SiriuS - Ascended Master's Dictations

Cycles of the Messages

I will be with each of you until all of you return Home

Sanat Kumara, May 20, 2005

Sanat Kumara

I AM Sanat Kumara, having come through My Messenger again. I AM, having come to guide you, to teach you, and to help you comprehend the Divine reality — another world — that exists simultaneously with your world and differs from it only by its vibrations.

For every moment of you dwell in your world, you can simultaneously be in our world. There is a part of you, which constantly dwells in the Higher worlds. This part of yourself has been keeping its connection and interaction with the Higher reality during all the period of your embodiments in the physical octave.

The cosmic term approaches, and your Higher part envelops itself in denser bodies and descends into the matter.

When the surrounding world becomes denser, the connection between the Higher and the lower part of yourselves gradually severs and becomes, at first hardly distinguishable, until it disappears completely. When the materiality of your world reaches its pinnacle, you lose the connection with your Higher part.

Therefore, all the true spiritual practices that exist in your world are directed at the restoration of this inner connection. When you recollect who you really are and receive an opportunity to commune with your Higher part, you will become able to change your vibrations in accordance with your wish.

You continue to dwell in the physical world, and at the same time your consciousness rises to such an extent that at certain moments, you become able to obtain information and knowledge from our world.

At all times, many outstanding figures have been able to raise their vibrations spontaneously and involuntarily and find themselves in the higher etheric octaves while keeping their consciousness vigil. That is where they always extracted inspiration and examples for their works of art, creative works, scientific knowledge and inventions.

Every discovery has always been made by the people having certain access to our reality.

Nowadays, the capability of mutual penetration of the worlds and the ability of your consciousness to penetrate into our world will be multiplied many times.

You will receive your Holy Spirit’s gifts, and you will indeed obtain magic abilities. All this is waiting for you in the near future. The only thing holding you up is your attachment to the physical world and your imperfections.

You should obtain an ability to discern things in you that are not Divine and to give them up gradually. Initially, you will be able to attain a commune with us and with your Higher part only by leading an absolutely isolated way of life, and avoid any influence of mass culture and people under the influence of mass culture. This resembles pathfinders climbing bare cliffs of Divine consciousness. For these pathfinders, their efforts and toil are titanic in truth, requiring all their strength and all the abilities given by God.

Not many people succeed in ascending the summit of the Divine consciousness nowadays. This Path is so heavy that one can fail to hold on to the achieved height and can fall at any moment.

However, those who follow these pathfinders will find that it gets much easier. In the nearest future, I foresee the appearance of communities in various places on Earth, which will consist of the people who have obtained a certain level of the Christ consciousness.

These communities will become the prototypes, matrices of the future settlements and the future structure of the human society. While combining industrial duties and spiritual service, such communities will be completely independent and autonomous from the surrounding world.

I foresee the establishment of absolutely new principles of finely tuned power structures in the places where such communities of the Holy Spirit will form in due course. In the places with the maximum number of such communities, the conditions for the advent of the Golden Age will be created.

I hope that such communities will appear primarily in the territory of Russia, for this country, by its historical traditions, has always been predisposed to carrying on collective management. The complication was that certain forces have always profited cleverly from this national quality and have manipulated this penchant of the people for communal labor for their mercenary aims.

I also want to draw your attention to the fact that there cannot be an ideal community until every member of the collective fellowship reaches a certain level of Christhood and stops using the achievements of the communal labor and creative work for his mercenary and egoistic aims.

And again, the question that arises to the foreground before each of you, is the question of the personal aspiration to perfect yourselves in God: to reject your ego, and to take care about the purity of your four lower bodies.

There is one vital point that I would like to draw your attention to. In fact, there are two paths leading to perfecting oneself in God. The first path is connected with solitude and prayer, and it is easier. The second path runs through working on yourself without leaving your usual mode of life.

Each of these paths has its advantages and drawbacks. If the only barrier hindering your start of the serious work on yourself is the environment that you are in at the current stage of your Path, and you automatically reject any serious training because you consider these outer conditions not to be suitable for doing it, then I must remind you that the conditions you are in now correspond to the level of your consciousness, and to the correlation between your negative and positive karma. Therefore, the starting conditions will be different for each of you. You will have to overcome all the inconveniences of your outer conditions and karmic circumstances. But you should realize that you yourselves, by your own choices in this and previous lives, deserve the circumstances that surround you in your life. And your complaints about the bad conditions and the disharmonious environment is just an excuse for your ego not to do anything. But many people simply fall too low to blame God and the Masters directly for the circumstances of their external life.

Therefore, the first step on your Path is your humility before the circumstances in which you start your Path, and your decision to follow the Path leading you back to God, irrespective of any external circumstances in your life.

Believe me, if you manifest aspiration and resoluteness in following the Path, you will receive all the necessary help. In the course of time, the circumstances of your life will change to a milder manifestation of any karmic constraints, even of the heaviest ones. In process of changing your consciousness, you will receive everything necessary for your spiritual advancement and for perfecting yourself in God.

All the barriers and limitations lie inside of you. All your limitations are just the clogs of the negative energy in your four lower bodies.

Imagine that your four lower bodies represent an attic where all the junk has been dumped during a few thousand years. Over time, this attic has become so cluttered and dusty that it has become impossible even to enter it. The four lower bodies of the majority of mankind represent exactly such attics.

That is why you should make a decision one fine day to start clearing up the karmic encumbrance of your attic.

Of course, you will not be able to do it in just one day, and probably not even in a few years. But the sooner you make your decision and start acting, the faster you will be done with the dirty and tiring job of clearing up your consciousness and subconsciousness where you have been shoving all your psychological problems with enviable persistence, during the entire period of your embodiment on Earth.

It is natural that when your problems emerge, one after another from your subconsciousness, you will have to make considerable efforts to overcome these problems and part with them forever. It is like when you take old things out of your attic and sometimes they stir in you very painful memories, which bring you unbearable pain at times.

Nevertheless, you are filled with steadfastness and throw away the unnecessary things, and with this become free from a part of the negative energy present in you.

Therefore, I would like to warn all those beforehand who look forward to a pleasant journey on their Path leading Home. Do not expect an easy path. Be ready for any unexpectedness. You never know which energy will emerge from your karmic loads. You will do things that you will not find a logical explanation for. You will encounter people to whom you will feel tempestuous, groundless feelings. Strange things will happen to you. And you should be ready for everything.

You must constantly remember in your consciousness your decision to return to God and to raise your consciousness to the level of comprehension of the Higher worlds. You should always remember that you are not alone. We vigilantly watch everybody who dares to climb the cliff of the Divine consciousness, and in the last resort, we will always give you a hand in a crucial situation. If your motives are pure, you have nothing to be scared of.

The purity of your aspirations shrouds you in an invulnerable defense of Light.

Each of us passed the same Path during our stay on Earth. The Path has been verified. Therefore, do get ready to go and take the Path courageously.

I AM Sanat Kumara,
and I will be with each of you until all of you return Home.

© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina

Dictations of Sanat Kumara in the book "SANAT KUMARA"

This book contains selected Messages from Sanat Kumara, a Great Divine Being. Many Teachings are given in the Messages, including the Teachings about the following: - True and false messengers - Communities of the Holy Spirit - Responsibility for the fulfillment of the duties which one has taken on before incarnation - Proper use of the money energy - One's choice between the Eternal world and the temporary world - Overcoming the ego - The Path of Initiations and much more...

About Sanat Kumara

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Tatyana Mickushina
Omsk, Russia