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![]() A Teaching on careful attitude to the WordJohn the Beloved I AM John the Beloved. I have come to continue our talk about the Word of God.[1] Our talk today concerns the distortion of the Word — how and why it happens. You hardly ever think that when you are saying some words, each of your words carries a definite vibration, and every word of yours is colored by the state of consciousness that you have at the moment when you utter the Word. A certain degree of sensitivity and detachment from the vanity of the world is required to read your inner essence beyond the words that you say. In fact, it is possible to find out everything about you according to what you say and how you say it. The vibrations of your speech give a complete picture of the level of development of your consciousness. Your speech obediently reflects the state of your four lower bodies. Therefore, specially trained people were always used to transmit the Word of God, those who were able to bring minimal distortions into the transmission of the Word. And there were also different methods that were used to transmit the Word at different times. For example, when I wrote the words of Holy Scripture, I entered a state of deep inner peace. I always remembered those moments of bliss that I experienced near my Teacher Jesus. I was so inspired by the image of my Teacher, who stood before my mind's eye, that the words flowed from my being and lay on the paper. Every word was colored with my love and my state of bliss. That was truly a process of co-creation with God and the Heavenly Hosts. And I revealed many secrets under the influence of those states of mine and wrote them on paper. In later times, only very pure monks entirely devoted to God and Service were allowed to translate and rewrite the words of the Holy Scripture. But since each person is imperfect, even those saintly people superimposed their vibrations on the text, and then it was not the original text but some other. Now I would like to get to your time. You live at a horrible time because you are not able to realize the responsibility that is imposed by the transmission of the Word. And you do not think much about the vibrations that your words bring to the world. And since modern tools easily allow multiple reproductions of your words, the karma from the abuse of the Word is very heavy. In essence, you create the prerequisites for the most difficult fate for you and your loved ones. If volcanoes can erupt and rocks can crumble and come down because of even one inharmonious thought, then it is possible to predict what words can do in your world. I would like you to return to a reverent attitude to the Word in your world because the distortion of the Word is one of the most serious sins. You should carefully wend your way through life. Even an ant should be cared for when you take a step. How much heavier for your karma is the abuse of the Word. Many undertake a vow of silence. And if that wise ritual is followed correctly, it is possible to save many souls. It is better to say nothing than to say many things that you utter in vain. The most horrible thing is that when the time comes for your karmic retribution for your rash, hastily uttered words, you blame God and you complain about your life without realizing that the Law of retribution has returned to you what you sowed by yourself. That is why today I would like to remind you of the fact that your word can literally destroy the planet, especially if it is accompanied by a promise of directed energy. Therefore, it is reasonable to limit the flow of energy that comes from the Divine world and washes your bodies. This forced measure proves its value. However, it is necessary that the Word of God comes into your world. Otherwise, you will not be able to keep the guidelines in your consciousness, and you will lose the direction of your movement. The Word that carries our Messages is transmitted in a special way. At the moment of sending the Message, a particular silence is established, and the space obediently repeats the thought that is transmitted from our world to your world. Such a technique of Word transmission has never been used by us before. But the presence of the Word is necessary in your world. That is why we use all possible ways to reach out to your hearts. Our voice keeps the Divine vibrations. However, your ear cannot distinguish these vibrations among many sources of information that broadcast much more loudly. But those people whose ears are tuned to our frequency can hear us and partake of the sweetness of our world. When I wrote down the Words of God, I had the opportunity to do that in the silence of solitude. There were not so many obstacles as there are now in your world. Still, we come and give our Messages to the world. It is because the world cannot exist without the sufficient level of vibrations maintained in the hearts of at least a few incarnated people. And those hearts are like small transmitters that broadcast on a particular wave. And many souls that are tuned to the Divine wave can hear those vibrations. And for many of them this is a lifeline in the world of illusion. And thanks to this lifeline we catch the souls that are ours from the sea of illusion. Never lose hope. If you are sincere and devoted to God, it is only a matter of time until you will hear our call. It is not easy to hear our call, our vibrations in your world. That is why it is necessary to constantly keep your ear ready for perceiving the vibrations of our world and protect your precious hearts from anything that can deafen the Divine vibrations. You have to do your best here. And we will do everything possible on our part. I AM John the Beloved with care for your souls. 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© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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