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![]() Guidance for every dayBeloved Kuthumi I AM Kuthumi, who has come to you on this day. The purpose of my visit today is to give you certain understanding of the future plans of the Brotherhood for the current moment. Again and again we come, clarify, and give the understanding of many things that are known to you already. Yet, the facets that open up for you allow you to enjoy the new shine of the precious stones of the good old knowledge. We come and you become filled with our energy and our Love again. That is because it is impossible to give the Teaching and not to Love at the same time. All knowledge and understanding come with the feeling of deep unconditional Love. We give our knowledge based on Love, and you are able to comprehend the information that we provide only when you are able to feel deep unconditional Love for me, for other Masters, and for our Messenger. Only based on the feelings of Divine Love are you able to comprehend the Truth. This is the law that works unalterably when the energy is being exchanged between the octaves. When you experience fear, doubt, and other imperfect feelings, you will be unable to comprehend the whole perfection of the Divine Truth. On the other hand, if you are able to cultivate this feeling of the unconditional Divine Love, you will be able to see tremendous Truth even in one single phrase. This phrase will mean nothing to the majority of mankind, but for you it will open up the whole fullness of the Divine Truth because you have received the key to open it, namely: the Divine Love in your heart. Therefore, do not strive to cultivate the pursuit of knowledge within yourselves; strive to cultivate the pursuit of the Divine Love. Your perfection in God is not possible if you cannot develop this quality of Divine Love within yourselves. You cannot imagine how quickly and clearly mankind will begin to advance on the Divine Path if you are able to understand the importance of the all-encompassing feeling of Love. Many, if not almost all tests on your Path can be overcome only with the feeling of Love. When the Divine Love leaves you, it can be compared to a severe illness. Nobody will help you with that illness if you do not desire to return to the elevated state of consciousness and to the feeling of all-encompassing Love. The feeling of unconditional Love is what you lack; it is what will be the best remedy for you on the spiritual Path. It is impossible to feel Love if you are driven by other imperfect feelings — for example, the feeling of fear occurs due to the shortage of Love. You are afraid to lose something or you are afraid that someone will harm you, but the reason why you have these fears is that you do not have Love in your heart. Therefore, the best remedy for fear is Love, the Love that is Divine in its essence. If you have Love that is not Divine, then that imperfect feeling can make you attached to the object of your affection. You should feel unconditional Love, which is not related to a particular person but a more general Love. You should love every being in your world and every being in the Divine world. When you see too many imperfections in other people it also means that you experience the shortage of Love. You cannot notice imperfections and feel Love at the same time. These are incompatible qualities. In the beginning it will be difficult for you to experience the feeling of unconditional Love. That is because your understanding of love is too much related to human sentiments. Therefore, do not be ashamed if, in the beginning, your love is not perfect. The strength of your Love is also important. That is because Love is the quality that allows you to act in your world. Strength without Love turns into craftiness and resentment. Therefore, you need to start and do everything in your lives only with the feeling of Love. If you have any personal motive, it makes all your actions imperfect. When you try to do a good deed only with your mind, without hearing the sound of the Divine feeling of Love within you, your deed may lead to a bad result instead of a good outcome. Remember what Jesus taught you: By their fruit you will recognize them.[1] Your actions may be absolutely correct, you may be praying, doing community service, helping others, but no matter what you do, it will lead to poor results. This happens because at the moment when you decided to do something, your intention was not colored with Love. Therefore, the fruit, the result of your actions, turned out to be rotten. Therefore, if I were you, I would rather not do anything instead of starting something without the feeling of Love. That is because karma, as the result of your actions, will be negative in this case. Do you understand how the Law of karma works? Do you understand that more and more subtle aspects of this Law open up for you as you advance on your Path? That is why we give our Teaching. For those who began reading our Messages very recently and who did not read all Dictations from the beginning but instead began reading the last cycle of the Messages, many things that we discuss will be unclear. Once again, I have to make the analogy of an educational institution. When you go to school, first you go to the first grade, then you transfer to the second and third grades. Only very arrogant people can come straight to the ninth grade and demand to study there. The knowledge cannot fill the vessel if the vessel is not prepared properly. We are responsible for ensuring that you understand the Teaching that we give. That is why we teach you very complex Truths in very simple words; many people become confused by that. It seems to them that everything that we discuss is old truths. Allow me to note that in this case you are driven by your ego, and the lack of Divine Love will play an evil trick on you someday. That is why we give our Messages based on the feeling of deep, unconditional Love, but you also need to accept the nectar of our Teaching when you are attuned to the Divine tone and filled with Love. I do not recommend that you begin reading our Messages until you reach a balanced state of consciousness. Think about what I said, and try to find the mechanisms in your life that will help you to come into a balanced state of consciousness. I would recommend that you pay attention to every small detail that surrounds you in your lives. You should maintain tidiness in your house and at your workplace. You should carefully select the food you eat and maintain the cleanliness of your body. Note to yourselves that in addition to the physical dirt, you also collect a lot of astral and mental dirt throughout the day. The best way of cleaning yourselves from that dirt will be bathing in a pure natural reservoir or at least taking a shower or a full bath twice daily, in the morning and in the evening. I was with you on this day to provide guidance regarding everyday life. Do not think that what has been said does not concern each of you individually. I AM Kuthumi. [1]
© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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