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![]() The internal and external TeachingBeloved Jesus I AM Jesus, who has come to you. I have come, as last time, in order to give you certain instruction that I hope will be useful for your souls. There are an external and an internal Teaching. You know about them, or you may have heard about them. What is the difference between the two? Every time when we provide instruction to you on this topic, we present the material slightly differently so that you can absorb it in its fullest. You know that I gave my Teaching to many people when I was incarnated 2,000 years ago. Was that Teaching the external or the internal one? In order to answer that question, let us speculate together. When a messenger or a prophet comes into incarnation, he or she comes with a certain goal or mission. Such a herald always has only one mission: to restore the true Teaching, the Teaching that had always existed in the world since the beginning of ages but was forgotten many millennia ago. You need to have the knowledge refreshed. That is why we come today in order to give you refreshed knowledge, the knowledge that you can understand now. At the time when I was incarnated, and even much later after that, if there appeared a person who carried the Teaching that we are widely giving now, he would not be able to preach so widely and openly simply because there were many limitations that are peculiar to all world religions. Each religion is a set of certain dogmas and rules. You can probably guess that the majority of these dogmas and rules were not given by me or the founders of other religions, but they evolved much later and were introduced by the church fathers. That is because each person is willing to instruct others in the best way possible based on his worldview and culture in general. However, when this person does not speak in the name of God, but his carnal mind speaks for him, the result of his efforts is sometimes directly the opposite of the result that the Ascended Hosts wish to see manifested among people. Namely, everyone is striving to find in all truly existing sacraments an explanation that will be appropriate for the human mind. What cannot be explained is either silenced or proclaimed as God's miracle. When many generations of people repeat and pass on the miracle that had been performed many hundreds or thousands of years ago, a stereotype or a dogma is formed. That dogma begins to exist independently from the consciousness of those people who joined a certain religion or church. There is Truth in every dogma, but for that Truth to become comprehensible for new generations of people, there must be a person who will come and refresh the human understanding of the Divine Truth again. It has always been this way. It is similar to how you dig a well and draw water from it. You get used to drinking water from that well because there is no other source of water available to you. Even when, with time, the water becomes stale, you put up with the stale condition of the water because you do not know how to discover a new water source. Then a new person comes who digs a new well. With caution, you taste the water from it because you understand that water can be different, and you may even get poisoned from it. Only after a significant amount of time, all residents become used to the new well and begin to draw water from it. In the same way, a new Teaching is given. Every time, a new person comes and brings the same ancient Teaching that is understood by his contemporaries. In the beginning, this Teaching contains absolute Divine vibrations and attracts everyone with its novelty. Yet, after the bearer of the Teaching leaves, the disciples who accepted the Teaching begin to interpret it in their own ways. That is because the stream of Divine opportunity gets cut off, and there is no human on Earth who would be the conductor of the Divine energy. Every time, the same Teaching is given, and the essence of that Teaching is simple and clear even to an infant. Yet, what an infant can understand escapes the carnal mind and cannot be logically analyzed. That is why it will be very important for each of you to find the source of the Teaching within you. All true religions are based on the teaching about God who resides in the heart of every person. Because people have lost the ability to hear God in their hearts, there are now mediums that hear God or say that they hear God. There is nothing bad about coming to an intermediary for help so that he can show you the way. The only issue is to what extent that medium is the bearer of the Divine Truth. That is why it is easier and more effective if each of you can attune to the Divine tune and feel the Divine vibrations in your heart. Believe me, God lives in the heart of each of you. You do not need to run around Earth searching for someone to guide you. However, because many people who are living now have lost the ability to hear God directly, you must at least have the criteria that will allow you to uncover wolves in sheep's clothing among the old and new preachers. Where there is God, there is no room for tattles and gossip. Where there is God, there is no room for opportunistic interests and desires. Where there is God, there is only giving — you are being given, again and again, the Divine nectar and are not asked for anything in return. Never chase external rituals. Never try to find sacraments where there are none. Live simply. Follow the commandments given by Moses and the prophets, and first and foremost, try to maintain in your heart the feeling of Love and compassion toward your neighbor and all living beings. The way you treat every particle of Life, the way you treat any Divine manifestation will distinguish a true believer from a hypocrite who covers up by the name of God but does not have God in his heart. I gave you the commandment "Love each other." I have come in order to tell you that when Love lives in your heart, you do not need any external preacher; you do not need to spend your time searching for God outside of yourselves, because you have Love and therefore, you reside in God because God is Love. I have come to you today in order to give you understanding of the internal Teaching that resides in your hearts and that is Love. I AM Jesus. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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