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![]() Try to keep the state of inner peace and harmony during most of the dayBeloved Kuthumi I AM Kuthumi, having come to you again. I have come today to give you a small Teaching which perhaps may seem unexpected to you, but I would still like you to carefully familiarize yourselves with everything that I consider necessary to bring to your consciousness at this stage. As you know, the event that took place at the end of last year — an earthquake and a tsunami — was entirely caused by the imperfect consciousness of mankind. With surprising persistence, humanity continues to give birth to monstrous masses of negative energies that have wrapped the entire globe with a thick envelope. This envelope prevents the penetration of the renewal energies. In other words, a tension has been created between the forces that strive to keep the existing state on the planet and the forces striving to contribute to the implementation of the evolutionary plan for planet Earth. On the one hand, you witness the constant and steady rise of the vibrations of the planet. On the other hand, an enormous amount of negative energy is still produced with the help of mass consciousness and the old stereotypes deeply ingrained in the consciousness of people. Where does the negative energy come from? All the energy in this Universe is concentrated in only one source, and that is the Divine energy. This energy comes to you along the crystal string, and you use this energy of your own free will. If you waste this energy to satisfy any of your egoistic strivings or to maintain negative thoughts, qualities, or persistent bad habits, then it means that you vote for the obsolete way of living. You direct your energy to strengthen the masses of negative energy on this planet. Therefore, when the positive energy of change meets with the negative energy produced by humanity, it is like a clash of two clouds with different charges. You know what happens when such clouds collide. You can observe thunder and lightning. Something similar is taking place on planet Earth at present. When two masses of energies with opposite potential clash, various disasters happen — for example, natural calamities and hurricanes. It may seem to you that the natural elements are blind and uncontrollable. However, this is not quite true. As a rule, we manage to localize the masses of emerging negative energy at the places where they appear. That is why the areas that contribute to the production of the negative energetic masses with their consciousness suffer from the natural calamities. Beloved, it is time to part with the point of view that you can commit sins, act in improper ways, think and feel in ways unpleasing to God during most of the day, and then after that you can sit down, pray, and transmute the karma that you and your loved ones have created. There is no doubt that the benefits of prayers are unquestionable, undeniable, and indisputable. The effectiveness of prayers is beyond discussion. But it is not enough just to pray in this situation, beloved. What is the point of first producing negative energetic masses and then fighting against them? It is time for you to approach everything you do during the day consciously. You should constantly control your thoughts and feelings. Any negative thought in your consciousness must be nipped in the bud. Protect yourself from everything that contributes to the existence of negative thoughts and feelings in your consciousness. Pay special attention to your children. Do not leave them alone during most of the day. Remember that the fruit that you will get literally in a few years will depend on the direction you show your children at the beginning of their lives and on the knowledge that you give them about the laws operating in this Universe, for your children will grow up and will be able to take responsibilities upon themselves and to serve for the benefit of the evolution of Earth. Each of you is responsible for the future of this planet and for the unfolding of the events in the coming months. Remember that the tension, which was defused by the cataclysm in the south of Asia at the end of last year, is increasing again. As a matter of fact, with every negative action and every negative thought and feeling, you tirelessly draw a new cataclysm nearer. Try to keep the state of inner peace and harmony during most of the day. Do not forget that other people live next to you. If you live in a big city, during the day your aura comes into contact with the auras of thousands of people. When you manage to keep a harmonious state within yourself, you literally infect with this state thousands of people with whose auras you come into contact during the day. Exactly the same effect occurs when you meet a person who is like a thundercloud and seeking someone to ease his tension and to vent his anger. But in this case you are infected with the negative energies of this person. Protect your inner world against the intrusion of negative energies. Take special care of your children. You can say that nothing depends on you and that your government is to be blamed for everything because it does not take proper care of you and does not allow you to enjoy a decent way of life. Allow me to disagree with you. All things in this world are drawn to each other by their vibrations, and you have exactly the government that can exist only because the majority of the population considers it possible to tolerate this government and its policies. You constantly exchange energies with thousands of people, and thus you constantly exchange karma with them. How do you think the karma of a family is manifested, the karma of the city, the karma of the country, or the planetary karma? Imagine a person who is completely free from his personal karma. What do you think will happen to this person next? Will he ascend? It is quite probable that such a person can ascend. But let me assure you that a person who has become free from his personal karma acquires a completely different expanded consciousness. He rises up to another higher level in his consciousness and understands that it is impossible to save only his own soul. Actually, everything is God, and at this new level of consciousness the person feels the unity of all the living much more deeply. Such a person is most likely to stay in embodiment regardless of whether his external consciousness is aware of his decision or not. Such a person continues to live in the world of his choice. Every day he draws the negative energies of the people around him into his aura and transmutes these energies. Such a person is like a sponge. As soon as he comes in contact with the auras of people saturated with too much negative energy, he takes a part of this energy upon himself and neutralizes it. A phenomenon occurs that you call the transmutation of the karma of a city, a country, or a planet. Therefore, very much depends on each of you, beloved, on your ability to keep harmony and balance, in spite of any surrounding circumstances. If you feel depression, lack of joy, causeless melancholy, then it means that you have most likely come under the influence of a large mass of negative energy. You have loaded your aura so heavily that you will need some time to be alone or in nature to restore your inner peace and balance. Learn to recognize your inner state and the reasons for disharmony in your consciousness. When you reach a certain level of consciousness that allows you to take upon yourself the karma of a city, a country, or the planet and to transmute this karma, you serve constantly, 24 hours a day. This is a vital service, beloved. Today I have given these recommendations for you in the hope of explaining the mechanism of such a service to those of you who are already providing this vital service to the world. And when you are now aware of your service, you will be able to take timely measures for the restoration of your vibrations and energies. Listen carefully to your body, and when you are overcome with depression, find a way to restore your inner harmony and peace. For some of you it can be meditation; for others it can be a prayer, a stroll in nature, listening to relaxing music, or playing with children. Do not allow yourself to be in the negative state of consciousness for a long time. Suppress all the negative vibrations within you as soon as they arise. Do not let them take hold of your being. And remember that you always have an opportunity to ask the Ascended Hosts for help as a last resort. We will render to our devoted servants all the help that the Cosmic Law will allow us. I AM Kuthumi, your brother. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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