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![]() Together we can accomplish the miracle that awaits RussiaBeloved Mother Mary I AM Mother Mary. I have come today to talk to you again, my beloved. I have come with one thought: to strengthen you in your Service. Now the time has come for those few who remain loyal to God and to me, His faithful servant, to demonstrate their faith and devotion. The new Divine mercy allows the opportunity for Russia to continue. And you know that for me it is a special country. This is the country that I have been patronizing for many hundreds of years. And now it is the time when you can render your invaluable help to the Ascended Masters through your Service. Beloved, I am asking you to take my words seriously. I wish that my words will enter into your hearts and stay there for all the time that you are in embodiment. So, beloved, I have come with a request, and this request concerns your prayers. Your prayers are the help that you can give now. Very few devoted and sincere hearts are incarnated now. The pressure on them is too high. However, muster up your strength. You will not have to wait long, beloved. We are expecting the New Day to dawn over Russia and then over the rest of the world. In recent times in history, I appeared to many Saints in the land of Russia. I begged them for help at those moments when storm clouds were gathering over the Russian land, before foreign invasions and threatening times. You know St. Sergius of Radonezh and St. Seraphim of Sarov. But you do not know the many hundreds of other Saints who prayed at my request and gave me the energy of their prayers for protection during hard times. Now there is no longer the protection over Russia that was obtained by prayers in those glorious times when devotees of the Spirit moved to deserts and forests to give me the energy of their prayers. When prayers do not protect the space, then all the abomination of desolation penetrates there. You see that around you, and you do not know how to escape. You seek protection and ask for protection. But, beloved, Heavens can only give you help when it can be seen that you are also applying all your efforts and devote your free time to prayers and prayer vigils. The space over Russia needs protection. And all the Hosts of Heaven cannot protect you if there is no free will and aspiration on your part, if there is no effort applied from your side. We come at your call and answer your prayers. But now is the time when you should answer my call. You must show your free will and diligence. There cannot be an unlimited flow of mercy from the Heavens if Heaven does not see your efforts. Many people do not know what to do and how to help in the difficult situation that has formed on the planet. I am telling you that your prayers are that simple help. There are no limitations and there cannot be any limits on prayer. Belonging to any religious denomination is not important. Your nationality is not important. When you pray sincerely, even the words of the prayer are not important because you are elevating your consciousness to the level of the Ascended Hosts, and there is a direct energy exchange between our planes of being. And then even the most impossible thing can happen. The miracle that the people of Russia have always hoped for can occur. Your land needs protection. Your planet needs protection. Each of you needs protection from the forces that are raging because their time is coming to an end. You do not have to wait long for more joyful times to come. As it was in those times long ago when the Saints prayed for my land and protected it from hordes, prayer is also needed in your time. Not many of you can devote even one hour per day to praying. And I can count on the fingers of one hand those who dedicate all their free time to praying or meditating on my image. Beloved, God grants you the opportunity. And a very small thing is needed: to respond to my request with your daily efforts. The power of prayer is the weapon that you can use to oppose any violence, any bloodshed, and any injustice that exists in your world. There cannot be miracles that do not have the support of Heaven. And in your time there is an opportunity for a miracle to happen. And you can foster this miracle with the efforts of your hearts. Stay in peace and goodness. Focus all your efforts on praying for those who are unwise and enchained by ignorance. Pray for the enlightenment of your rulers. Even the utmost sinner can repent, and all his abilities and talents that he was wasting on sinful acts, he can direct at serving God. Pray for the enlightenment of those people who make decisions in the fields of education and public health service. Pray for the salvation of the souls of those who have lost all sense of shame, robbing the invaluable riches of my land. Sin and ignorance can be replaced in a flash by holiness and awakening. And the voice of God will stop them, as it stopped Paul in his time with the exclamation, Is it hard for thee to kick against the pricks? It is impossible to struggle against God. Every step that you take against God and His servants creates very heavy karma that should be worked off with suffering, blood, and sweat. The land of Russia and its people have suffered enough. There is a bright opportunity ahead that can be manifested. I ask you to replace your despair with faith and aspiration. I ask you to find in your hearts the feeling of unconditional Love that can grant salvation to many lost souls in these hard times. I am calling you to the most elevated states of your consciousness. Pray in the language that you can with words that you know. Aspire to me, and I will stay where you are praying. Together we can accomplish the miracle that awaits Russia. I AM your Mother Mary, and I have been with you today. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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