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![]() By unfettering yourselves from low states of consciousness, you save the whole worldBeloved Quan Yin I AM Quan Yin. I have come today with an unusual Message. This Message is being dictated by time and necessity. The situation on the planet is getting less and less predictable year by year. We cannot predict the situation even for six months. Therefore, now there are four Karmic Board sessions per year instead of two (as was the case before). Yet, the dispensation of your letters to the Karmic Board is still retained twice a year — on the days of the winter and summer solstices. During the current session of the Karmic Board, we considered the possibility of balancing the situation on the planet. How to achieve a balanced and stable development on planet Earth has been our tireless concern for the last several years. Cataclysms, manifestation of aggression in the form of acts of terrorism, wars, and revolutions — all of these are the consequences of an unbalanced state of consciousness of the people on Earth. You know this, and you have heard this Teaching many times on how to avoid cataclysms on the planet. There is a direct and permanent connection between the state of consciousness of people and various disasters that occur on the planet. When people’s consciousness deteriorates, cataclysms increase. This is a part of the process of interconnection of all living things. Therefore, the task of the Ascended Masters and my task as the goddess of Mercy and Compassion are to minimize those inevitable consequences that are caused by the imperfect consciousness of people. As you can see from the statistics, the number of catastrophes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, man-made disasters, and severe weather conditions are increasing year after year. And since those cataclysms that are taking place at this time were formed by the level of consciousness that humanity had several years ago and even several decades ago, it is not difficult to predict the future growth of cataclysms, disasters, misfortunes, diseases, and other troubles. The only way out of this unfavorable situation and impasse is a rapid change in the consciousness of the incarnated humanity, a rapid positive and qualitative leap of consciousness where the bulk of humankind rises to a new level of consciousness. It is a desirable and quite achievable goal. And if we bear in mind the law of cyclical development of humankind, it means that if the pendulum has swung in one direction, then sooner or later it will swing in the other direction. Our task is to minimize the possible consequences of excessive deviation from the evolutionary path of human development. The whole arsenal of means that the Ascended Masters wield is now set into motion. And if you could add your efforts to ours, then together we could cope much more quickly and more successfully with the consequences of humanity’s wrong choices. A more balanced and successful development and your entry into the period of the Golden Age are created by the vectors of the consciousness of positively directed individuals. The more human individuals there are who are able to balance themselves, the surrounding people and conditions, and the greater efforts and aspirations they demonstrate, the sooner humankind will enter the passage of sustainable and stable development. This simple thought is communicated in various ways to those individuals who can perceive our Teaching, and with the help of these Messages as well. There is always hope for you to enter the passage of steady development, but there is also a possibility that the situation will get out of control. So, there is very little time left for your consideration. All that you can really do is to change your approach to everything around you. There are deviations from the Divine Path of development in all spheres of human activity. The system of education not so much educates the future generations as much as it deprives them of their wish to learn and to self-perfect in God. The public health service takes away the rest of people’s health. The financial system is not tied to the results of creative labor but to the mental and emotional swings of the people who gamble on the stock exchange and manage funds. The political system is completely detached from people’s needs, and serving the weak and poor members of society is replaced by serving the personal interests of separate individuals. Mass media spreads anything except information (rumors, gossip, scandals, and criminal stories). All spheres of human activity should be transformed in accordance with the Divine Law; otherwise, they will not be able to exist. Mankind has arrived at such a point in its development where non-existence is already clearly evident. We make one attempt after another to change the situation. And it is through Divine Mercy that we continue giving our directions through the transmission of our Messages. We throw a life buoy to those who are still capable of emerging from the waters of illusion, seizing this practically last chance that the Heavens are giving. At the existing level of human consciousness, only a few are able to evolve without the physical platform. The rest of the people need a physical platform to continue evolution. So we count on those few people who we are trying to help. Even if only a few people manage to achieve a new level of consciousness as a result of reading our Messages, we will insist on the opportunity to give our Messages, and we will come with our talks and directions again and again. In conclusion of my Message today, I would like you to realize the full responsibility for the situation on the planet. If you could obtain my level of consciousness just for several seconds and see your actions with my eyes, I think that your consciousness would change very quickly. You resemble the people who continue their party while planet Earth is trying to save its physical platform from destruction with all its remaining might. The feast of life is over. The time has come for hard inner work. By unfettering yourselves from low states of consciousness, you save the whole world. This is because everything is interconnected in our worlds. And a beat of a butterfly’s wing is heard as thunder in the subtle worlds. What, then, is the effect of your actions, thoughts, and feelings? I AM Quan Yin. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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