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![]() A Teaching on how you should act in your livesLord Maitreya I AM Maitreya, who has come to you in order to give you a short Teaching on how you should act in your lives. This Teaching I will give again through my Messenger. So rare are the minutes of our communication. So rarely do we meet, except in a hurry when we find a minute to stay in silence. I come to you when your thoughts become quiet, when your feelings calm down. I like to be in those places where even the wind goes down and one cannot hear the noise of the rain, when the whole of nature becomes quiet in anticipation of my arrival. There will be a day on planet Earth when the entire planet waits with bated breath in anticipation of my arrival. That is the moment when I will come and I will be able to come into the incarnation. And you know that we and you are now preparing my forthcoming incarnation. For when the greater number of incarnated human individuals know me and follow my Teachings, the sooner that golden time will come when I will be able to be among people. It has always been this way. First the grounds are prepared, and then a great incarnation comes into embodiment. And now we are starting our talk. I love so much to provide instruction to the hearts that are open to Love. I love so much to provide instruction in silence. When you are able to attune to my vibrations in the silence of your heart, I will be able to associate with you, bypassing the Messenger. Yet, now we are procrastinating and waiting for you to be able to receive us in your hearts. That is because there are no conditions on Earth for us to come. We expect that you will be able to listen to the Teaching that we are giving and create isles in your stormy ocean of life that are free from surges and storms — the isles where we will be able to give our Teaching in silence. You need to understand that the entire issue is in the difference of vibrations. When you change your vibrations, you become capable of hearing the subtle worlds and coming in contact with the Masters. We are different, yet we are similar. We are different because we reside in worlds with different vibrations, but we are similar, because you and I belong to the same evolutionary link of this universe. That is why I come to you. Those who have had the chance to feel my vibrations understand that I want to come in contact and communicate with each of you very much. That is because when we meet, our worlds penetrate into each other, and we have the opportunity to merge in the stream of the Divine Love. The spiritual world and the physical world are two sides of the same coin. When the moment comes, we will be able to attune to each other and talk to each other. In order to achieve that, you still have to work on yourselves a lot. I will tell you what qualities you are to acquire in order for our communication to happen. First of all, you need to realize that there is a whole Hierarchy of cosmic beings. You are at the beginner levels of this Hierarchy. The honoring of the Hierarchy and its foundations is your primary duty. That is where such qualities as humility, discipline, and devotion evolve. Without these qualities you will be unable to advance on your Path. In order for you to acquire these qualities, you will need to part with the lion's share of your ego, which prevails in you at the current stage of your evolutionary development. Your ego is the main obstacle to our communication with you. In order for you to step on the Path of Initiations, on which I teach you, you do not actually need to free yourselves from your ego completely, because without your ego, without your four lower bodies, you will not be able to reside in your world. All you need to do is to subject your ego to the Highest Law. You need to harness your beast of carnal desires and passions. We will train this beast conjointly. Your understanding of our world will expand and your advancement on the Path will accelerate only when you become able to make constant efforts directed at multiplying Divine manifestations in your life and changing your entire lifestyle in accordance with the Divine models. You cannot advance on your Path past a certain line until you get rid of the main imperfections and bad habits that accompany mankind at the current stage of its development. I am talking about alcohol, drugs, and nicotine consumption, listening to distortedly ragged rhythms of contemporary music, and the consumption of low-vibrational food, including meat. Until you free yourselves from all these pleasures of your life, you will not be able to advance further on the Path of the evolution. That is because these intoxicating substances and energies entangle you like traps and you cannot go on. I would not attract your attention to these issues if it were not essential for mankind to get rid of these imperfect manifestations right now. You talk a lot about your spiritual achievements, but how many of you can truly follow in your lives those behavioral and lifestyle models that correspond to our requirements, the requirements of the Ascended Hosts? You believe that you have achieved a lot and are able to understand and accept a lot in your consciousness, but I have to tell you that the majority of what you consume in the form of spiritual food, the spiritual teachings and practices of your times, are just the same substitutes as nicely packaged food substitutes that fill up the shelves of your grocery stores. You can and must establish order in your moral and spiritual guidelines. If you begin to persistently monitor and force out everything that is not Divine in your life, I guarantee you that favorable changes will come to Earth very soon. Everything is in your hands. You yourselves regulate the pace of your advancement on the path of the evolution and you even regulate the natural disasters that happen on your planet. That is because in the end, all natural disasters are caused by the negative energies that are produced by mankind. Since we started giving Messages through our Messenger on a regular basis, we are following closely the general vibrational field of planet Earth. As you have been told before, there are areas on the planet where people read and accept our Messages with all their hearts; and there are entire areas that are closed from our energies. That is why there is an imbalance that is growing more and more. If you refer to the news headlines, you can easily determine that there are much more cataclysms and disasters in those regions and countries where people do not read our Messages and where there are no people who can transmit our energies and vibrations. No matter how you want it, you will not be able to trick the Law. Sooner or later, mankind in general will accept our arguments and the Teaching that we give. We hope that it will happen as soon as possible. I AM Maitreya, with Love to you. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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