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![]() The Essence of the Rose PathBeloved Jesus I AM Jesus, having come to you. So much effort was spent by the Heavenly Hosts to make this Message of mine possible. Now, I am with you. Are you glad about our meeting? I suppose that most of you had some doubts regarding the possibility that I can give this Message and to what extent this Message truly belongs to me, beloved Jesus. I will resolve your doubts. Do not think about the source of the Message; do not think about how it has appeared in your world. Concentrate your attention on the Message itself and try to read it with your heart — not with your mind but with your heart. Your mind and your heart are not always in agreement. It is your mind, your carnal mind that is mostly preventing you when your heart calls you Heavenward. Your mind tells you that this is impossible; it finds thousands of reasons not to change anything in your life. And most often you follow your mind, not your heart. The voice of your heart gradually becomes quieter and quieter, and it finally subsides completely. And then when you have had enough running from pillar to post in your life, have faced many obstacles, and have unhealable wounds in your subtle bodies as well as psychological problems, you hear somewhere or remember that it would be good to seek help from your heart. However, during the long years of living without God, your heart has been covered with such warts and scabs that it cannot answer your calls. You are puzzled because you ask for help, you really need help, and you cannot get it. Your heart keeps silent. At such moments, many people sink into despair or lose hope and fall into the worst states of consciousness. You should not do that, beloved. Your heart hears you, but you cannot hear it because you yourself have covered it with a shell. You have met many life situations that hurt your heart, and you hardened your heart. This means that your heart was getting covered with armor, a shell, behind which it was hiding from blows, severe blows that you faced in life. Therefore, step by step you need to dissolve this shell, this armor, which your heart is in. You will not be able to dissolve this shell at once nor even in a month. A much longer period of time may be necessary. It may even take the same amount of time as when you were ignoring your heart. However, in order for you to return to the true Life — not to that life that surrounds you but to the real Life, Eternal Life, which is awaiting you — you need to move forward, step by step without stopping, and to remove one cover after another from your heart. There was much evil that you encountered in life. There were a lot of things that used to make your heart die within you. Talk to your heart and feel the warmth within it. Imagine that you are breathing with your heart. Talking with your heart must become your daily practice. As you devote more and more attention to your heart, it will respond to you. And there will come a moment in your life when you will hear the voice of your heart in the depth of your being. It will be a very tender and gentle voice. You need to try not to lose this voice amidst the surrounding hustle and bustle. You need to try very hard to hear what your heart is telling you. If you manage to do so once and then a second time, you can be congratulated on a great victory! You have returned to the true, Divine essence that exists within you. And in comparison with the tenderness, warmth, Love, and bliss that reside within you, inside your being, all the entertainment of your world appears to be vulgar and pointless. You will acquire a more exquisite taste, and you will become familiar with the joys of the Divine world. When this occurs within you, you will be able to say to yourself, That is done! I have overcome the unreal part of myself. I did it! However, just when you discover the peace and serenity inside your being, the rest of the world will turn against you. I will not reveal any secret here. This story is as old as the hills. When your vibrations rise, you become a source of danger for the surrounding world because people in the rest of the world continue to shelter their hearts behind an impenetrable shell, and they do not wish to respond to the Love that is streaming through your being. What should you do in this situation? Heed the voice of your heart. Your heart will tell you what to do. As a rule, the circumstances of your life and your karma do not allow you to escape from the grip of the world. You are compelled to remain in the world as a sacrificial Lamb of God. You are forced to sacrifice yourself in order to give the thirsty a drink with your blood. And, when tormenting you and sucking your blood, the world may stop for a while and think about the fact that God is inside every being. And this God is waiting for the proper moment to speak to every person living in this world. There are too few awakened souls in the world now. Therefore, the fate of these souls is to be sacrificial Lambs of God in the world. This will continue until a sufficient number of such souls manage to unite and create such a momentum of Light that it will outweigh the entire darkness of the world. Until that time, the fate of each Christ-being is to be a victim of the world, just like I made my sacrifice and was crucified on the cross of matter in my time. I have revealed the essence of the Rose Path[1] to you. I have taught you the essence of the Path that I followed during my incarnation 2000 years ago. Since that time, many souls of Light have followed my Path. You know some of them because they went down in history as saints and prophets. Others are unknown to you because the essence of the Path is to sacrifice yourself for the sake of saving the world. And when that happens, it is not spoken about on every street corner. Today I have given you a view of the Inner Path that you are being taught by the Ascended Masters. I AM Jesus. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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