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![]() You can give us an opportunity for more vigorous actionsBeloved Alpha I AM Alpha, your Father on Heaven. I have come to you on this day, and I am happy to meet with you again. A lot has changed on your planet and in space since my last visit. You can probably feel the changes occurring. You have the opportunity to be present on Earth in your physical bodies while the Great Changes are taking place. This is primarily related to a tremendous leap forward, which your consciousness is currently undergoing. You have probably noticed how your attitude toward many things can change within a single day. Your generation quickly solves the tasks that were perceived as unconceivable by previous generations. The flexibility and vividness of consciousness is what makes the new races that are replacing the old races different. You need to understand that there are representatives of many human races and their variations among those who are incarnated on planet Earth at the present moment. You can notice it by simply going out in the street. A great opportunity has been granted to planet Earth. This opportunity is related to the fact that many people are given the right to make the necessary changes in their consciousness within a short time frame. In the past it was impossible to gain understanding of the things that you can now embrace in your consciousness within one incarnation. In the same way, forthcoming generations will be able to carry the seeds for the future development of mankind within themselves. Each infant who comes to Earth at the present time carries the seed of the emerging future consciousness. That is why you should greet each new person who comes to you, and try to learn the message that he or she has brought to you from our world. It is in your hands to provide opportunity for the seeds of new races to germinate. The way you take care of the plants in your gardens should be applied to your children. If they do not receive the necessary amount of your care and the energy of your attention, the seed of future races will not be able to grow in them. That is why I have come to you to remind you that you are responsible for each child who comes to planet Earth at this time. Take care of these children. The future of your planet is enclosed in them. I have to tell you one more thing. For you to understand the importance of the information that I am providing, I am asking you to understand with your consciousness how rarely I am able to address incarnated mankind. Human words cannot reveal all the vibrations and feelings that I have toward you. I wish for as many human individuals as possible to feel my fatherly energies of Love and tenderness, which are overwhelming me. I wish to give my entire self to you. I desire and foresee the moment when we can unite in a wonderful symphony and dissolve in the embrace of Love. Believe me, there is no greater enjoyment for me than the moment when Heaven and Earth meet. I have come with one more announcement. This announcement is about the opportunity that you acquire starting today. The Great Cosmic Cycle is about to begin. The Great Cosmic Cycle is coming. You will be able to accelerate your evolution. You only need to make a wish in your heart for your advancement on the evolutionary path to quicken. There is a Law. We cannot break that Law. It is the law of non-interference with the evolution. Until the representatives of the human evolution ask Heaven for help, we cannot help to the full extent. Therefore, the greater number of you that asks the Ascended Hosts and me personally to accelerate the evolution of mankind on Earth, the greater help we will be able to provide. You can give us an opportunity for more vigorous actions. I ask you to use this regulating mechanism for the evolutionary processes on Earth. I was with you on this day. I AM Alpha. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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