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![]() A Teaching on the change of epochsBeloved Jesus I AM Jesus, who has come to you. Today, I am happy to give you another Teaching that you most likely know, but it is still necessary to remind you. Human consciousness is so agile and it slips away from all our instructions so easily that we are persistently putting our efforts into returning you to your purpose, to urge you to remember your Source. You came to this world millions of years ago. You have come to go through the necessary stages of evolution and gain priceless human experiences. When you began your path in the physical world, you were like little children. Now you have grown up. In the same way as little children who come into your world still remember their purpose, and then forget it when they reach maturity, you have also forgotten the purpose for which you came to this world. We come to call you back to the real world from where you have come. This Truth that we have been teaching for millions of years is very simple, yet you expect something very complicated from us. Your mind is tirelessly seeking more and more of the new unresolvable tasks in your world. Your feelings are trying to find an equivalent in your world, to the most wonderful experiences that are typical in association with the Divine world. You are seeking and continue to seek Truth in your world. However, I have come and I am telling you, There is no Truth in your world. Your world has been created as a giant stage so that you can gain experiences and then leave this world of yours. When you come to kindergarten, you take toys from the shelves and play with those toys. Later, when you grow up and leave the kindergarten, you no longer have interest in the toys with which you had played when you were children. Now the time has come for you to leave earthly school and transition to a higher evolutionary stage of development. The imperfections with which mankind has burdened itself during its development are not characteristic of this stage. Therefore, only those of you who fully submit their lives to the Divine Law will be able to transition to that stage. When you are studying in earthly school, you are allowed to do different misdeeds for a certain period of time. Yet proper models are pointed out to you. There is a principle in pedagogics that an individual has acquired knowledge only when he or she is able to apply it in practice. Therefore, you are given an opportunity to acquire Divine knowledge and put it into practice. There are people who are more successful in their acquisition of the Divine science, and there are those who have not been able to understand even its basics yet. Yet, all of you have to complete your earthly school. And each of you needs to demonstrate readiness for further learning. We speak about proper models, about the models that are characteristic of the world in which you have to transition. You cannot transfer to the next grade until you have learned the lessons of the previous grade. Therefore, you are required to manifest the qualities that are typical of the Divine world. You have to gradually give up the manifestation of any negative qualities that you have acquired throughout your earthly evolution. The substitution of the old and the outdated with the new can only be made by you yourselves, by making choices in your life. Everything has gotten mixed up in your life — the good and the bad, the Divine and non-divine. Only you yourselves can clean up your world by abandoning non-divine manifestations and aspiring to Divinity. We cannot do it for you. We can give recommendations and provide our Teaching, but you yourselves have to solidify your theoretical knowledge in practice. Do not think that you have a lot of time. The situation in your world is worsening every day. The vibrations of the physical plane are rising involuntarily, and you get into challenging conditions where you are trying to return to the behavioral stereotypes that you are used to, but everything that had previously brought you pleasure no longer attracts you. You cannot understand why the things that used to be pleasant for you do not bring you the same satisfaction. You continue to follow old behavioral stereotypes in your life, but you understand that they have lost their meaning. You need to follow the rising vibrations of the physical plane in your behavior; otherwise you will fall out of space and time and will not be able to continue your evolution. From now on, everything that is capable of elevating your consciousness will bring you satisfaction. Everything that lowers vibrations will cause aversion and rejection. Of course, not all people are able to realize what is happening. However, for the majority of people it is becoming clear already that neither alcohol, nor music that is destructive to the surrounding environment, nor past hobbies give them satisfaction. The search for something new is becoming wider and wider. You are given recommendations on how to protect yourselves from the influence of everything that brings low vibrations. When you are able to bring the Divine models into your life, you will be able to feel fulfillment and harmony. Of course, not all people are able to strive for the proper models. That is a natural and legitimate stage at which there will simultaneously be people with such different levels of vibrations, that when they meet each other in the street, they will perceive each other as aliens. The mix of the good and the bad on Earth has to be sorted gradually. The process of sifting out the ashes from cinders is taking place in the Divine thresher. And you are living now, during this time. That is why it is very difficult for you. However, this process has a beginning and an end, as does everything in the physical world. It is a necessary process that at first small areas will form on Earth where people with this new consciousness and new way of thinking will live; and then there will be more and more areas of this kind. Gradually, Earth will become free of the places around the world where low vibrations prevail. With time, water and fire will wipe off all such places on Earth, where the bearers of old thinking and low vibrations are concentrated. New places on Earth will be available for the representatives of the new race, who are starting to come on the planet already. Now is a very difficult time when literally every person considerably changes the situation on planet Earth with his or her choices. We give you our support and our help. There has never been such a close collaboration between your world and the world of the Ascended Masters. We are waiting for the situation on Earth to change to such an extent that we will finally be able to come visit you and give our instruction directly, avoiding intermediaries. You yourselves are creating such conditions for us now by changing your consciousness and trying on new garments, pure garments woven from your perfect thoughts and feelings. I have come to you as a representative of your elder brothers who have finished earthly school and are waiting for you at the Higher planes of Existence. I AM your elder brother, Jesus. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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