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![]() The hour of victory has come!Mighty Victory I AM Mighty Victory! I AM, having come! Overcoming space and time I am connecting now with the urgent need to convey the joyful news to you! Your planet is passing to a new stage of your evolution, and this is occurring literally now. Each of you will be able to experience significant changes within the next few hours. You must listen to yourselves. You must sense yourselves, understand yourselves. You are not what you see in the mirror - you are mighty spiritual beings, and the stage is coming when you all must feel it, at least those of you who are ready to follow the Path of evolution of this Universe, followed by all reasonable beings of this Universe. You are entering a level that will enable you to establish your connection with the Higher part of yourself without previous effort. At all times, there were people who stood apart and kept within themselves the secret of communication between the worlds, even when the veil was as dense as possible. If I were to present it as an image to you, then this image will be similar to the fact that formerly this veil was an impenetrable wall, but now there comes a time when this veil becomes like an openwork veil, through which you can see and get a partial idea of our world. I am the one who has come to you now to inform you of your opportunity. The veil between our worlds is ready to break right now. Your consciousness is the only obstacle that prevents you from seeing our world and communicating with our world. The subtle energies are penetrating through you and literally sculpting your consciousness, new consciousness - the consciousness of a human of the New Age. The Ascended Hosts do everything in their power to bring you into our world. And if you applied to the possibility of your communication with our world, even a thousandth part of the efforts that we apply, then you could make a lightning breakthrough in your consciousness into boundlessness, to our worlds. A wonderful time is coming. Look out of the window. Is that the world you see? Everyone is being given a chance. Everyone is making his decision himself, based on the law of free will. I have come like the star of Bethlehem that announced the birth of Jesus Christ. I have come to announce the birth of Christ within you. And those of you who have gained victory over their carnal consciousness will receive an opportunity to obtain the mind of Christ. Your consciousness will be able to perceive the understanding that was not available to you before. Your progress is not taking place on the physical plane. Your progress is taking place within your consciousness. You are ascending to the summit of the Divine consciousness with the help of your victories that you gain one after another over your unreal part, over your mortal carnal mind. The mind of Christ is radiating through you. It is being born inside of you, and it is making its way into your world through your hearts, through the radiance of your eyes, through your service, and through the actions that you perform for the good of all life. Beloved, it is impossible not to notice the changes that are occurring with those of you who are ready; those who have not only expressed their readiness to follow the Path, but who are constantly moving without stopping, and without paying attention to small and large obstacles. And while some are moving very quickly to the Divine summit in their consciousness, others, at the same time, prefer to waste precious time in search of the same pleasures and entertainments that have already led the best souls away from the Path. The illusion is still strong, but the time is shortened for the chosen. And if earlier, you only read and repeated these words, now you will be able to see firsthand the changes that await you in the near future. It was said: Two men will be in the field; one will be taken, and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken, and one will be left. [1] So it happens. Open your eyes and look around! And if you know what to pay attention to, then you will see how some put all their strength, all their abilities and spend all their time in order to move and move, forward and forward. But others, at the same time, are trying to find a narrow gap in which they could hide and sit out this time of changes. And this time can become a time of grandiose victory that some people win, and a time when others are defeated. Each of you has a potential to win. But some aspire to their victory and apply all their strength to achieve it, while others prefer to lie on the stove, [2] thinking that all these changes will pass them by and they still will have to do nothing. Beloved, never forget that you are all in the belly of God. You all constitute one body of God, and there comes a time when little depends on your desire. You are destined for victory. And you have no choice but your victory. Therefore, get off the stove, go outside and put yourselves under the fresh winds of changes. You are like a sailboat that stood in the harbor and could not move because there was no wind. And now the moment has come when the wind of opportunity has blown, ready to catch you up, and fill your sails, and direct you to the goal of your journey through the illusory world. And the goal of your journey is to return to the real world, where you came from, and where you are moving inevitably to, in accordance with the law of cosmic cycles. So, catch the wind of the cosmic opportunity with the sails of your being. Because the next cosmic opportunity will take place for the chosen only in the next cosmic cycle, and you will condemn yourselves to a long, tiresome staying in the burdensome worlds. Therefore, choose your victory and choose moving towards your Victory. I have come to tell you about the cosmic opportunity, which is coming and which has already come for those who are ready to accept it. The hour of victory has come! The victory for those who are ready and the victory for those who now agree to accept their victory. A powerful impulse of aspiration during the night to come will move you in your consciousness onto the next stage of your evolutionary development. And you will see clearly your goal; and you will see the New World that will become manifested first in your consciousness, and then gradually be manifested through your consciousness on the physical Earth. I AM Victory! [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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