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![]() New consciousness will give an opportunity to grow a new societyMaster Nicholas Roerich I AM Nicholas Roerich. During my last visit, I spoke about the situation in Russia. I spoke about what worried me. Today I intend to make an attempt to reach out to your hearts, to the hearts of those who are incarnated, and especially to the hearts of the people who live in Russia. There are not many who are truly devoted and sincere. There are many who wish to profit from everything, including the aspirations of young people and even the middle-aged generation who are spiritually searching. I have something to alert you to and to warn you about. Flocks of crows always fly where there is Light to drink the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, vigilance and caution should guide you. Crowds of people gather. Think. Is it really necessary for you to go there? This is the time when an explosion might take place at any moment. A spark is enough to blow up a whole ammunition depot. Vigilance and caution are necessary now as never before. Around each real light-bearer, there are thousands who wish to partake of the Light and consume it for their own use. The time is severe. The time is dangerous. It is not dangerous because you might not live until the Victory of the Forces of Light, but it is dangerous because you might not save your soul. Very simple actions should be taken. You should care about the purity of your thoughts, your body, and your feelings. You should care about the cleanliness around you. Put a barrier against all the vulgarity coming at you from every angle and from TV screens. Stop letting low standards and lack of good will enter your world. The solidarity of sincere hearts is necessary to resist the opposite forces. The Masters will use their shield and protect places where the Truth resides. It is a pity that the collective unconsciousness of the Russians has not made a choice in favor of the Masters’ advice and recommendations. I am sorry that Russia followed in the footsteps of Western civilization. And the souls of people who were drawn toward the Truth have been taken away from the Path with bright trinkets and temptations. The choice is hard when there are so many temptations. But the rejection of temptations and overcoming temptations always opens the Path of Light. Few have passed tests, few have rushed along the Path marked by the Masters, but those few are still able to hold back the wild crowds that take many light-souls away from the Path with slyness and temptations. It is necessary to always be careful. And even more severe times are ahead. I wish to warn you and pass my experience to as many light-bearers as possible. I wish to reach out to the hearts of those who have lost hope and cannot see a ray of hope in their surroundings. Your time will come; it is inevitable. It is necessary to survive. It is necessary to unite and hold back all the crowds that attack from every side. Even from within your best friend, a snake can sometimes rise and bite you. Losses make the heart bleed. But it is inevitable because the time is severe. And it is as if the enemy seized Russia. There are thousands of crowds. But I believe that epic heroes will come, straighten their shoulders, and the Russian land will be roused and inflamed with hope for new times. Everything can still be changed, and Victory is possible. Moscow surrendered to the French in 1812. And now we have to sacrifice the capital in order to preserve our strength. Russia is too large to be captured. In every village there is an innocent old woman or an old man who purifies the space for many miles around with his or her thoughts and prayers. There were harder times. We survived. And we will continue to survive! The danger is that the enemy lurks in shop windows lit by artificial lighting, in festive holiday tinsel, and now the enemy has moved to the finer plane of thoughts and feelings, to the air of television and radio programs, and to the virtual reality of the Internet. The new appearance should not obscure the inner essence. All that glitters is not gold. All who speak about God are not pastors. There are many wolves in sheep’s clothing; it will be necessary to recognize all of them and bring them into the light of Truth. I will amplify your achievements manifold if you recognize a snake of betrayal, a viper of blasphemy, and a jackal of lies behind all the tricks. After the important affair is over, we will celebrate the Victory. Now is not the time to rest; it is not the time to shirk from work. The time is short and you have to use every hour to work for the Brotherhood. Anything new always meets resistance. And the new times that are coming will eclipse everything that has been before. New consciousness will give an opportunity to grow a new society. Therefore, live as if this is your last day, and you need to do everything that you promised the Masters before your incarnation. We lost many people. Therefore, everyone will have to struggle for ten. Take care of the purity of your garments so there is nothing to be reproached for. Do not be tied to the chariots of those who draw you to long quarrels, criticism, and censure. Cut off everything unnecessary and rush to the future with a light step! I AM Nicholas Roerich. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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