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![]() My instruction to the disciplesBeloved Serapis Bey I AM Serapis Bey, having come to you again through our Messenger. Since our last meeting I have been considering what kind of food for thought can be given to you at the moment. I really would like you to not stop thinking about the subject of today's conversation immediately after you finish reading my Dictation. I would really like it if you, in your consciousness, would constantly turn to this Message of mine, not because what I would like to tell you is so new and meaningful, but because the subject of today's conversation has been known for a long time. I would just like you to keep your attention on this Message a little bit longer than usual. Then, with your attention, I will be able to establish a connection with many of my disciples who are in incarnation, but who are still so fascinated by the illusion that they do not even bother to turn their attention toward me. I serve on the Fourth Ray as Hierarch of this Ray. You probably know that I give my daily classes to my disciples in my retreat above Luxor. You do not need to go to Egypt to establish a connection with me. You just need to constantly keep my image before your mind's eye and think about me, especially before bedtime. This is enough for you to be invited to my retreat and for our introductory conversation to take place. As a rule, after this introductory conversation the disciples take some time for consideration, and as a rule, very few of them come back to my classes. Have you ever noticed that once you start thinking too much about any issue, your mind skillfully takes you into the jungle of the mental plane so that you do not even remember the issue being contemplated anymore? You know all the decisions within your hearts. And if you do not obey the movement of your heart and instead you start thinking about the decision on the level of your carnal mind, then you are led away from the direct path, including the path to my retreat. It is a great pity because the next opportunity to get in touch with me and to get education from me in my retreat may not come within your current embodiment. I am the Master who prepares you for the Path of Initiation. You get the introductory knowledge, and in your external consciousness you start looking for the necessary literature and gradually move to your initiations that you need to go through for your further advancement. No matter how you try to slip away from the Path and whatever strong arguments your carnal mind comes up with, sooner or later all of you will come to me for a talk because I decide how you will proceed further. I see the level of readiness of each of you and determine the better way for you to pass your particular test in the existing circumstances of life. Sometimes you feel that you encounter ordinary life difficulties and troubles. However, I am watching you very carefully to see how you get out of the predicament. And if you have the least bit of resentment toward any person, and you shift the responsibility for your difficulties on this person, then you do not pass my test, because the main condition for passing the test is to accept everything that happens to you in the outer world with humility. Can you hear me? Accept absolutely everything. Nothing can happen to you that you have not created yourself. You are creating all the circumstances of your life by your choices that you make and by your reaction to everything that surrounds you in your life. For many people it takes many hundreds and thousands of embodiments to comprehend this very simple Truth. Somehow, in a mysterious way, when you encounter some difficulty in your life, the first thing you do is to look for the guilty ones around you. Believe me; ninety-nine percent of the difficulties that you face in your life are caused by your own actions in the past. And in one percent of the cases, your life difficulties are a test that can be given by me or by any of the Masters who are guiding your spiritual development. You continue studying in our schools and continue taking the exams until you master this first Truth, which is most difficult for you to master. Once you start responding properly to everything that happens to you in the outer world, you are ready to become our disciples, and in your external consciousness you start realizing our inner connection at the Higher plane. My more advanced disciples are able to connect with me instantly with the help of thought and receive the answer in their hearts to all or almost all questions they ask. As a rule, I try to answer all questions except those when I believe that for the spiritual advancement of the individual, it will be more useful if he finds a solution himself using acquired knowledge and applying it in practice. This is the way our work goes, the work of the Brotherhood with humankind of Earth. There are other civilizations and creatures that are also trying to contact you at the subtle plane and to guide your actions. However, I must warn you against the majority of such contacts because if you enter into a relationship with creatures that do not maintain the Divine level of vibrations and use your lifestream for the fulfillment of their own goals in the physical plane, then you create karma. You are required to make better and better distinctions as the boundary between the worlds is diluting. And most people who really want to get in touch with the Ascended Masters and to receive our Messages, having certain experience gained in their previous incarnations, easily come into contact with the beings that live in the astral plane and even receive Messages from them. Before giving yourself to the disposal of a being of the astral plane, ask yourself why you need this connection. If you just want to receive messages from the subtle plane, your motive is not high enough to enter into a relationship with the Brotherhood. As a rule, the people who we authorize to receive our Messages have a wider mission than simply receiving messages from the ethereal octaves. And we aim to establish a reliable guideline through our Messengers by creating our schools, ashrams, and settlements in the physical plane. If your motive is pure and you wish to serve the Brotherhood, then think about this simple idea: What is more important, to give the world a Message from the world of the Masters or to provide the world with a reliable guideline in the sea of chaos that exists in your world? I suppose you will consider my Message at your leisure and choose the right guidelines in your heart. Now I say goodbye to you, and I hope for future meetings. I AM Serapis Bey. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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