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![]() The main task that you must fulfill on Earth is to raise the consciousness of the earthlingsBuddha of the Ruby Ray I AM Buddha of the Ruby Ray, having come through this Messenger. I AM, holding the post of Buddha, as a position, on the Ruby Ray. I have come to give you some knowledge concerning the Hierarchy of the Ruby Ray. You know that many years ago, millions of years ago by earthly measures, the Masters of the Hierarchy of the Ruby Ray descended to the physical plane of planet Earth. We were embodied in human bodies. Each of us received an opportunity to dwell in many bodies as parts of the Higher bodies of people. There were individuals who could not accept us due to their level of development and vibrations. There were also individuals who received a significant part of the Beings of Light as an integral part of themselves. And there were those who received only a very small spark. This is how this Universe is organized and this is the way of evolution of all life in this Universe, that the time comes, and the Supreme Beings give the momentum of their achievements in the form of service to life and merge with the lower form of life to give it the impulse necessary for the development of its Divinity. You know that Sanat Kumara is the ruler of the Hierarchy of the Ruby Ray, and he came to you from the planet Venus at a difficult time for planet Earth. Hence the connection between planets Venus and Earth. Our evolutions are tightly interwoven. Practically every native earthling has in his Higher body a particle of the Venusians. The new knowledge and understanding I am giving you now simply explains the well-known fact of the descending of 144,000 Venusians into human bodies. You know or have heard about this before. I will expand and concretize your knowledge a little. The incarnation of the Masters in the bodies of people took place in different ways. It was very rare, and in very ancient times, that a Higher Master could reside in a human body with all the power of his Light. As a rule, one Master from Venus gave his Light and his achievements to a large number of earthlings. This process is similar to the way you take a piece of butter and cut it into slices to put in different portions of porridge. Therefore, those Masters whom you know as the Ascended Masters have a significant part of themselves embodied in different people. And as long as a person, who has in his structure a particle of a Master, is subject to the law of karma and has to be embodied on Earth, this Master cannot leave planet Earth and become a Cosmic Being. He is tied down to your planet and your bodies. You know that each of you belongs to one of the rays, and each of you feels a link with one of the Masters. Now you understand why you have this link. And until the last embodied human overcomes his ego and his karma and reaches the level of consciousness of an Ascended Being, until then the Ascended Masters will be residing on Earth and serving mankind. This is very secret and specific knowledge. You know that, in reality everything in this Universe is God. And each of you is only a particle, a cell, an atom of this Divine body. As you elevate your consciousness, you realize that there is no difference between you and all living beings, and you are ready to sacrifice yourself for the good of all living beings. The higher the level of achievement you have, the greater the degree you occupy in the cosmic Hierarchy, the easier it is for you to sacrifice yourself for the sake of life in the Universe. Such is the law of this Universe. The highest sacrifices itself for the sake of the lowest in order to enable the lowest manifestations of life to evolve and reach a higher level of consciousness. Therefore, when the Great Teachers come into embodiment on Earth, they teach that one who possesses great achievements is a great servant to all. The quality of the heart causes a person with a higher level of consciousness to sacrifice himself for the sake of the development of the consciousness of those who are on lower steps of the evolutionary ladder. And when you reach the stage of Buddha, you can bestow yourselves and your presence upon millions of living creatures. There are Ascended Masters tied down to planet Earth, and there are Cosmic Beings whose home is the entire cosmos and the entire Universe, and in accordance with the Cosmic Law and their own will, they can project parts of themselves into many living creatures in order to illuminate, with an additional impulse of Light and additional reason, the creatures residing at the lowest stages of evolutionary development. I, Buddha of the Ruby Ray, also have an opportunity to reside in the bodies of many earthlings. I have divisibility of consciousness, and I can be incarnated in the bodies of thousands and millions of people and simultaneously remain in the ascended state of consciousness. This is the quality you are to gain. You must constantly realize that your stay on Earth is temporary, and the main task that you perform on Earth is to raise the consciousness of earthlings, bringing the consciousness of the people on Earth to the level of the Ascended state of consciousness. And further, when you are no longer bound by earthly dogmas and restrictions, absolutely new fascinating perspectives will open up before your consciousness. Evolution is infinite. Today I have attempted to broaden the horizons of your perception of the Universe a little bit. And, perhaps, some of you will gladly perceive the knowledge of an Ascended Master’s presence within you, a fact already known to you for a long time on the subconscious level, and for others this will seem too fantastic. You are all at different stages in the development of your consciousness. And since these Dictations are given to a very wide audience, I have given you this new grain of knowledge at a very accessible level. When you advance on your path, you are connected at inner levels with many, and your achievements are transferred on the subtle plane to thousands and millions of people at once. But when you slide in your consciousness to the level of a caveman, this also affects thousands and millions of living creatures. You should never be afraid that you will go the wrong way. Do not be afraid to experiment. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. You will always receive help on your path, and you can always ask for this help. You are not alone. You are under reliable care and protection, but only as long as you wish to follow the Path and obey the Law that exists this Universe. If you, by your free will, wish to separate yourself from this Universe and to live according to your own laws, then no one forbids you. However, in this case, your freedom will extend to a certain limit, beyond which you face a state of non-existence. Do not misunderstand me, I do not want to frighten you and to arouse fear in you. In fact, even when you become so dangerous to God’s plans for this Universe that you are threatened with non-existence, you do not disappear anywhere. You, as energy, continue to exist; only the records of your consciousness which do not correspond to the Divine plan disappear. And you begin your evolution from the lowest level, again climbing the steps of evolution that lead to infinity. I AM Buddha of the Ruby Ray and I send my Ruby Ray to those of you who are ready to accept it. The Ruby Ray, being a concentrated expression of Love is capable of awakening your consciousness and revealing to you the prospects of your further Path. I AM Buddha of the Ruby Ray. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina |
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