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![]() We are all one and have a common SourceThe Presence of the One I AM the Flame, the eternal Flame, the indivisible Flame, the one Flame abiding in eternity, indivisibility and boundlessness. I AM a stream of Light and Fire. Flame… Fire… Mortal consciousness cannot perceive me. But it can feel my vibrations, my Spirit, my Fire. Radiant boundlessness! Eternity! Beauty. Proportionality. Bliss. Joy. Harmony. The Creation of the Universe is subject to my Law. Everything I say is the ancient Truth that humanity has always attempted to realize, and to which the best human minds have aspired. I conceive the worlds and I realize the conception. I create through my Will and Fire, gradually detailing the creation and delegating my powers to the spiritual Beings inhabiting My World. I reside in each of these spiritual Beings, but at the same time, each of them is endowed with their own individuality, their own ability for creativity and self-development. All the beings have my Flame as their basis. We are all one at my level of consciousness. But in the course of the differentiation of the Universe, the processes of densification and division take place. The lower the vibrations of the manifested world, the greater are the disunity and discord between the parts of myself. I tolerate this disunity, because through this disunity I strive to know myself. The Universe is like a human organism. Each galaxy or group of galaxies can be compared to the systems and organs of a human organism. All of this makes up my body, just as your body is formed of various organs and systems. We are alike. And just as it is difficult for you to understand the existence of the higher planes of Being of this system of the Universe, so too is it hard for me to realize the problems of your dense world. To control the Universe, there is a whole hierarchy of reasonable beings, each at various levels of development. This hierarchy stretches from me to the smallest material particle of this world. We are all subject to the general Law of this Universe. The higher the level of a spiritual being in this hierarchy, the less freedom this being possesses. Therefore, a man is destined, possessing almost unlimited freedom, to give up this freedom over time and in return to obtain greater authority, greater might, and greater power. The stage that the reasonable beings occupy in this Universe depends directly on the level of consciousness of these beings. Man — in particular earthly mankind — occupies a place at the bottom of the pyramid in this hierarchy. It requires constant care and guardianship on the part of the beings who have reached the higher stages of development. This process can be compared to the process of upbringing of children at schools or nurseries, as different teachers come and provide training. And these teachers can come from both outside, in the form of another person, and appear inside of you. If the level of your achievements connected with the level of your vibrations allows, then one or more Beings of Light may be present in your bodily temple. You simply receive an additional Divine energy, a strengthened stream of Light. Outwardly, the presence of these Beings within you is not manifested in any way. But each person, within whom these Beings are present, is aware of this. He or she knows which of the Beings of Light is present within him. The additional light does not bring any benefits from the point of view of your physical world. The difference in vibrations and the greater density of your world lead to the fact that the presence of additional light ruins your lives from the point of view of earthly logic. Habitual communications collapse, work is lost, and the physical temple does not endure, revealing external symptoms of some illnesses. However, the presence of these Beings of Light is necessary, and each volunteer who lets these Beings of Light inside of him, does so of his own free will, sacrificing external physical attainments and preferring to master the achievements of the more subtle worlds. The Presence of these Beings of Light gives the expansion of consciousness, the ability of mastering the energies of the subtle world, known as the gifts of the Holy Spirit. There is a fine line separating people who have provided their temples for the service to Light, and those people who provide their temples to various lowest spirits and disembodied entities. Unfortunately, at present, the majority of mankind — 90 percent of mankind — voluntarily provides their temples to these lowest spirits, not caring and not worrying of such a manifestation of their free will. And these people, who give their temples to the lowest spirits of darkness, can possess precisely the same gifts as people giving their temples to the spirits of Light. They can heal, foresee the future, and receive messages. However, there is a difference. A man who has sacrificed his lower bodies in order to serve the Light will never use his gifts to get visible things and signs of this world. These can be money, power, influence, authority. There are many manifestations of the unreal part of people in this world. That is what the confusion is about. People see miracles and healings and cannot make a distinction with their human consciousness between the representatives of darkness and the representatives of Light. And there may be only one criterion here - inner knowledge, inner intuition. Look at whether a person acts in his life the way that he teaches. He teaches to forgive, but does he forgive himself? He teaches the rejection of the sin of adultery, but does he do this himself? Does he not allow the distortion of sexual energy? He teaches Divine Love, unselfishness, but what does this person possess himself? Does he live in luxury? What does he eat? Do look. Do observe. However, any external person is necessary for you as a teacher, just until you reach that part of your Path when you no longer need a teacher outside of you in the physical plane. You will be able to meet with any Being of Light, the level of which you reach in your consciousness. You will be able to receive knowledge directly from these Beings of Light. And over time, your vibrations will coincide with the vibrations of these Beings of Light to such an extent, that you will let them be present inside of you constantly. You will offer them your bodily temple and all your lower bodies at their disposal, at your own free will. There is nothing bad and not corresponding to the supreme Law here, because we are all one and have a common Source. Such a division is inherent in this world only. In the more subtle worlds, the Oneness is felt more and more strongly as matter becomes thinner and the quality of the Fire, the Flame, is acquired. You choose of your own free will who you serve. And this is determined by the level of your consciousness. Do give up voluntarily any manifestation of the forces of darkness through you. Get rid of all the baggage that you have acquired for many millions of years of living on this planet. Raise your consciousness and aspire to the Higher Worlds. It is along with the growth of your consciousness that changes in this world will take place. And all those who stick to the old and whose time has run out will be forced to leave your world, which is destined, and very soon by cosmic measures, to become a beautiful and perfect world and your planet is destined to turn into a shining star. I AM the Presence of the One, and I wish you success on your Path towards the infinity of Existence. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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