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![]() I invite you to take a journey to the real worldGautama Buddha I AM Gautama Buddha. I have come on one of these days of the summer solstice when nature itself and the position of the planets are favorable for the transmission of our Messages. And no matter what barriers we encounter in the minds of people, we first of all appeal to your hearts, to the part of your beings that remembers its Divine origin and aspires to break away from the captivity of illusion to the freedom of Eternal Life. It is impossible for you to continue following the course that humankind has been holding onto of its own volition for the past decades. Your existence in the physical world is like being in a dungeon. And this is truly a dungeon for the Spirit. The only freedom you have is the freedom to violate the Will of God. And everything that you do in your lives day after day is nothing but violation of the Divine Law. God is so merciful, compassionate, and patient that He allows you to break the Law. However, there is a boundary or a corridor with limits that you cannot go beyond. Right now you are at the border of this corridor of the granted Divine opportunity. The time has come to realize the fact that without Divine guidance, without following the Law, any further existence of humankind is impossible. And each individual makes his own choice about what to prefer. If a person continues to persist obstinately in staying in the illusory world, if he is fettered to the surrounding illusion by the chains of thousands of years of choices and does not want to develop further, then God will satisfy his desire. Without going into details, I will only say that the soul of such a person will be able to continue evolution but in the lower worlds and at a lower energy level. Those of you who are tired of being in the captivity of illusion, I call you to continue following the Path of evolution toward the heavenly peaks of the Divine consciousness. You must become the transmitters of the Divine consciousness in the dense worlds. And to begin with, I suggest that you become transmitters of the Divine consciousness in your dense world. It is very easy. You just have to make your choice in favor of God and follow this choice day after day. You have to give up the desires that bind you to the illusory world. According to the Law, each of your desires and attachments create karma, which is manifested as suffering. That is why this physical world is called the world of suffering. The causes produce effects. Eliminate the causes from your lives, and you will not get the effects. The Law has to be satisfied. And the only way to escape the wheel of samsara, a cycle of reincarnations, is to stop creating the causes of both good and evil. It means becoming the master of your own fate. It means becoming God, a God-man, moving on to the next stage of evolutionary development. Right now it is easy to do so. Despite the seeming riot of illusion, you are given help, repeatedly reinforced by Heaven, to follow the Path of the evolutionary development. When the situation in the world around you grows more and more uncontrollable, and many things carried to the point of absurdity are evident to more and more people, it becomes obvious that there must be another path of development for humankind. And this Path is ready and it is waiting for you. This Path is within your being. By overcoming yourselves, your desires, and your imperfections, you rid yourselves of the illusion and the karma of the past. You begin the return journey to the world where your souls once began their wandering around the illusory world a long time ago. For you, first and foremost, we are giving our Messages. And the whole impetus of my achievements is directed to you. I am ready to give help to everyone who is at the beginning of the Path and to guide your further advancement. There is only one little thing needed: manifestation of your free will and your aspiration. Without discipline and aspiration there is no chance of passing over those parts of the Path that are associated with a thorny ascent to the peak of the Divine consciousness. When climbing a mountain, you overcome yourself and conquer the pain in your legs and joints. You experience an enormous tension of all your strength. When ascending to the peak of the Divine consciousness, you will also experience an enormous tension of all your strength. You have to overcome the power of attraction to the illusion. For this you will have to devote your whole life to one purpose only: the exodus from the world of illusion onto a new level of consciousness. A climb to the top of a mountain is difficult, but it is interspersed with rest intervals, and sometimes from that mountainous plateau where you stop to rest, there opens an absolutely fascinating view of the valley bellow and the surrounding mountain peaks. And during your ascent to the peak of the Divine consciousness there will be many moments when you will experience inspiration and enthusiasm. However, you should always remember the purpose of your journey. You must always remember that you have to move further. Otherwise, you will stop in your progress. The illusion will grow more and more subtle. And at each stage you should give up the craziness of illusion and aspire to reality. That is the difficulty. And those who aspire to receive more attractive pleasures and delights are caught in the nets of the astral plane and stay there for many long incarnations. Therefore, your aspirations must be higher than any illusory plane or any fascinating views of the astral plane. The vibration of your heart and your aspiration to the eternal Higher worlds will be your compass and your map. So, do not stop on your Path. Go ahead and boldly expose your being to the winds of changes. Do not be afraid of anything! Your fears will dissipate with the twilight of your human consciousness when you come out into the sun of your Higher Self. Go ahead and take a daring step on the Path! I invite you to take a journey to the real world. This is the most important task for which you have travelled all this way for millions of years in the illusory world. I AM Gautama Buddha. I have come to strengthen your faith and aspiration. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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