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![]() The conclusion that you make during this talk will be, perhaps, the most important step in your entire incarnationI AM THAT I AM I AM THAT I AM. My presence in you is as full as possible in order to transmit to you what is necessary. My presence in you is as complete as possible in order to transmit to you not just the words but also the energy. What is the energy that comes during Dictations? It is the change of the surrounding environment that happens due to the work of the chakras. The greatest possible opening of the chakras facilitates the greatest possible exchange of energies between the octaves. When the chakras transmit the Divine energy to the fullest potential, the Light comes down within the radius of many kilometers from the location where the Message is being received. With time, this descending of Light can attract opportunities from outer space. That is exactly how the change of vibrations of any location on Earth occurs. A person appears who is able to serve as a conductor of the Divine energy. Through him, the vibrations of the location where he lives begin to change. With time, the vibrations of that location attract people with similar vibrations. That is how history changes. That is how sometimes, the destiny of an entire nation changes. The manifestation of high vibrations for the planet leads to attunement with the Higher worlds. At that location, a space forms that is in tune with the Higher worlds. If one person is able to fill the space around him with Light, one can imagine how much more effectively the change of the physical plane will happen if many light-bearers begin to serve as conductors of the Divine energy to the world. The Ascended Hosts' aspiration is directly associated with creating such places or settlements on Earth where it would be possible to establish the behavioral standards and moral norms that existed in the old times when mankind was still in its infancy, and there was no sin. Now the time has come when mankind should consciously return to the vibrational level from before the fall of Adam and Eve. It is not that the fall was evil. The fall was a certain stage in the history of mankind that had taken place. Thanks to that stage, mankind was able to become conscious of itself. Thanks to that stage, mankind was prompted to develop its consciousness. Now there is little left to do. It is necessary to return to that state of consciousness that Adam and Eve had before the fall, before the moment when the vibrations began to lower. It is necessary to do it consciously, understanding its necessity for the evolution. The stage has come when the consciousness of mankind should expand and achieve the level at which the vibrations of the entire energy layer of human civilization on Earth will naturally rise. The more smoothly and evenly this process occurs, the greater number of human individuals will continue their development at the new energy level. That is why each soul is literally being fought for. There are souls that are able to further develop evolutionarily, and there are those who refuse to follow the path of the evolution. The task to separate the wheat from the chaff is not achievable for the human consciousness. That is because the human consciousness evaluates the development of a human individual based on the amount of monetary and material treasures that he possesses. Divine logic has nothing in common with human logic. For God, everyone is equal: a rich man and a poor man, a not very intellectual man and the most intellectually developed individual. Everyone is equal before God. There will come the moment that is described in many sacred books, and that is called the judgment, or the separation of the wheat from the chaff. Everyone will be judged based on the deeds that they performed. If your only motive throughout your lives, throughout your incarnations, was to become famous, rich, and honored, and if you did everything in order to rise at your neighbor's cost, it is very unlikely that you will qualify for further evolution. And if you shared your last piece of bread with the needy, if you did not think about yourself but instead cared about the common cause, if you worked hard for the Common Good without feeling pity for yourself, then those Divine qualities that you developed in the meantime will be considered enough for your soul to continue the evolution at the new energy level. Nobody knows the moment when this judgment will happen. That is why you are always warned to be ready for it. It is because the preparation of your souls will not happen sometime in the remote future, but it is going at full speed right now. Small errors and mistakes do not matter. What matters is the overall vector of one's aspirations. Some of you will be very surprised when it all happens because those whom you considered losers and completely worthless people will be walking in white garments embellished with precious stones. At the same time, those who had rich clothing and wore diamonds during their lives on Earth will most likely be refused access to the Kingdom that is coming. A very important talk took place today. The conclusion that you make during this talk will be, perhaps, the most important step in this entire incarnation. This talk is aimed at prompting the souls to change their view on the criteria that exist in society. I AM THAT I AM, always with you on your Path. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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