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![]() A Daily Necessity TalkLord Lanto I AM Lanto, having come to you. In order for us to start our talk, I ask you to concentrate on your heart. At the time when you think about your heart, you start attuning yourself to the Divine Reality because you know that your heartbeat measures out the Eternity to you. The Eternity will always be with you whereas your earthly incarnation is finite. So, I hope that you are attuned to the Eternity. Let us get to the point of our talk today. You certainly have to come to the realization that your life is only a link in the chain of your incarnations. Only if you stop thinking in terms of one incarnation will you be able to rise above the vanity of your life and start to consider longer periods of time. The fuss of days moves away at the time when you think about the Eternity. And only from this point of tranquility in your mind and heart are you able to evaluate everything around you correctly. When you are able to concentrate on the eternal aspects of your being for a long time, your whole life will gradually start changing because that is the way that the insubstantial world is organized. While you stay in the illusion, you cannot look into the other, Higher worlds. And when you manage to attune, to come to a higher state of consciousness, you are able to rise above the vanity. And many things that used to be a stumbling-block for you, take on special significance and sound. As you become similar to children in your perception of everything that exists, the Eternity opens to you. See, your outer consciousness is actually the brake of your development. When you try to understand God with your intelligence, you, in fact, get deeper and deeper into illusion because there is nothing common between the quality of the Divine Mind and the development of your intelligence. The Divine Wisdom comes to you only at the time of surrender of your carnal mind, and your human mind is dreaming. That is why you should reject your carnal mind in order to rise to the next vibrational level. It seems to you that the development of the society is in progress when there are a variety of high-end technologies and new scientific discoveries. In reality, society is progressing only when the Divine Wisdom prevails in the mass consciousness and the Divine Law gradually becomes the main law that governs your whole life and that of the state where you reside. All division exists in your mind. As soon as you break through the web of the limitations of your consciousness, everything that separates people who live in different countries from each other disappears. Everything that separates people who practice different religions disappears. Everything that separates you from every particle of Life disappears. Therefore, make it a rule to seclude yourself at least once a day to try to elevate your consciousness to the highest possible level when all vain thoughts disappear, when all imperfect feelings go away, and you feel the breath of Eternity, peace, and tranquility. Initially, it will be very hard for you to attain such a state because everything that surrounds you contrasts sharply with the Divine state of consciousness. Everything that surrounds you will try to interfere with your contact with Eternity. However, you can keep the following image in your mind: As you raise your consciousness and your vibrations become higher, you will manage to transmit perfect Divine vibrations into your world. That is why your work is not the work for you only or for your own perfection, it is the work for the entire Universe. You work for God. Now let us consider the states you experience and the thoughts that you have while doing the usual mundane business at home or at work. Can you remember while doing a job that you deliberately work for the Common Good, for all living beings? It seems to you that I am speaking about something from the world of fantasy because, in reality, when you are in the fuss of life, the fact that you work for the Common Good, for God, does not come into your mind. It is more often that you work in order to earn money, to be promoted, to make a career for yourself. Anything can motivate you to work, but you do not work for God. Now think. The incentive with which you start working is imprinted on everything you do during the day. So if a wrong incentive guides you, all the Divine Energy that you receive during the day is directed by you to multiply the illusion. You create illusions when you work with any other motivation except one: when you work for the Good of all living creatures, for God. It seems unreal to you that you can constantly follow the Highest Law in your activity. And it is right because with your incorrect past choices you have driven yourself to those conditions in which it is shameful even to say to the people around you that you work for God. Until a radical turn comes to the mass consciousness when the understanding of God ceases to be associated with a religion, sect, or anything obscene, you won’t be able to rise to the next level of evolutionary development. You tore yourself away from the Divine World, and you have to get back. You fell away from the Bliss, and you have to acquire it again. The state of Divine Bliss can only be acquired by constant efforts aimed at a life of Service. When you take everything that you do consciously, when you track your every choice and action, and measure its accordance with the Divine Law, you approach God. You may not get any significant results on the physical plane because as soon as you take the Path that leads you back to God, everyone in your surroundings tries to stop you, to reason with you, and to persuade you back to your former life. Special firmness and courage are needed to withstand the stereotypes formed in society. Only a few can break free from the fetters of the mass consciousness. But not much time should pass by earthly measures until more and more individuals will be able to stand up for God in everything they do in their lives. Only a few always started great deeds and then millions joined them. It is time that the radical turn in the consciousness of a sufficient number of people should come. We come to you and give Our Teaching for that. I AM Lanto, with Love to you. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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