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![]() À Teaching on the liberation from negative energiesKuthumi I AM Kuthumi. Perhaps those of you who regularly read our Messages that we give through our Messenger will remember me. I come often, and my talks mainly concern the development of your consciousness. I also specialize in solving psychological problems with which your souls are burdened. Today I would like to devote time to a talk about where your psychological problems come from and whether it is possible for you to free yourselves from them without the help of psychotherapists. It should be said that the Ascended Masters and human psychotherapists approach the liberation from psychological problems differently. Human psychotherapists use the terms subconscious and unconscious, whereas I usually use the terms soul and subtle bodies. This would not be a big difference if your specialists approached you not as a client and a source of their subsistence in the physical world but as a soul that needs help and support. I have to state the deplorable fact that practically all people living on planet Earth now are in need of help. And I mean help in solving psychological problems that are burdening their souls and pass from embodiment to embodiment. Many specialists and psychotherapists reject the fact that the soul has a very ancient history and passes through many incarnations. And this makes it impossible to fully help many souls who need help. Many problems came to them from their previous embodiments: various fears, phobias, and death records. Many souls are burdened with these problems and do not know how to free themselves from them. I will not give you a universal prescription. I can only give you my own advice and recommendations. And I will be glad if you manage to use these recommendations in your lives. I will be even happier if my recommendations bring healing to your souls. First, you need to realize that the problem is in you and burdens your subtle bodies. For example, this can be hatred toward the opposite sex, which originated from an experience in your past. You have a beautiful family in your current embodiment, and there is no cause for the manifestation of hatred and enmity. But you can do nothing with yourself. From time to time you experience attacks of hatred or anger. You suffer from it yourself, and it also affects people close to you: your spouse and your children. The first and most important step to solving your problem is the recognition of the fact that this problem exists within you. This is a very big and vital step. When you read these lines, it may seem funny to you that you cannot recognize such a problem. Do not jump to conclusions. You can see this problem in other people, but when the karmic energy of hatred and enmity rises within yourself, when it overwhelms you and totally flows over you like an ocean wave, you cannot evaluate the situation rationally. Your anger seems fully justified to you, and you find, or rather your carnal mind finds, a thousand satisfactory excuses for your state, your behavior, and your actions. When this horrible, negative energy from your past embodiments rises within you, it is very difficult for you to cope with yourself. You do not know how many times in your past incarnations you experienced the most severe treatment from the opposite sex. You could have been humiliated, beaten up, and even violated and killed. The records of all these negative experiences are lying in your subtle bodies as a burden. And your task, your foremost task, is to try to realize that this energy, this negative energy, is present within you. It is not your husband or wife that is the cause of your negative state of consciousness but the energy that exists within you. The complexity of the situation is that most likely within your husband or wife, there is also an energy that needs to be worked off. And, most probably, while under the influence of negative energy you blame your husband, for example, for some actions or thoughts that he does not have in the current embodiment; it was just in his previous embodiments he allowed himself to perform the precise actions you reproach him for. Therefore, the process of healing from low-quality energies becomes more complicated because this is a mutual process. You can render help to each other to free yourselves from the negative energies. You just need to agree between yourselves that when this negative energy is rising in one of you, the other must signal that here it is, this energy has risen. And then, helping each other, you will become aware of the presence of this energy within you. And you will be able to separate this energy from yourself. You will become able to realize that this is the part of you that you wish to free yourself from. The second vital step comes when you manage to recognize the presence of the negative energy that exists within you, and you begin to feel an impulse to get rid of that negative energy. The next step is the easiest one. You ask God to liberate you from the negative energy that is present in you. But, with all its seeming simplicity, this step cannot be done by everybody. Usually, people are very mobile in their consciousness. They are able to ask God once or twice to free them from the negative energy, but then they forget about their appeal and about their decision to get rid of the negative energy. Then, when the next karmic moment comes and the negative energy totally flows over them again, people are puzzled. Why didn’t God free them from this energy? This, beloved, is because the negative energy that is present in you has sometimes been formed during the whole previous embodiment or during several embodiments. That is why you should go to great lengths to become free from this energy. You may involve prayer practice; you may use the dispensation on the 23rd of each month[1] that was described in detail in a series of Dictations through this Messenger. You may use the dispensation of writing letters to the Karmic Board[2] that was also given to you in detail. Sometimes only your everyday endeavors during a number of years can help you to free yourself from the negative energies of the past. The negative qualities that were acquired by you during the current embodiment are worked off much more easily, but the qualities that accompany you from embodiment to embodiment require a lot of effort to be worked out. Many qualities can be worked out through the direct interaction with your spouses. Day after day you face each other’s negative qualities, and you realize that these are the negative energies that you need to free yourself from, and you forgive each other and help each other throughout your lives. Only this way, by helping each other, are you sometimes able to overcome the karma of the past. And the main element that is able to help you in dissolving the past karma is the love that you feel toward each other. This is the greatest treasure of your world that is worth cherishing and protecting much more than money, things, or gold. I am glad that our talk has taken place today. I AM Kuthumi, with Love toward your souls. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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