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![]() A Teaching about the necessity to keep your lower bodies pureBeloved Kuthumi I AM Kuthumi, who has come again in order to give another Message to the people of Earth. I have come on this day to remind you about your duty. Many of you, before taking on this incarnation, had received special training at our schools and ashrams located on the subtle plane. You attended our classes and prepared for the mission. Many of you, during your adolescent years, still retained subtle recollections about the need to do something for the world. Your hearts were burning with the flame of Service, but nothing around you reminded you about your duty. Now I have come to remind you about the purpose of your incarnation. All the fuss of life should become secondary. You need to know how to set priorities in your life. There are primary tasks and there are secondary tasks. There are eternal tasks, there are the tasks of the current incarnation, and there is the daily fuss. When you allow the daily fuss to come over you every day, year after year, your sense organs lose the perception of the subtle plane; you stuff your consciousness with such a great amount of unnecessary information that you are simply unable to seclude yourselves and come into the stillness of our world. You are very sensitive beings. Your subtle bodies, when attuned to the Higher worlds, are like a Stradivarius violin. However, many of you prefer to drive nails with that violin. Imagine a real Stradivarius violin. Generations of people have been enjoying its charming sounds. You are taught to recognize its value as a true piece of art. Why do you value yourselves less than a violin? You are much better conduits of the energies of the subtle plane. You are capable of transmitting the energies of the Higher worlds into your world. However, you treat the material things of your world with much greater respect than you treat yourselves. Your unwillingness to listen to yourselves and keep yourselves in purity is related to your psychological problems; and the lack of love for yourselves lies at the root of these problems of yours. You need to love yourselves, not as a physical body but as the manifestation of God on Earth. You are a part of God, and you should take care of all your bodies and maintain them purely as a manifestation of the Divine. All your bodies need proper care. Your physical body must receive proper nutrition. The higher the vibrations of the food, the less food you need to eat. Your emotional body needs food in the form of the subtle energies that come from the Higher worlds. Your emotional body constantly needs to feed on the subtle energy. You try to satisfy the hunger of your emotional body by feeding it with surrogates consisting of low-quality music and television programs. You litter your emotional body by constantly putting it in the unfavorable conditions that exist in your world. Try to protect yourselves from the sounds that come from all directions. One hour a day of listening to the radio or watching television is enough to deprive you of communication with the Higher worlds for one month. Think over what you surround yourselves with in your lives. The vibrations of it all are so distant from those of our world. One shot of alcohol that you drink or one cigarette that you smoke does not allow you to rise to the Higher etheric octaves for several days. You are forced to constantly reside at the levels of the astral plane because you have tied yourselves to it, like using ropes, by your harmful habits. Carefully analyze what you load your mental body with. How much time do you spend watching endless soap operas and in conversations with people? Do not be afraid to be left alone with yourself. Learn how to listen to the silence and enjoy the solitude. Legislative measures must be taken toward those who are trying to upset the world with the sounds of ragged rhythms. Each of those who like to listen to rock music, or to any kind of music with improper rhythms, lowers the vibration of the surrounding space for many miles around. This hooliganism must be stopped. While the alcohol that you drink and the cigarettes that you smoke lower only your own vibrations and the vibrations of the people who live together with you, the pounding music affects thousands of people. If you knew about the consequences of such hooliganism for your lower bodies, the first thing you would do would be to prohibit your children from to listening to such music forever. There are very simple measures that allow you to quickly raise the vibrations on the physical plane, and one of these measures is the prohibition of listening to loud music. You cannot even imagine what influence music has on you. Every night I come to my organ, and inspired by God, I play charming melodies. There are a very small number of people who come to my abode to listen to this music. Even a smaller number of people are capable of reproducing that music in their awakened state of consciousness, writing it down with notes, and presenting it to the world. Oh, how much I wish for that consonance with the Higher world to be accessible to you through listening to the music that I play on my organ. If during the day you have been under the influence of your horrible music, even if you heard it only briefly on public transportation or at a store, then that night you will no longer be able to rise to the octaves where my organ is heard. You must constrain yourselves. You should remember your mission and take all the necessary measures to purify yourselves to such an extent that you are able to fulfill your mission, for the sake of which you have taken on this incarnation. You have forgotten everything, and you yourselves are guilty of this forgetfulness because you do not pay proper attention to taking care of your four lower bodies. Think about how much simpler it would be for the next generation to fulfill their missions if you had already started to consider the places on Earth now, where the new generation could incarnate and spend their first years of life in stillness and in association with nature. If such places on Earth were created now, the new race of people would be able to come into incarnation. Believe me; many advanced souls are ready to incarnate in order to give their Service to the world. Only the lack of arranged conditions on the physical plane makes them postpone their incarnation for years, and even decades. Many of the high spirits take on the risk and incarnate in unprepared conditions. What do you think happens? Right after birth, they are compelled to burden themselves with such a large amount of karma, which they take from the people who surround them by absorbing that karma into their auras, that by their fourth year of life, those unique children are no longer capable of unfolding their abilities and serving the world until the end of their incarnation. It is painful for us to see how the best sons and daughters of mankind perish among you while carrying your burden and dying under its load. Have you not heard or read everything that I told you today? How many times do you need to hear these simple truths in order to put them into practice? I am ready to come to you as many times as is needed for you to learn my Teaching. However, your progress will be better if before going to sleep you desire to come to that hall on the etheric plane where I play my organ and if throughout the day you try to protect yourselves from everything that may prevent you from hearing my organ. I AM Kuthumi, loving you always. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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