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![]() All of you will achieve your Victory!Ascended Lady Master Clare I AM Clare. I have regained this name that was mine since the time of Saint Clare.[1] However, most of you probably know me under the name of my last incarnation: Elizabeth Clare Prophet. You probably know that together with my husband I headed and guided an American organization, The Summit Lighthouse. And now, from my new state of consciousness, I have an opportunity to see and to perceive many things in a different way. Oh, I will not say anything that can discredit this organization and the people who supported it with their energy, their finances, and their Service. All this is left behind for me, yet for them any word of mine can be very influential. And I would not like to create new karma while residing in my ascended state of consciousness. There was a certain difficulty due to the fact that I had to stay between Heaven and Earth for a long time. And maybe many of you are aware of this. During the last 12 years of my earthly life, I was not fully on Earth. Some of my bodies were not with me. The aptitude for divisibility of the bodies helped me a lot. It was the choice of my soul. My soul made a decision to undergo the 12-year cycle on Earth in a state of disease, a semiconscious state, and practically in an entirely unconscious state during the last years of my life.[2] For many people whom I worked together with at The Summit Lighthouse, the state I was in was something that made them feel embarrassed and keep silent about my disease. However, as I have said already, that was my soul’s choice. I made a decision not to come into incarnation in order to work off certain kinds of karmic energies I had accumulated while holding the post of a Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood. But the Law of Karma must be satisfied. That is why I agreed to a state of the disease in which I worked off a considerable part of karma, and this allowed me not to incarnate any more. However, I must reassure the people with whom we worked closely that I am ready to work with you as before and to do all the necessary work for the Brotherhood. Are all of you still confident that we do valuable work for the planet and all of humankind? You have not lost your will-to-win spirit, have you? There were several critical moments in the history of The Summit Lighthouse when I made incorrect choices. The karma of those choices had to be worked off. This is required by the Law. I will not dwell upon the wrong choices I have mentioned, because this is not the topic of my Message today. The main task is to establish through this Message a bond with those who remained devoted to me personally as a Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood during all those long 12 years of my disease. An amazing task was undertaken by us. And such a wide response that our movement evoked in society attracted a lot of people who, due to their inner qualities, were not ready for the Service the Masters speak about. The quality of the Teaching is always lost when a handful of the devoted and faithful are overwhelmed by those who mostly want to satisfy their curiosity. But sometimes people are just not ready to ascend to a next stage of unselfish, devoted Service to the Brotherhood. And nothing can be done about this. The soul must pass through all the necessary parts of the Path on its own. Otherwise, when we forcibly take steps to accelerate evolution for the souls that are not ready, sooner or later the pendulum will swing to the other side. Good intentions do not always lead to a good result. The only thing I can say is that to the very end of my functioning as a Messenger, I remained faithful to the Brotherhood. And as a result I was allowed, as an exception, without withdrawing myself from incarnation, to work off my karma during the 12-year cycle of my illness. This opened up a great opportunity for you, who are still close to me and devoted to me, because now, from my ascended state of consciences, I can do more for your souls. I can give you more of my help and support. I am very much looking forward to your fervent calls to me. I will do my best to help my chelas for whom I still remain a Guru. My mantle of a Guru is active, and all my disciples can make calls to my Guru mantle when you need help, advice, or support. I cannot give you advice verbally or in writing, but I can direct my ray of Love and support that is able to give an impulse of hope, confidence, and firmness to you. And I am confident that all of you, who were treasuring in your hearts devotion to me as a Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood for all these years, can count on the help and support of the entire Great White Brotherhood. The Ascended Hosts, to which I belong now, are still waiting for your decrees and are ready to render all necessary help to you. Sanat Kumara is sending a ray of his support to me now. And I am concluding this short Message of mine on the ray of concentrated Love of the Ruby Ray. All of you will achieve your Victory! Do not lose heart or fall into despondency! Always Victory! Always Victory! Always Victory! I Am Clare. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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