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![]() A Teaching on the current situation on Earth and on the direction of your spiritual questGautama Buddha I AM Gautama Buddha. I have come through our Messenger in order to talk with you because I feel that many of you need this heart-to-heart conversation. When the carnal mind is silent and feelings are calm, a quiet moment of silence comes. At this moment you can feel my presence and understand me. There is a difference between our worlds, and this difference is so significant that it is impossible for you to stay in our world. There are various theories that are present in your world regarding the fact that you can make a transition and find yourself in our dimension, or the vibrations of your plane will rapidly rise and you will be able to exist on a different energy level. I do not advocate such theories, and I am ready to explain why it is undesirable to carry out sudden changes at the current stage of human development. I can give you an example concerning your daily life. Imagine yourself without television, without newspapers and magazines, without any possibility of spending time with a companion having a beer or a cup of tea. Can you imagine yourself without your immediate environment, your relatives, your neighbors, and your coworkers? Now imagine what you will do without all that. How will you spend your time? The old cannot disappear if it is not replaced by the new. It is obvious. And if you give up something, then something else should take its place. To start with, you must acquire a more exquisite taste for the things of the subtle world, not of the astral world or the mental world but of the Higher worlds. You must acquire consonance with these worlds and feel their peace and harmony. It should be pleasant for you to dwell in these worlds. First, you can lift the veil slightly and briefly look behind it. Then, you will be able to experience new states that are not based on mental reasoning and views. These states will not be based on forms or on your usual views. And yet it is existence, existence at the higher level of being. You will be able to transit into other states of consciousness, first in your meditations, and then you will be able to stay in these states of your consciousness during your usual work and your household duties even without meditation. You will not be able to master this within one lifetime. Many of you will need numerous incarnations to master the new states of consciousness. This is true indeed. When a rapid change is carried out, it is similar to a revolution — a revolution in your consciousness. In this case as in any revolution, victims are inevitable. The lower the average level of human consciousness, the more victims there will be. As a Buddha, I have a very high degree of compassion toward humankind. I will do my best so that humankind can advance along the path of evolution with the least number of victims and calamities. I am willing to sacrifice myself so that your development can continue at a natural pace, without critical leaps. For this reason, I will express my point of view at the forthcoming session of the Karmic Board. And I think the Supreme Cosmic Council of this Universe will also consider my opinion. There is a subtle balance that we have managed to maintain for the past several hundred years. Every time the situation on the planet gets out of control, we manage to direct it into a safe course. We have succeeded in doing so until recently. We will see what we will have now. A correct position of yours is to be ready to stay calm and in a prayerful state of consciousness, even if the whole world around you starts collapsing. This is the correct position because the state of consciousness that you are in at the moment of transition when you cast off your physical body, determines the level of vibrations that you will have to continue your evolution. This is why it is very important to remain as calm as possible in the most critical situations. Non-ascended humanity has never been told about the plans for its development. If there had been prophets who had spoken the truth, this truth was so encrypted that it could have been ambiguously understood. Similarly, I will tell you that neither the exact deadlines nor probable events will be specified. All those who speak about exact deadlines and describe an exact scenario are stretching the truth. There is an element of unpredictability in the path of development for human civilization, but until recently the Ascended Hosts have always managed to keep a balance and to keep humanity from the edge of the abyss (where they stubbornly tend to jump into sometimes). Do not rush. From the point of view of the Higher Masters of the Universe, you have eternity ahead of you. The extent to which you can manage to feel this eternity in your lives, eternal peace and eternal bliss, will determine the further development of humankind. There have never been great achievements of spirit among crowds of people. All great deeds of spirit have been fulfilled in silence with candlelight and prayer. You ascend within yourselves. You mount the steps leading up. Those examples that are known in history are only the tip of an iceberg. These few examples enable humankind to verify their own course. There was only one Jesus, but His feat of spirit still directs many seekers. However, in order for this feat of spirit to take place, many years of training and experience were needed, coming from many previous incarnations. So also do you need many years of training and experience; you do not need to seek outside of yourselves for what is necessary for your spiritual growth. Seek within yourselves — there is a door leading to eternity. I have given a Teaching on the current situation on Earth and on the direction of your spiritual quest. I AM Gautama Buddha. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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