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![]() Our task is to provide the right direction and guidelines for those who can take advantage of themBeloved Lanello I AM Lanello. Today I have come to you again in order to provide a Teaching that your souls need. It is generally accepted that the Ascended Masters have reached a level of consciousness that considerably exceeds the human level. However, this is not quite right. There are a lot of high-level spirits among us that even I cannot always approach in my state of consciousness. Also, there are some who have recently finished the school on Earth or have stayed here temporarily, expecting a good development of the events on Earth in order to have a new incarnation. Therefore, it will be interesting for you if I share my personal experience in reaching the level of consciousness that allows on to stay in the etheric octaves after the transition. It will not be correct to assume that a soul reaches the Higher octaves immediately after the transition. Some time is required, usually more than 40 days, when the soul is preparing to pass to a higher level. And the ritual that takes place in the etheric octaves is one of the most magnificent ones. This ritual allows one to burn in the flame of the ascension everything that prevents the elevation to the ascended state of consciousness. Many of you who read these lines will be able to go through this magnificent ritual some time later. Now while you are on Earth in the earthly body, you must fulfill the work for which you have incarnated. Do not think that you have much time ahead of you. Every minute of your time on Earth is precious. And only now, after my transition and ascension, I start to understand that during my incarnation I lost too much time doing nothing. Indeed, the greatness and mercy of the Divine Law truly has no limits. So, if you read our Teachings not just out of curiosity but because your intentions are serious, then make the effort to control yourselves and minimize all the time losses connected with satisfying the physical needs of your body. Most of all it is necessary to care about your soul and its development and release the remnants of past karma that have merged with your being and impede your advancement. The most difficult thing will be to find the features of your character, the habits, and the attachments that you have to get rid of because your carnal mind will assure you (and it will be very skillful at this) that you have already made great achievements on the Path and that there is nothing you have to get rid of. The illusion has permeated your lower bodies. And only with the help of God can you get rid of many of your non-divine qualities and manifestations. Ultimately, everything happens according the will of God. Therefore, the most important step for you will be to ask God for help in the liberation of your being from all non-divine qualities and manifestations. But in order to take this step, you have to realize that you are not as perfect as you seem to be. There is one more thing that you need to consider. In order to maintain your consciousness at least at the level that you have now, you need to work upon yourselves constantly. This is like ascending a mountain peak riding a bicycle. If you stop peddling you will roll down to the foot of the mountain, and you will need to start the process of the ascension again. It is necessary to constantly work upon your consciousness every day and day after day. Only in this case, you can count on your ascension after the transition. Each of you has to go along the Path of the ascension by yourself. And in this process of the ascent to the peak of the Divine consciousness, you have to be guided by yourself, by your heart. One of the initial tests on your Path comes in the form of some person who persuades you that you have to act in a certain way, or says that you are doing something wrong. That person, as a rule, seems very authoritative to you. And your test is to act in accordance with your inner guidelines and rely upon your inner guidance. Many people who are making the first steps on the spiritual Path can think that the test concerns them. And they will do everything they wish to do without listening to the opinions of the people around them. Beloved, it is necessary to first be sure that you receive your inner guidance from your Higher Self and not from your ego. Those neophytes who listened to stories about the initiates and read dubious literature can consider themselves as great initiates and act in accordance with their egos, without taking other people into account and without listening to anyone. How can you learn to differentiate what is prompting you: the Higher Self or the ego? In your place, I would not seek to find the final answer to this question immediately. Every achievement of yours on the finer plane should have confirmation on the physical plane. And according to how and what is manifested on the physical plane, you can understand what your achievements are. If your environment does not change, if you allow yourself some sweet liberties and some dabbling with alcohol, nicotine, or drugs, and you like noisy company with music and boozing, then I will urge you to strongly work on your ego. However, when you live a righteous life and do not have addictions, you are faced with another danger on the Path: spiritual pride. You think that you have already achieved a lot and you have something to share with the people around you. Not immediately, but some time later, people see your pride and start to walk away from you. You think that your spiritual achievements are so great that people cannot tolerate your high vibrations. As you can see, you can always get lost in the illusionary world if you do not constantly verify all your steps with reliable reference points. We allege that if you follow the Ascended Masters’ advice that is given in our Messages through our Messenger, then you will have a compass and a map in your hands that will lead you out of the labyrinth of the illusion. However, even while reading our Messages, you manage to create karma every time you experience criticism, censure, and other negative qualities. If our Messages make you feel something negative, do not read them. At least you will not create karma that way. It is impossible to teach someone who does not want to learn. Therefore, our task is to provide the right direction and guidelines for those who can take advantage of them. Now I say goodbye to you. But I hope to meet you again. I AM Lanello. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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