Mother Mary


Mother Mary
Mother Mary’s Life on Earth

Over two millennia separate us from the times when Mother Mary walked on Earth. Today, it is hard to believe that she had an earthly life, filled with human worries, joys and sufferings. We are used to perceiving her as an Ascended Master, yet, she had worldly qualities as well. The stories and reminiscences of Mother Mary’s contemporaries form a fairly visual image of her...




Mother Mary's Messages given throught T.N. Mickushina

Beloved, your souls have taken a heavy burden of incarnation at this hard time for the Earth. And I can only remind you of that and tell you the words of comfort and dry your tears. But you have to continue fulfilling your mission. Each of you is very dear to my heart, and this special connection with me will always bring you help at the time when it seems to you that you haven't got any energy and any possibility to bear that rudeness and ignorance around you.

At the hardest moments of your life find the strength to get in touch with me in your mind. Just think about me, and I will manifest my presence beside you and share your burden. And you will feel relief and will be able to go your further way through life and completely fulfill your Service.

Mother Mary, June 11, 2010


Mother Mary


Mother Mary's Rosaries

... On the 20th of September, 2005, during the meditation, Sanat Kumara sent me a thought about the necessity of writing a new Rosary, which would not consist of the evangelic texts alternating with the prayer Hail Mary (the principle by which catholic rosaries are comprised of), but the new Rosary would be comprised of fragments of the dictations given by the Masters through me that year.

And the first Rosary must be comprised of the first three dictations given by Sanat Kumara.

The next day, before I stepped forward to the writing of the Rosary, during a meditation I asked whether that must be a Rosary of Sanat Kumara?

The answer was: "No, this must be an ordinary Rosary of Mother Mary".


Tatyana Mickushina



The Hour of Mother Mary's Mercy.

Dear friends,

We would like to remind you of the yearly dispensation of The Hour of Mercy on the 8th of December from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. which was given by Beloved Mother Mary. Remind your friends and relatives of that dispensation!

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The Grace from the Retreat of Mother Mary

The film presents meditation on the Mother's Flame.

In the first part of the film famous Russian icons representing Mother of God and Jesus go one by one. "Mother of God" from "Night Vigil" by Rakhmaninov is heard.

The melody is changed. You can hear the splendid music "Thank the Virgin" by Verdi and you can see pictures by Botichelli, Tician, Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Rafael and other Great Masters representing scenes from New Testament appear and disappear... The Annunciation, the Birth of Jesus Christ, the Visit of the Magi, the Saint Family... The melody is changed again. "Ave Maria" by Schubert is heard. In the background the pictures representing Russian nature flow one by one.

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Mother Mary
Ave Maria Music compositions