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![]() Your planet enters a cycle that leads to the contraction of the illusionBeloved Serapis Bey I AM Serapis. I AM, having come. The creation of this Universe and its evolution are connected with the overcoming of thousands of obstacles. These obstacles are created by the interaction of the two main forces functioning in this Universe. At the moment when differentiation starts, manifestation of the primordially pure Divine plan experiences resistance from the side of the forces dwelling in the state of peace of eternal bliss. These forces stand in the way of the manifestation of the Universe. They are slow in leaving the state of primordial bliss, just as you are slow to awaken from your sleep in the morning, especially if your dream was as sweet as in childhood. Time passes, and the Universe begins to experience resistance from the side of the forces that do not want to return to the state of primordial bliss. This resembles a man absorbed too deeply in the day’s problems and not in a hurry to go to sleep. But just as day and night, the period of wakefulness and the period of sleep, inevitably alternate, this Universe also has its day, its wakefulness, and its period of rest and peace. Everything is subject to its cycles, and to the cycles within greater cycles. Your planet enters a cycle that leads to the contraction of the illusion. However, human beings are so immersed in this manifested illusion that they resist the established order. You have an immortal part, your Higher Self. And you have a mortal part, your four lower bodies. Your Higher Self submits to the Divine Law because throughout your journey as an individual in this manifested world, this part of you never lost its link with the Creator. Your lower part, at a certain stage of evolutionary development, lost its sense of unity with the Creator of this Universe and its sense of unity with the Universe itself. It wished to live a separate life and lost its way in the jungle of illusion. But no matter how long the soul wanders through space there comes a time when it must return from the illusory world to the Real World of God. This time has now come — the time to reject the illusion and to return to the Real World. Therefore, you are given a guide, your Guardian Angel, your Holy Christ Self. This guide must lead you to the right Path, the Path of your returning to the Father’s Kingdom. All external Teaching that we give, through this Messenger or any other, aims to restore the connection with that part of yourself that remembers who you are. And the stronger your connection with your real part, the faster will be the return Home for your individuality. All the true initiations that I have given to my disciples, and which other Masters have given to their disciples, are aimed precisely at overcoming the resistance of the illusory part of yourself and bringing you into contact with your immortal part. Those of you who have visited my Retreat, my Temple in Luxor, should now recall that knowledge which they received in my Temple. I am a strict teacher and I demand extraordinary discipline from my disciples. Because if a disciple does not obey the Teacher whom he himself has chosen, such a disciple forfeits the right to be trained under our guidance. The time is such that your training and initiations take place in your everyday life. You don't need to go to the end of the world to some overseas teacher in order to receive the necessary knowledge. At the present time you are given all the knowledge you need in that very place where you live. You undergo initiations in your ordinary life. We use the circumstances of your life to give your soul exactly the initiations that it needs most. You gain knowledge during the period of your night sleep when you unconsciously or quite consciously visit our Retreats and receive teaching in your dream. Your souls are truly working day and night indefatigably. I do not speak here about those souls who shirk from learning and prefer to spend the time of their night sleep not for their education but for visiting the layers of the astral plane where they continue in their dream to receive the same illusory pleasures and delights that they seek in the physical world. I do not want to frighten these careless individuals, but everything that does not fit into the Plan of God will not be able to continue its existence in the New World. Not because God is cruel and wants to punish you. No, you doom yourself to nonexistence, because you will not be able to exist in a more subtle world which your planet will become over time like other planets in the Universe. Life will be gradually transferred to a higher plane. Certainly, it will take many millions of years. And those who cannot adapt to life on a more subtle plane will be swept away by the winds of cosmic change. Therefore, you are given an impulse in these Dictations that aims at moving the center of your being onto a more subtle plane. When you raise your consciousness to a more subtle level, elevating your vibrations, you pull the entire planet up to your level. Consider the image of a mountain climber clambering up a steep peak, which represents the Peak of the Divine Consciousness, and he pulls the whole planet on a rope after him. The more such mountain climbers, storming the Peak of the Divine Consciousness, the faster and more painless will be the process of raising the level of the planet’s vibrations and of its transition onto a new evolutionary level. I have to tell you about the phenomenon of a dam break. If the Divine Energy given for the transformation of this world encounters resistance from the vast majority of individuals living on this planet, whose consciousness in this case can be likened to a dam in the path of the flowing waters of Divine renewal and transformation, sooner or later the rising water will break through the dam, and the water will sweep away everything in its path resisting it. Therefore, it is only your consciousness that impedes the Divine renewal. The quicker you change your consciousness the less cataclysms your planet will face in the future. Every time you cannot cope with some kind of block in your consciousness, every time you are too lazy to obey the demands we place on our disciples, you must remember that bulk of water that can rain down upon the Earth at any moment and sweep away everything that resists the Divine Law. I have told you about the need of the hour. And I want to conclude by giving you instructions on how to overcome the resistance of your own consciousness in the most effective way. When you are going to sleep, remember that you should visit the Sacred Retreats in the etheric Octaves of Light. Your last thought before falling sleep, before your consciousness leaves you, should be the thought to visit our Sacred Retreats, and the desire that the knowledge received in our Sacred Retreats be brought to your external consciousness the following day. Do not neglect our help and this opportunity provided to you by the Ascended Hosts. And now I say goodbye to you, but I hope to meet each of you in my Sacred Retreat over Luxor. I AM Serapis Bey. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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