development with fewer losses. I spoke to you this year[1] during the time when Earth was going through yet another critical moment, another critical point. From time to time, there are situations on Earth that require urgent interference from many legions of Light. I asked you for help during that critical moment because you need to be imbued with the responsibility for everything that happens on planet Earth. The level of Buddha consciousness allows you to rise in your consciousness to the level where neither national, nor financial, nor political, nor religious differentiation matters to you. That is because you rise above any differences that have been created by human consciousness, and you are able to see only the Oneness behind all the diversity of life. In your world, the people who have achieved the Buddha consciousness are not able to stay among crowds of people for a long time. That is because the level of Buddha consciousness presupposes rendering help to all human individuals who need help. As soon as a true Buddha enters your cities, he sacrifices his level of consciousness and gives away all of his achievements in order to provide help to those in need. There are so many of those who need our help in your cities. There are so many calamities and miseries in your world. That is why the Buddhas who come into your world perform the act of self-sacrifice by dissolving in you, by dissolving their perfect energies into the ocean of people, and by that, they change the consciousness of mankind and allow people to comprehend the existence of the Higher Law that operates in this Universe. There are other human individuals who have come into your world in order to provide the connection between the worlds, in order to serve as a source of Light for your world, and as a lighthouse that shows the way among life’s miseries and troubles. There are always people who carry the fire in their hearts and are ready to serve humanity. If you look carefully around you, you will be able to see the level of Buddha consciousness behind ordinary human manifestations. I have come today in order to help you to understand that your consciousness is very flexible, and many of you are able to rise in your consciousness to the level of Buddha throughout the day. The only point is that you maintain that state as long as possible. In order to do that, you will have to create life conditions that will allow you to return to harmony as soon as possible, even when you lose balance. Many of you experience very elevated states of inner harmony and peace. There are not many Buddhist monasteries where the monks are able to attain such elevated states of consciousness. Now you need to expand this state and make it prevailing in your life. You need to achieve the stage at which nothing that happens in your lives could make you come out of the state of Divine harmony and peace. You need to continue making such efforts one after another because the extent to which you are really able to maintain the state of peace and harmony within yourselves will determine how many surrounding people you will be able to pass your state of harmony, peace, and happiness. The situation on the entire planet depends on how many people will be able to constantly reside in the harmonious state of consciousness. All hurricanes, cataclysms, and natural disasters are only the manifestation of discordance in the consciousness of mankind as a whole. You cannot endow everyone with Buddha consciousness, but you can spread your harmonious inner state to the people around you. Your aura is able to expand, and those who come into the field of your aura experience the effects of it. Many people think that others have dropped out of the habitual state of elevated consciousness, and they will try to lower their vibrations using the universal means of lowering vibrations: alcohol, tobacco, and loud music with ragged rhythm. However, the process of the penetration of the high vibrations into your world will increase. The quality of the consciousness of the individuals who will sustain harmony in big cities will increase. The power of your consciousness in the subtle plane will cause the opposition of the entire legions of forces that support Manu, to maintain the illusion. However, always remember that your power is strong when you do not participate in the battle. You force out the negative energies of this world with the strength of Love in your hearts; and with the strength of your Love, you refine the negative energies into the positively-directed vector of harmony, peace, and Love. You must always be aware of your connection with many, many souls of Light on the planet. Together you form the network of Light that is dispersed around the planet. In every country and in every town, there are people who have volunteered to bear the Light in order to illuminate the Path for those who are still wandering in the darkness. Achieving the Buddha consciousness is not the ultimate goal of your incarnation. You should not strive for personal achievements. You should aspire to help those who need your help. If a real Buddha faces the question of whether to continue his perfection in God or to sacrifice all his achievements in order for humanity to continue their evolution, a real Buddha will sacrifice all his achievements for the continuation of earthly evolution. The ability to sacrifice oneself for the Common Good is the quality of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the past and the present. I wish you success in gaining the state of Buddha consciousness. I AM Gautama Buddha, your brother. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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