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![]() The whole perfection is inherent within you!Saint-Germain I AM Saint-Germain! Are you happy to hear from me again? I have come to inspire you with a hefty dose of optimism! I am a very optimistic Master. And regardless of all the difficulties, which increase more and more, I am sure that the victory, the final victory, will be on the side of the forces of Light! It simply cannot be otherwise! And I always meet any problems and difficulties on the Path with joy! That is something to practice and to learn from! I wish with all my heart that you will learn exactly the same attitude toward various difficulties that you encounter. You must always remember that God does not give you unrealistic tasks and that the task or problem that you are faced with, even if it blocks your whole vision, is only an illusion. The problem continues to appear only until you, in your consciousness, find the key to its solution. If you constantly concentrate on problems, then you will encounter problems, but if you concentrate on success, then success will always accompany you! Optimism is my inherent character trait, and I wish to give this optimism to you. Everything happening in your life has been caused by yourself, by the choices you have made in the past. All events have their causes in past choices and even in past states of your flawed consciousness. Therefore, the true cause of everything that you encounter in your life lies within yourselves, in your consciousness. And the negative energies that exist within you attract negative situations to you. In fact, you alone create the illusion for yourself in order to then undo it after encountering it. The truth is, you do not always succeed in this, but often you create an even bigger illusion. And this is happening just because you react incorrectly to everything happening in your lives. You have probably had very difficult situations in the past. You worried, and you thought that your life did not have any meaning anymore. This could have been a love failure or problems at work or in the family. Recall that after a certain amount of time passed, it could have been a day, or a month, or maybe a year or several years, and then in your new state of consciousness you thought about this situation and it did not seem so helpless and hopeless. You alone create situations in your life that you then heroically overcome. And the Teaching that I give is connected to overcoming these inner negative states that stem from the past. At the moment when everything seems helpless and hopeless, you just have to remember me. Just imagine my image and give yourselves an opportunity to escape from the current situation. I know that when you are deeply immersed in the illusion and the illusion seems so real to you, it is very difficult to remember the Masters, the Teaching, and about me. However, this is exactly what you have to master. God is great. He lets each of you have your own illusion. When encountering the same situation, people react differently: For some it seems tragic, for others it is interesting, and there are some people who do not feel anything about the situation. This is the art of transformation: when you in your consciousness are capable of transforming the situation. Of course, you do not change anything outside of yourselves, but you change your attitude toward the situation. You just find some positive moment in this situation and then another one. Afterward, you switch your attention for a while to something pleasant, and then when you go back to the situation, it does not seem so bad and hopeless to you. The situation has already changed because you changed it with your correct attitude. And the very dense energy that caused the negative situation was able to lighten a bit due to your correct inner actions. Always try to look upon each situation from the positive side. It is important to choose a correct point of view for your situation. There is a certain character trait in the Russian nation that, in fact, makes many things worse, and this is the inability to look at things optimistically. I am fond of Americans; I like their ability to find the positive in any situation. In the beginning, even I could not give Messages through the Russian Messenger, because the Russian mentality prevented me. Everything can be corrected. Many traits, even if they are ingrained by centuries of incarnations in adverse conditions, can be corrected. I gave the science of alchemy, the science of transformation, through American Messengers. And the essence of this science is that with the flames of your hearts, you have an opportunity to change any situation and to transform all negativity into the best human qualities. I deliberately came to give this talk now at the end of the year when there is very little sunshine in the northern hemisphere, and people are prone to depression. You have to pay more attention to working on yourselves. The whole perfection is already inherent within you. This is your Divine essence, the gold that lies in the depths of your being. You only need to make an effort to clear those karmic blockages that prevent you from taking advantage of your treasure. You will be happy! You will definitely be happy if you follow the advice given by me and the other Ascended Masters in your life. I was happy to give you a Message today! I AM Saint-Germain! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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