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![]() It is not the work with the Ascended Realm that allows you to move along the Path; it is the quality of your consciousnessLord Shiva I AM Shiva! I have come! You think that our work of transmitting Messages to your world is trivial. Do you think that anyone can receive news from the finer world if they so desire? You are right. But all this becomes possible only under certain conditions that you must fulfill and with certain commitments that you take on yourself. Everything is very simple: You have to dedicate your whole life to serving the Masters not only in your words but also in practice. Your whole life. Are you ready to obey all of our requirements? Yes, many of you will agree and say that you are ready. To start with, keep your consciousness at the highest possible level every day. Try this simple practice. And when you decide to do it, at the end of the day, sit quietly and ask yourself, How many times have I condemned my neighbor during the day? How many times have I been irritated? How many times have I been dissatisfied with my boss, my neighbors, or the government of my country? If this task seems very easy for you to accomplish, and in your sly way you state that you have fulfilled all the given conditions, then answer my simple questions: Are you satisfied with your life? Are you grateful to God for everything that happens in your life? Think about what I am getting at. I am trying to bring to your modern consciousness the ancient Truth that one of your first steps and achievements on the Path will be a feeling of satisfaction that does not leave you and contentment with everything that is around you and within you. For many of you the question arises: Is it possible to fulfill the given task under the conditions of modern society? How is it possible to feel satisfaction if the prevailing feeling in society is the opposite: dissatisfaction with life, society, the government, the president, the boss at work, everything? Long ago, in ancient times, your souls chose to rebel against the Divine Law. You tore yourselves away from the Divine reality and went toward satisfaction of the whims of your ego. That was long ago. But God is very merciful and patient. And for many of your incarnations you were given an opportunity to manifest humility toward the Divine Law and to get back on the Path of Truth. But every time, your souls — the souls of the people who are incarnated now — refused the opportunity and preferred to use every life for satisfying their ever-increasing desires. With every incarnation you faced increasingly harsh external conditions. So why are you surprised? You have created the conditions that you are in nowadays with your choices in many incarnations. And now, for many of you, it seems an impossible requirement to demonstrate even the most basic achievements on the path of apprenticeship. We have been waiting long enough. We hoped that humanity would be able to use the given knowledge in order to start along the Path we showed. What do we observe? We see a mass of people who try to get messages, pretend to be gurus, and gather people in order to communicate the truth. The Divine Grace of giving the Messages to your world is too costly for the Ascended Realm to keep more than one or two Messengers simultaneously. In your time, when people cannot make distinctions in elementary things, giving Messages is a very big risk. Of course, we run the risk of subjecting the Messenger as a person to numerous accusations, but to a greater extent we put at risk the people who oppose our Messenger. For them, karma is so heavy that it is unlikely that it will be worked off in the foreseeable future. We told you about the conditions for sending Messages to your world, and we told you about the quality of recompense that you need to earn in order to rise to the next evolutionary stage. Believe me, you and the Ascended Realm have different weight categories. No matter what steps your ego takes to avoid the Divine Law and the order existing in this Universe, you will not succeed. The only way that is commanded for your time is to perfect yourself in God. And initiations have never been passed by masses of people. The Path of Initiations is an individual path. And together or collectively you can only go right in the opposite direction — in common speech, to hell. So, summarizing our talk today, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there are certain milestones, stages of the Path that allow an individual to be trusted by the Ascended Realm in order to Serve. You may think that you have already passed all necessary initiations and have been working under the direction of the Ascended Realm for a long time. The illusion of your time may lead you to believe that you are a messenger or you work under the guidance of the Ascended Realm. Therefore, your task in the near future is to take a detached view of yourself and understand exactly where you are on the Path. And perhaps it is time for you to start playing with less dangerous toys. It is not the work with the Ascended Realm that allows you to move along the Path; it is the quality of your consciousness. Believe me; your world gives you an opportunity in your everyday life to gain all of the necessary qualities that allow one to pass the necessary initiations at the School of Mysteries in the pyramid. Today our talk touched upon the problems that are very real for many people. For others, this talk may allow them to have a wider outlook and better clarity of judgment. I AM Shiva! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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