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![]() I invite you to enter my School of MysteriesLord Maitreya I AM Maitreya. I AM, having come. I have come to you through this Messenger. I have come! Follow attentively my words addressed to you today. It may seem to you that my words are meaningless and do not provide any new information. Do not be hasty with opinions. Let me decide what information is to be given to you right now in order to enable you to take the next step on your spiritual Path. All of you are warriors of Spirit. You come to this physical world to fight with the illusion. Because this is the plan of God for the present. At the beginning you absorb this illusion, you can even identify yourself with the illusion. But the moment comes when you have to part with this illusion and to ascend to a higher level of the development of your consciousness. And you become an arena of conflict between the forces that defend the illusion, and the forces aspiring to overcome it. It may seem to you that this fight takes place in your world. In fact, this battle takes place within each of you. That is the essence of the initiation you are going through at the current stage - to realize the fact that the fight takes place inside of you. You will come into embodiment in the physical world and find yourselves among similar people experiencing the same conflict within them until this fight takes place inside of you. You will be fighting your passions, weaknesses, and imperfections until you are done with them completely. This is the sense of the fight being waged by the forces of Light against the forces of evil. But I explain this sense to you now, and this sense of fight is being given for your level of consciousness. As soon as your consciousness becomes pure enough and your mind is clear like a crystal, then we will give you more advanced knowledge and a new understanding of the fight. Therefore, I advise you to stop waging this external war and looking for enemies outside of yourself. Every person approaching you in the physical plane does it precisely because your vibrations allowed him to do it. If such a person does you harm or insults you, you should not take him for your personal enemy or a fallen angel. He approaches you so as to give you a chance to repay your karmic debt to him, or he may also approach you to give you a lesson - to check whether the lesson you have received from us through our Teaching has been mastered by you sufficiently. Every time you want to take vengeance on this person for the harm he has done or to punish him, you must understand that it was Maitreya who came to you in the image of that person in order to examine whether you mastered our lessons well enough. There is nothing outside you to fight with. If you want me to reveal to you your real enemy, just come up to the mirror and look into it. This is your real enemy with all his carnal wishes, egoism, self-sufficiency, and self-confidence in the opinion that he has already known all the Truth and is able to teach others this Truth. To be able to teach the Truth, you have to do much work upon yourself. You must go through the fight with the unreal part of yourself — you must slay your dweller-on-the-threshold — your ego. You must win the victory in your consciousness. You must be the winner of your fight. Only then and no sooner will you be granted a right to teach. The Guru’s mantle, as well as the Messenger’s mantle, is not granted by us without the achievement of definite merits. Many of you had these mantles in your previous incarnations. Your souls know this. You have a great momentum of achievements acquired by you in the past. You have lost your mantles for different reasons. But every time you come into incarnation, you are given an opportunity to go through initiations and to return to your mantles. That is why I invite you to enter my School of Mysteries to pass tests. Many of you would like to have me as a personal Teacher. I am always ready to accept new disciples. You just need to come up to the altar and ask me to accept you as a disciple. You can simply wish for this inside of your heart. Many people want to become my disciples. I accept all of them as my disciples. However, very few of these disciples manage to pass the very first test given by me. I do not need to come to you personally to offer you my first trial. I would send a person to you whom you consider to be your enemy, and this person will perform some action against you that will seem insulting to you. The aim of any test is to upset your balance. You will not be assessed by whether you are out of balance or not; you will be assessed by the conclusion you come to, at the end of such a trial. The best disciples always thank God and me as a Teacher for the opportunity to go through this test. But those who are not even ready for the primary level of my initiations, cannot even understand that it was my test for them. They react the way they have usually reacted: by feeling resentment, feeling hatred and anger, and wishing to take vengeance. Such a person is deprived of an opportunity to learn under my guidance, sometimes until the completion of his current embodiment. Therefore, there are many who desire to enter my School of Mysteries, but only a handful of them are capable of passing this small entrance examination, and receiving the opportunity to go through the next test. I do not need to gather my disciples in some definite place on Earth to put them to the test. I use the circumstances of your life and the people surrounding you in life to send you my trials. All of you have an opportunity to enter my school of Mysteries, but only a handful receive an opportunity to finish this school and to be granted a Guru mantle upon leaving it. It is not news to you that Tatyana, through whom I am giving this Dictation of mine, finished my school in the year 2002, after undergoing an accelerated course of teaching. Such was the necessity of that time. When Tatyana began her learning, only a few of us were sure that she would manage to complete this education. But she did, and only after that do we have an opportunity to give our Teaching through her. I want you to know that there is nothing extraordinary in this situation. Each of you can be taught under my guidance. And I invite all of you to become my disciples. But you must always remember that from the moment of your appeal to me with a request to accept you as my disciple, all the imagined disasters and troubles will happen in your life and your usual life will be ruined before your eyes. No matter how cruel this may seem to you, this is a necessary stage of learning. You must realize that everything surrounding you is an illusion and you have to break with all your attachments in your consciousness. It will sometimes seem to you that you are incurably ill and have to die. You will have to accept this thought with humility. It will seem to you that you have lost your Path and that God cannot be so cruel as to punish you so severely. Your carnal mind will rush about in search of any illusory opportunity to catch hold of in order to take you away from the Path of Initiations. You will be fighting with your carnal mind, the unreal part of yourself. The longer you persist, the more painful the passing of the final examination in my school will be for you. You cannot become a graduate of my school as long as any part of you resists obeying the Divine Law. Yes, my beloved, my graduates give up their free will granted to them by God. Free will was given to man by God as a gift. When a person willingly gives up this gift given to him by God, he goes through the final initiation in my school. He passes a final examination. I have revealed to you many secrets of my School today. I have been absolutely open. In fact, I have never been so frank in my talk before such a big audience. I hope that my talk today will be of benefit to you. And if any of you considers yourself to be able to learn in my school, you are welcome. The doors of my school are always wide open. However, there are only very few who desire to enter my school and to test themselves. I AM Maitreya, and I am waiting for you. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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