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![]() Not going wide but moving deeper, you reachMaster Morya I AM El Morya! Urgency dictates the conditions for the transmission of our Messages. The time is short and there is much that should be said. There is much to warn you about. It seems that the world is the same. The seasons, days, and nights change the same way. However, the situation on the planet Earth is changing imperceptibly. We have come. We have warned. As before, the only panacea that you might need for all human diseases at this historic moment is to change your consciousness. It is exactly the change of your consciousness, but sometimes it is not in how you understand the meaning of changing your consciousness. It seems to you that if you read the Masters’ Dictations, carry out prayer vigils, or read Rosaries, then you change your consciousness. Let me mention that it is not always like that because a set of mechanical actions, some number of prayers or books read, cannot serve as sufficient evidence that you are moving along the Path. Your physical world possesses a quality of duality. And the same actions can lead either to a positive result in terms of evolution or to a negative one. Any action on the physical plane possesses duality. The same actions can lead either to a good result or to a catastrophe. For example, you carry out a prayer vigil. You spend a lot of time in prayer every day. From the point of view of the majority of people, you perform a good deed that will certainly benefit the world. However, your actions can also be directed to the opposite course. And even reading prayers sincerely you can create karma because your motive drives the energy. My words seem incomprehensible to many people because praying itself is still an impossible result for many people. We are speaking about more subtle things that are not accessible to everyone. In all its seeming simplicity, this Teaching that we are giving is the most difficult Teaching that exists on the globe at the given time because this Teaching opens the doors to Eternal Life for you. But only those who can entirely adopt this Teaching will get the keys to the door that leads to Eternity. Not only the keys but also the door leading to Eternity will be hidden from the rest who take from our Teaching what suits them and throw away the rest like useless rubbish. Pride, including spiritual pride, is what moves many so-called seekers of Truth. They think that they possess wisdom that allows them to combine different teachings and religions to enable their spiritual progress to the Truth. Do not find comfort in the illusion! Thoughtless and blind combinations of different teachings have never led to any positive result. Humanity is at the stage of its evolutionary development where it cannot see the Truth that is right in front of its face, but it chases shadows that loom on the other side of the globe as if they were the panacea for troubles. The Truth is only inches away from your hand if you put your hand on your chest in the heart area. And the more you chase after different information and try to make a synthesis of different teachings, the farther you will veer from the Truth. Not going wide but moving deeper, you reach. You can visit many beautiful places, temples, cities, and museums. You can waste all your life on that. But you will be able to reach the peak of the Divine consciousness only as long as you head for the peak. No amount of information that you absorb in incredible amounts can bring you closer to the Truth. Because the Truth is simple, and ordinary illiterate people who listen to Jesus’ homilies were able to understand the Truth. You waste so much energy and strength attending various seminars or reading volumes of literature, but in the end, all this information lies as an insurmountable obstacle between you and the Divine Truth because you forget about the main thing: why you need this information. And even if at the very beginning of your way you had a true motive, then after wandering in the labyrinths of information you forget why you went there. It seems to you that intelligence and spiritual wisdom will bring you closer to Divine Wisdom. However, quite the opposite thing happens: The greater your intelligence is, the farther you move away from the Divine Wisdom. And human wisdom as the basis of a happy and long life on Earth cannot help you when you attack the Peak of the Divine consciousness at the breaking point of your strength. Only through renunciation, only through self-sacrifice, only through disinterestedly giving all of your strength to serve your neighbor, can you move along the Divine Path. But from the point of view of the majority of humanity, everything that we are talking about is only beautiful slogans that people read condescendingly and even applaud. The situation is becoming strained. And everything is not changing in a favorable direction. The period has come when each of you who reads these lines must decide to take a risk and throw away the illusory well-being and dare to climb the bare rocks. Only inner barriers separate you from the Truth. I am speaking allegorically. But what you have to do is make truly revolutionary changes within yourself. Now, I would like to have time for one more important topic. Today is the 23rd of December. And if I were you, I would use the dispensation that is given from above. And just as it is necessary to pray before beginning any work, it is necessary to pray before the beginning of a new astrological month. And in order to make your prayers effective, pray as if your child is on fire and his rescue and his life depend only on your prayer. It was nice to meet you again. I hope for future meetings! I AM El Morya! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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