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![]() Recommendations at the end of the yearBeloved Mother Mary I AM your Mother Mary, having come in order to give this Message. I have come on one of the last days of this year in order to sum up some results and to outline the future guidelines in your consciousness. I have come to talk to you without any hurry — sincerely — carefully, and gently. I have come as a loving and careful mother. Indeed, I am your mother for I do care about you and heal your souls. When it is especially hard for you, all of you come to me. I know that it is hard for you. I know that you are at the meeting, the crossing of the new energies coming into your world and the old energies that are still prevailing in your world. It is always very hard to live at a transitional time. Your physical bodies and your finer conductors sometimes cannot cope with the increased load. However, you should put up with it. There is no other way. Along with me, many angel-healers and many Masters are ready to give you all feasible and possible help. Therefore, do not ignore the help that the Heavens are giving to you. Turn for help to the Masters, the angels, the elementals, and to me personally. I am carrying the burden of many incarnated sons and daughters of God. I am trying to ease your fate. However, you also can help me. I need your energy, your prayers, and your Love. We can and should help each other. I will ease your burden at this transitional time, and you give me an additional reserve of energy, please. I am listening to your prayers; and sometimes only one prayer sincerely read in your heart is enough to render help. However, you do not find time to send me the energy of your prayer. I cannot give you help when you demand help from me. I can only help humble hearts, the hearts that have repented and are ready to obey any of our requirements. As always, we are calling you to the right state of your consciousness. Some people need fasting, prayer, repentance, confession, and communion in order to achieve the right state of consciousness. The sincere tears of repentance are enough for the others. Washed by those tears in the morning after the sleepless night, my precious children are capable of sincere prayer, and the extent of repentance present in their hearts gives me an opportunity to render the help they need. I see your suffering. I feel compassion toward you. However, you should understand me. There are some kinds of karma from your past deeds that can be expiated only by suffering. There is a lot of grief and suffering in your world. I see it. I also see other things. I see how the young people use the precious energy of Love completely irresponsibly. I see… and my heart stops with a shudder because I know what suffering those souls will be subjected to in the future. You doom yourselves to much suffering. I have come to remind you of the responsibility for your actions so that you do not ask me for deliverance from suffering and for healing when your life is over, and you are burdened with the heavy baggage of illnesses and psychological problems. I would like young people to ask for my help, advice, and support right now so that in their mature age they can serve for the Glory of God and perform Divine deeds on the physical plane. You all are obliged to direct your eyes at the young people. Those who are at the end of life and have finally realized the Divine Truth more or less, you can pass your experience to the new generation. Think about the way in which you can do that — it is necessary to do it, I am telling you. I care about the future generation because I foresee big changes soon, especially in my favorite Russia. Extensive work and huge responsibility will lie upon the very youth who wander about the streets and do not know what to do. Therefore, I ask you not to ignore your duty. Let the young people receive the knowledge of the Divine Law existing in this universe. Let that knowledge reach the young hearts. It is not necessary to use the institution of the church in order to make the young fulfill the directions of one or another religion. It is not necessary at all. It is important that God settles in the heart of every human living in the world. It is important that every human lives in accordance with the Law. If you think that church ceremonies have become old and alienate the young, then give them a codex of moral norms and rules in the form of lectures, films, or seminars. Give the young the right guidelines for their lives. This is your duty, the duty of everyone who is reading this Message of mine now. I have come to you on this day at the end of the year because this time at the end of the year and the sense of the New Year is disposed to consideration. Try to follow the inner need of reflection in your heart. Try to stay alone. Your friends and acquaintances and all the existing traditions will be telling you the opposite and will be urging you to join a noisy party and traditional New Year’s and Christmas table. Do not rush to noisy companies. Do not create new karma to untangle for the entire next year. At the end of the next year, do not complain to me that it is hard for you and that you lack health and energy. Follow the pieces of advice that I give you year after year, and every successive year will be happier than the previous one. May God help you during the New Year! I AM Mother Mary, and I have been with you on this day. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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