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![]() A Teaching on OnenessI AM THAT I AM I AM THAT I AM. I AM. I come to synchronize our vibrations. We must be in Unity.We must be United.We must be One.With whom?With what?Why?We recall the Divine world, and we aspire to the Divine world. In this harmony of aspiration to the One, we feel Life, Oneness, Peace, and Harmony. We feel complete satisfaction and complete saturation of all our feelings and desires. Any other aspiration to oneness that assumes unity with someone or something in the plane lower than the Divine level is an illusory oneness or a temporary oneness, the oneness that people invent in their mind. Every time you call someone to oneness, every time you hear the appeal to oneness, think about which level of the Universe this appeal belongs to. Every living being on the planet must ultimately be united at the point where Creation began. Therefore, when people talk about Oneness, they assume their own kind of standard of Oneness, some standard that belongs to a lower plane rather than the Divine one. The above-mentioned does not mean that one should not aspire to Oneness. The above-mentioned means only that the same word has different reflections in different levels of consciousness, and in your world there is no equivalent of the Oneness that I am speaking about. For this reason you have to use the standards and perceptions that exist in the limited human consciousness. Therefore, I am not saying that one should not aspire to Oneness. I say that there are different levels of understanding this concept for different levels of consciousness. You should gradually move toward greater Oneness and Unity. But unfortunately, this process cannot be completed within one incarnation or even many incarnations. But if you do not keep the guidelines, correct examples, standards of behavior, and aspiration in your consciousness, then society becomes sick and doomed to extinction. Therefore, constant renewal of ethical and moral guidelines in society is very important. A society that lacks ideals is doomed to death. A healthy society always presupposes the existence of high ethical and moral guidelines. Therefore, the time has come to renew the Testament that was given by I AM Being to Moses and the prophets. The moment has come when every true and faithful one has to make a decision in his heart to whom he belongs. Is he capable of carrying out Divine Law in this world? Is he trying to manifest the anti-law, the law that is limited by the scope of only human existence? Every system that focuses only on satisfying personal needs and is not able to move beyond the limits of the surrounding illusion is doomed. Only you are capable of making the choice that has to be made. Little time is left. No matter how you try to postpone the moment of making the decision, each of you will make the choice. Everyone will choose the world to which he aspires. And if you turn to the temporary world with its trinkets, you doom yourself to destruction together with this world. In order to continue your existence, you must transit to the new level of consciousness, to the level that will allow you to experience your Oneness with every particle of Life. As soon as you manage to feel this Oneness in your consciousness at least once, you become immortal. You do not die; you live eternally because you have risen from the dead and have passed to Eternal Life. This Teaching has been given many times. Beloved Jesus and beloved Gautama Buddha, and many prophets, heralds, and Messengers have been teaching this great Truth. However, only few are able to perceive this Truth so far, to perceive it not in the mind but to perceive it by the whole being so that this Truth penetrates every cell of your body, and each cell transforms at the DNA level. This transformation will be the sign of Salvation for you. There are many people who say things similar to what I am saying to you. However, there is one very important peculiarity that makes the Teaching given by Me different from many others. This peculiarity concerns the moment when you are ready to sacrifice yourself for the salvation of the world. When you reach the highest point of understanding Unity with every particle of Life, you realize that you are not something separate from the whole Creation; you are this whole Creation, and if a part of you dies, you still continue to Live. Once you reach this point of understanding in your consciousness, you truly become immortal. You become one with One. And no matter how your further life develops, you will constantly remember this moment of Truth, this enlightenment that you have received from Me. I wish all of you to have this enlightenment in the New Year. Let Earth live. Let the world be well. Let all living beings be happy. I AM THAT I AM. Om. Om. Om. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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