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![]() It is necessary to unite all forces, it is necessary to perform specific tasks, it is necessary to have your help and participation!Beloved El Morya I AM El Morya,[1] who has come again. As always, the topic of our talk today will be the eternal Teaching that you perceive during your advancement on the Path. Each new word is given to you in such a way that it does not distort the harmony of your inner space. When you are ready to receive our Teaching, we come to give it to you. However, we cannot always come to you at the time when you manifest your readiness. That is because the vanities of your world burden you and do not allow us to get through to your heart. Therefore, very gradually, we are trying to turn your consciousness to perceive ancient Truths. Each new generation of people comes, and only few of them seek the ancient Truth in the libraries. The majority of people follow the crowds toward the superficial amusements and the illusionary feast of life. We are calling you in a completely different direction. Yet, rarely is anyone able to stop and listen to our words. There are so few of our students who, once chose, are ready to follow the Path in all life circumstances. They are going ahead, and no barriers or obstacles on their Path can stop our most devoted disciples. Many people think that they have perceived all secrets of the Divine science. However, whenever they come across the first obstacle on their Path, they instantly forget all their Divine merits and curse the entire world because they have encountered that obstacle. That is why we come again and again to find those of our disciples who will not be discouraged by any obstacles on the Path and who will fulfill the responsibilities that they had accepted despite any outer circumstances. When we find those who are truly ready to follow us on our Path, we sigh with relief because it is as rare to find a truly devoted disciple as it is to see snow falling during the summer. We expect that you are able to accept with humbleness all obstacles that you now encounter in your lives. All things must pass, and each obstacle is given to you only to strengthen the muscles of your soul. When you gain the ability to serve us under any outer circumstances, you rise to the level of your consciousness where you become independent from the outer circumstances. To be independent from the outer circumstances and other people's opinions means to rise to that step of initiations from which the top of the Divine consciousness becomes visible. When our disciples achieve such a level in their development, an opportunity opens up to them to serve under the direct guidance of the Ascended Masters. Many of them simply know what they should do. Many of them perceive the inner desire to fulfill our tasks that comes to them as the directive of their Higher Self. There are also those who know their Master in the subtle plane and maintain continuous communication with him not just throughout one life but also from life to life, from incarnation to incarnation. Such disciples are especially valuable to us. When such individuals are preparing for incarnation, we know that we can rely on them because they acquire the skills to act in accordance with our directions and the directions of their own Higher parts regardless of the conditions that surround them in their incarnation. Our task now is to gather our devoted servants so that they can unite their efforts for joint actions in the physical plane. That is why we are sending our call through our Messenger. It is necessary to unite the powers of all light-bearers who have come to the world during this difficult time. It is necessary to unite the efforts to fulfill specific tasks in the physical plane. It is necessary to transition from talks and discussions to the fulfillment of the plans for the physical plane of planet Earth, plans that have existed for a long time in the subtle plane but still cannot be fulfilled in the physical plane because our disciples are scattered. Only those who have been prepared by us and are ready to withstand the most difficult obstacles can be the pioneers who can easily be followed by those who are still full of doubts and have not gone through the necessary initiations. We are announcing our plans and needs as widely as possible so that all our disciples can respond and start a new project that we have envisioned to fulfill on Earth with the help of our Messenger. The first necessary steps in the right direction are being made. That is why it is very important not to destroy the start of the new relationships and to set the orienting points from the very beginning. There is no need to spend much time on disagreements. When you act, when you move forward and solve emerging problems along the way, the need for many useless discussions disappears. Real actions targeted toward the Common Good and Virtue can serve by themselves as the orienting points in the world of chaos. The Truth is only where a new model is created in the physical plane. And there is no Truth where long, idle discussions are held. That is why it is said that time has accelerated and each minute of your incarnation is precious. Each minute must be filled with real meaning, and the energy must be directed toward creating models in the physical plane that could be multiplied and spread around the world. It is necessary to unite all forces, it is necessary to perform specific tasks, and it is necessary to have your help and participation! I do not know what words to tell you so that you finally wake up from a sweet dream and decide to direct your efforts toward specific tasks aimed at creating Divine models in the physical plane. Again and again I repeat to you that your disagreements do not matter. There is no time to argue while there is a fire of human passions surrounding you. Consolidated and concise actions are required. Everything that can be saved and transferred to the New World must be saved now. I AM El Morya. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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