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![]() We are expecting a good harvest of Divinity grown in your beingsLord Surya I AM Surya coming to you today. The sun of the winter solstice accompanies me at this moment of my arrival. In the same way, the sun of your Divine I AM Presence should constantly accompany you. There might be clouds, there might be a snowstorm, there might be thunder rumbling or a hurricane, but no matter what, you know that there is the sun and it is always with you. It is the same way in your lives. Despite problems, troubles, and even disasters you should know that the Divine part of you is constantly with you. From the point of view of your Divine part, all your numerous incarnations and wanderings in the world of illusion are like a brief moment of light cloud-cover blocking the sun. That is because there is no space or time in the Divine world. These attributes of your world should eventually disappear like storm clouds hidden below the horizon. There is something for you to consider because it is time to think about Eternal Life. All your hobbies in the world of illusion will become boring for you, and you will begin to be attracted by the true reality. When will that happen? We cannot speak about definite terms because when that happens in reality, humanity will have another calendar and another system of chronology. However, right now you have things to consider and work on because your world awakens your senses and desires. As long as you succumb to the tricks of the illusory world, you cannot move to the tops of the Divine consciousness. You should keep your feelings under control. You should keep your thoughts under control. You should constantly monitor yourself. Imagine a wagon without a horseman. The horses would be left to themselves and would do whatever they decided: graze in the grass or walk to a watering place. Such a cart cannot move to a destination because no one has control over it. Your beings are like that vehicle without a driver. You wander about in life, you face some temptations, you chase after pleasures, but you are not moving anywhere because you are under the influence of the feelings and desires of your inferior nature. In order to start moving toward the Divine reality, you should care about your driver, your Higher Self, so that it drives your life. Your Higher Self It is the only one that can lead you out of the thickets of the illusory world. What you need to do is to keep moving in the right direction and keep managing your life from the Higher level. Of course, I understand that much time will pass between the moment you read these lines and the moment when you make a decision to dedicate your being to a higher nature. However, if you do not make your decision or aspire, you will never tear yourself away from the net of illusion. Some of you have settled in the illusion so comfortably that the very notion that there is a need to change something in your lives is literally considered a threat to your basics. Once again, we are speaking about a revolution in consciousness. Now your consciousness is under the influence of stereotypes that have formed in society, and these stereotypes should be changed. You cannot do nothing. The vibrations of the physical plane are rising. In order to correspond to the new vibrational level, you will have to change your life and establish the right priorities in it. To what has been said above, it is necessary to add that all people are at different stages of their evolutionary development. And you will have to admit it very soon. The chaos that humanity is now in should come to an end. The value system should be changed, starting with the spiritual value system. The people who have spiritual virtues should be respected, but not those who only talk about virtues. The level of spiritual development in society can change all the other areas of life in a few years. True spiritual values are stated in the foundations of all world religions. Therefore, there is no need to look for something new. It is just necessary to do what was already stated. Then society will be cleansed of low-quality standards. People able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of New Life assertion are needed. People are needed who are ready to dedicate their lives to virtue and who selflessly stand up for the Divine principles in life. The new time is coming. And the human community has no other path and there is no other way out of the situation that has arisen except to move up toward the Divine consciousness. Everything less than Divine perfection should be left in the past and forgotten. It is time to move straight up the steps of evolution. On our part it would be foolish and unreasonable to waste so much strength and energy to come time after time to give our Teachings if we were not sure that our efforts would be repaid a hundredfold. We are expecting a good harvest of Divinity grown in your beings. We have sown the seeds of the Divine Wisdom, and now we are waiting for the harvest. I AM Surya, with hope for humankind of Earth. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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