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![]() Any Teaching that is not put into practice is a dead teachingBeloved Lanello I AM Lanello. I have come for a talk that may seem surprising for you, but perhaps it will resonate in the hearts of those who need it. So, I will proceed. Today, before giving the Dictation, I was thinking about how to give you this information. The most important thing I realized is that no matter how hard I try, you will not hear it if you are not given this information to hear. And conversely, if you are ready and the degree of your willingness allows it, then you will hear everything you need even if it is not said. You will read it between the lines and perceive it as a guide to action. As we expected, our mission in Russia encountered resistance. And this resistance is inevitable because the flow of Light that in recent years has been pouring into the hearts of the light-bearers of Russia through our Messenger must obviously cause the resistance. Our outpost, which we established on the physical plane in the Ashram of our Messenger, is exposed to the most serious attacks and the most severe tests. Well, all this is natural. From the point of view of the majority of people, as long as there is some abstract Teaching being given on the Path of Initiations, on the Inner Path, this Teaching will not cause resistance or rejection because there are many teachings of all kinds in your world. And with this background, our Teaching that we are giving through our Messenger is not very conspicuous. However, as soon as we started construction on the physical plane, a whole wave arose at once. This wave arose from government officials and also appeared within the people who, until recently, considered themselves light-bearers. How many convictions, gossip, and rumors appeared! And it is just due to a small practical step that we took on the physical plane. Do you know why this happens? Any teaching that is neither put into practice nor applied in life and does not cover all planes of existence, including the physical plane, is a dead teaching. The Teachings of the Great White Brotherhood always differed from the variety of teachings that have always existed. Our Teaching was notable because we always tried to put it into practice and not in the form of abstract spiritual practices for the precipitation of various mythical tricks, the descending of energies, and other things. We always tried to put into practice the patterns that are given in the Teaching and that should be applied in everyday life. One can talk about the Divine Commandments for a long time. We can talk about them for thousands of years, but once you see real people who follow these Commandments in their lives, then this model will stay in your consciousness until the end of your life. That is why the model on the physical plane is so important. That is why we tirelessly talk about this and direct our energy for its creation. Precisely because this model is vital in the Masters’ mission is why it meets strong resistance in the physical, astral, and mental planes. Just look at how many people there were who wished to join the work of the Masters. And where are they now? As soon as we began speaking about certain concrete actions in the physical plane, all these people immediately found something else to do in their lives and some other more convenient teachings and religions that do not hurt or wound their egos so much. We raised our flag high over the land of Russia. We have affirmed our plans and started to fulfill them. Now, to our regret, we have encountered very strong resistance from the opposing forces. On the one hand, this resistance is predictable and natural, but on the other hand, we expected a higher level of consciousness in the light-bearers of Russia. We expected more courage, more self-sacrifice, and more devotion. Well, we will wait until the Russian people awaken. However, it may be too late. The priceless workable years of our Messenger go by. And we will not be able to fulfill our plans without the Messenger. We have tried to work through many people, and now we are trying to awaken those who can take such an important and necessary mission upon themselves. However, we do not see other candidates at the present moment. All I can advise in this situation is to not lose hope and try to save at least what has been reclaimed from the illusion. The most precious thing that has been done over these years is to elevate the level of consciousness of many light-bearers living in Russia and in other countries. We have a high platform from which we can give our Teaching. Each Dictation brings energy that must be assimilated by you and directed to fulfill the plans of the Brotherhood. It is regretful to see how the energy delivered by us to your octave with great efforts is wasted in empty conversations, chatter, and even rumors and gossip. Never before has the Brotherhood had an opportunity to speak to such a large audience simultaneously. I mean by spreading the Teaching through the Internet. We realize that the level of the audience is different, and we try to give the Teaching so that everyone can learn something for himself or herself, while being at different levels of consciousness. That is why the Teaching is given in very simple words and concerns the subjects that everyone can understand. Each time requires giving the Teaching in a certain way. We sincerely hope that sooner or later the number of the Dictations given by us will grow into the quality of your consciousness. However, do not forget that the first task is to create a location on Earth where the Teaching will be put into practice in its fullness. There are a sufficient number of souls of Light who are incarnated now exactly for this mission. Help us to spread the Teaching so that it can be heard by these souls who are scattered throughout the world. I do not lose hope that I will be heard and understood by those for whom I have spoken today. I AM Lanello. Always victory! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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