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![]() A prayer through deeds has always been and remains one of the highest forms of prayerPadre Pio I AM Padre Pio. I AM, having come to you through this Messenger. Perhaps, for many of you my name is unfamiliar. I lived in Europe in the last century, and I was a priest of the Roman Catholic Church. I became known thanks to the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I had acquired, but most people knew me owing to the stigmata that I bore for most of my life. Crowds of people came to the services that I held just to look at my stigmata. I carried this burden on my body because at the inner levels I took on this burden. This was a voluntary desire of my soul to bear these stigmata. Along with these stigmata, I took upon myself a significant part of the world’s karma. I belonged to the Roman Catholic Church all my life and I served this church. Even after my death, many cited me as an example of devotion to the church and obedience to the church dogmas and rules. I remained in the church even after I was deprived of the right to hear the confessions of the parishioners for many years. That was a major part of my service. During confession, I took upon myself a part of the karma of those people who I was listening to in order to lighten their burden. I also had the opportunity, during confession, to see the true causes of those problems people faced in their lives, and I could give them instructions necessary for their souls. I talked not only with the person confessing, I also talked with the soul of this person, and I tried to do everything possible to ease the burden lying on this person as the karma of his past deeds. Although the western Christian Church does not use such a term as karma. However, I had the opportunity to see the causes of suffering of souls and I did everything in my power to alleviate this suffering and to guide the external mind of the person who confessed to the right path, allowing his soul to avoid the causes of suffering in the future. Many cite me as an example of humility before the church hierarchy. Indeed, I did not leave the church during all the long years while I had to wait for the return of my right to hear confession. I stayed in the church not because I accepted the injustice towards me on the part of the church leadership. I did not see any other way, except the Roman Catholic Church, through which I could render such an effective service for people. And what could I do to oppose this decision of the church leadership? Was it by struggle? Should I have begun to fight for my right to serve people? I rightly reasoned that God has a right to tempt me in any way. And He did it through the church leadership. God deprived me of the right to use my gift, God, not people, which in this case were the executors of His will. Therefore, it is not a question of my obedience and humility before the leadership of the church and the law of the church, it is a question of my obedience and humility before the Will of God. God has the right to deprive us of everything, to which we feel even the slightest attachment, to test us, our devotion to His Will, and our humility. There exists only your relationship with God, your personal relationship with God and your personal relationship with the devil. Both are within you. Therefore, it does not matter to which religion, religious group or religious movement you belong. The main thing is your personal relationship with God. You can run from one church to another, from one religion to another, but you will not find peace in your soul until you understand that both God and the devil are within you. An external religion and an external religious system have only an auxiliary meaning. They are useful to you only as long as they help you sort out and resolve your inner problems and your inner questions. As long as they help you solve the most important question, the question of your relationship with God. You should always remember that within any church there are people who are sincere servants, and there are people who have come to the church to worship their ego. Sincere servants are always less. But they are in every church and in every religion. Because the power of any church and its influence is based precisely on the Light that the saints of this church and this religion carry within themselves. If a church begins to persecute its saints, then such a church is doomed to a slow death because it loses the foundation on which it stands. So you can look for new religions and new people who bring you knowledge and you can also remain within the framework of the traditional religions and traditional churches. Everything is determined not by external affiliation to the right or wrong religious movement, everything is determined by your inner aspiration and the search for truth within yourself. If you are sincerely striving, then within any religious denomination, you will always meet people who are in tune with your vibrations, and you will receive from them precisely what you need most for the development of your soul at the given moment. And these can be not only words of approval and encouragement but also tests that you must pass with honor, because at that given moment, this is exactly what your soul needs most for its development. The likelihood that you will encounter false religious movements and false sects outside of official religions is exactly the same as the likelihood that you will encounter false interpreters of religion within old and seemingly proven denominations. You yourself, with your vibrations and your energies, attract to yourself those life situations, which, in fact, are tests for you on your path and from which you must come out with honor. Therefore, do not seek to find God outside of you. Strive to establish a relationship with God within you. And you will certainly find on your path a person, ordained as a priest or not, who will give you the necessary knowledge on your path. Be able to listen to your heart, be able to recognize the wolves in sheep’s clothing, which scour in abundance and are looking for a way to take possession of your soul both within traditional religious denominations and outside them. And there is no guarantee that the person you meet on your path outside the official church, will give you what you need. You get into those life situations that you attract to yourself with your vibrations. For some, it is necessary to go beyond the traditional church, but for others, it is just necessary to be within the framework of this church. Not because this church is so good, but simply for the inexperienced soul of this person, it will be better if it finds itself within the familiar, dusty traditions. And from fresh air, such a soul can simply get sick and not withstand the tests. There is not and cannot be any common recommendations for everyone. Each person is at his own stage of evolutionary development. And what is good for one can be just as disastrous for another. In conclusion, I would like to give you some recommendations. Never rush to assume any obligations associated with financial attachments to any organization. Never sign any external documents and agreements. Your relationship with God cannot be based on any external obligations binding you to any church or organization. You, and only you, can decide how much money or what property you can donate to an organization or church. Not a single organization located on the physical plane can force you to make a financial commitment for the maintenance of this organization. In order for you to find the path to God, you do not need to belong to any external organization. But in order to implement the Divine guiding principles in your life in accordance with the law of the country you live in, you may need an external organization. However, this organization will not necessarily be religious. This can be any organization intended to bring the principles of Divine guidance into any area of your life: raising children, caring for the elderly and disadvantaged, health care, medical care, education, and even any business. Life is richly varied, and each area of human activity needs to be based on the highest Divine principles, not on the principles of profit. It depends only on you yourself which principles you will be guided by in your life when creating these organizations. Sometimes, if you are able to build and lead an organization in accordance with the highest Divine principles, you would benefit no less than if you devoted your whole life to prayers in a monastery. A prayer through deeds has always been and remains one of the highest forms of prayer. I AM Padre Pio. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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