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![]() Russia is spring-cleaning nowBeloved El Morya I AM El Morya, having come again. To tell you that it is important to give these Dictations and important to read these Dictations would be an understatement. Each time, we make significant efforts to overcome the resistance of matter and the resistance of circumstances related to the transmission of our Messages to the physical octave. The difficulty is to ensure that the transmission of the Messages is as accurate as possible that corresponds to the task of the present day. And the main task that is on the agenda is to change the consciousness of earthlings, to raise the level of consciousness, and to expand the capacity of consciousness. Your consciousness is the only obstacle that interferes with your communication with us, and your consciousness is the main obstacle to change the situation on planet Earth. Therefore, I come and tell you again and again, “Apply your immediate efforts. Get rid of everything unnecessary, and obsolete in your consciousness, which has no place in the New World.” It seems that the development of Russia has come to a standstill. It seems that nothing is changing and everything is bad. However, do not judge by external manifestations. For inside of each person, inside of each light-bearer, who is now in embodiment and lives in the territory of Russia, grandiose progress in the changing of consciousness is taking place. Tremendous work is going on to comprehend the experience that has been gained over the past hundred years. There is a proverb that says, “A negative result is also a result.” This proverb is the best suited to the events that Russia lived through during the past century. It is impossible, beloved, to build a society that meets the standards of the New World, which is not based on Faith in God. The true Faith, but not that faith that was quite naturally swept away during the Revolution of 1917. The Russian people have always intuitively suspected, that not a single official religion with its hierarchy and desire to impose its dogmas, meets the needs of the broad Russian soul. In this sense, we can say that the capacity of the consciousness of the Russian people, over the past decades, has expanded in vast proportions. In order to lose the shackling dogma and overcome this dogma in the consciousness, sometimes external explosions and social upheavals are necessary. And this process is akin to a spring-cleaning, which you do in your home. At first glance, it may seem that you are in complete chaos and confusion. All the things that were in their places have now moved. And it has become impossible to find them. Other things are dilapidated and need to be replaced. And you throw them away. Of course, it is a pity to part with your favorite things that have served you faithfully for many years and with which you have coalesced literally physically. However, the time comes, and you carefully examine old things and throw away the unnecessary. You wipe off the dust and polish those things that may still serve you and put everything back on the shelves. Russia is spring-cleaning now. A grandiose rethinking of values is taking place. Moreover, all the people of Russia are taking part in this spring-cleaning. Hence, the country looks untidy. Hence the frowning faces. The general cleaning is in full swing. And, it seems there is no end to this tedious work. Many people are trying to return to the tenets of the old faith of their great-grandfathers. They return to the newly restored temples, listen to themselves, smell out the church odors. And there is a presentiment that it is with God that the future of Russia is connected, with the true Faith in God. However, the soul does not find comfort in the old faith. Literally crowds of people are busy searching for new movements and new religions. And the forces of darkness helpfully palm off surrogates of faith, beautiful things, which, however, are absolutely useless for the development of the soul. The people of this great country decide at which to stop. What to choose and what to refuse? Or maybe, it is useful to preserve something, wipe off the layer of dust and put it on the shelf? The same relates to social life. After many years of domination by a false community, some try to return to this community but to build it on new principles. Others recall even older times and are trying to take a position among the new elite; to introduce in the country the same inequality that was characteristic of the last years of the Tsar’s regime. And again, it seems that something is not right. There is a folk wisdom that says that one cannot step into the same river twice. And it is too painful to part with old things; it is a pity to throw them away. However, the faster the collective consciousness of the people is cleansed of old unnecessary dogmas both in church, and in secular life, the faster and more successfully the new will take its frontiers in the consciousness of people. We are happy to see sprouts of the new and advanced in the hearts and minds of many people. Our disciples know neither sleep, nor rest. Our true disciples work around the clock. Our guards stand watch around the clock. The native stronghold must be protected from what is alien to the New World, from any ideas that come from the civilized world of Europe and America. However, I must tell you that behind all this western so-called civilization, there is nothing that would be needed in a future society. And no matter how strange it may seem to you, I will tell you that both Europe and America are forever behind the people of Russia in terms of their spiritual development and in terms of their consciousness. You do not see it now, when you are in the chaos of the spring-cleaning that you are doing now. But, believe me, literally a few years will pass, and those changes in consciousness, that are now progressing at an incomparable pace, literally by leaps and bounds, will become manifest in the surrounding life. Everything that surrounds you is a reflection of your consciousness. And what you are seeing around you now, is a reflection of the consciousness that Russian society had in the days of the false community - so-called socialism. Matter is the most inert part of the Universe. And in order for changes in consciousness to manifest in the physical world, years must pass. Previously, the reflection of a change in consciousness required much more time than is required now. The time has changed. And any changes in the consciousness of people lead to almost instantaneous changes on the physical plane; instantaneous, of course, on a cosmic scale. However, the process of acceleration, the process of raising the vibrations of the world, is occurring steadily and constantly. Therefore, every year, the period decreases when changes in consciousness become manifested on the physical plane. Therefore, strive to change your consciousness. Put your consciousness in order. You have your past as an example. A faith, that has been overthrown, and to which restoration attempts are being made, but which can no longer satisfy people, because the consciousness of people has expanded and cannot fit into the old framework. A false community, that existed and is gone. For a true community can only be based on true Faith. An old order, where a few possessed everything, and masses of people lived half-starving. And this order will not be able to take root again, because it does not meet the needs of the time. The combination of a true community, based on true Faith, the social structure of a society, that cares for and assists all its members, paying particular attention to children and the feeble, the possibility of free development of each member of society, getting the best free education, the best medical care. Everything that was in the false community, but set on the rails of true Faith, will provide the form for the future structure of society of the New Age, that we keep in our hearts. Social and property inequality will be overcome along with a change in the educational system that will give future generations an idea about the Divine Laws operating in this Universe. And about the main Laws: the Law of karma, or retribution, and the Law of reincarnation, or the evolution of souls. All the foundations of true Faith must be returned to society. And each person must gain an understanding of the change of cycles and the need to get rid of his ego, and the necessity to perfect himself in God. We are giving guidelines. We are giving foundations. We are giving instructions. For those who can hear. For those who understand. For those who are ready. I AM El Morya. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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