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![]() Recommendations to humankind of EarthBeloved Surya I AM Surya, having come to you again from the Great Central Sun. I have come again to humankind of Earth in order to give instructions and to strengthen and develop the connection between the worlds. As usual, I would like to pay attention to the news concerning current events that are revealed now and are taking place in your world and are going to descend into your world in the nearest future because in the finer plane these events are ready to descend into the physical world. You know that we work with humankind of Earth thanks to the Divine mercy, the dispensation that allows us to correct the course of evolution on the planet. And you know that millions of years ago humanity of Earth deviated from the evolutionary path; and it brought some turmoil to the common course of evolution. Many lifestreams got a deceleration of their development, and on the contrary, many life-streams accelerated their development thanks to Divine mercies and opportunities. Each of you can make his or her own choice whether to follow the Divine Law or to continue living in accordance with the laws that have formed on planet Earth and which at the given moment do not quite conform to the plan for the planet, the plan that exists on the Divine level, which should be realized soon. Please, do understand that we do not wish to cause you pain and suffering. Millions of beings of Light from all over the cosmos are ready to help you. However, you and only you slow down the evolution of the planet. You allow yourselves to perform such deeds and to have such imperfect states of consciousness that are inadmissible at your stage of evolution. We are forced to resort to such measures when literally before your eyes your imperfect deeds, thoughts, and feelings are materialized into outer conditions like unfavorable weather, cataclysms, and troubles that you face in your lives: diseases, afflictions, and misfortunes. You yourselves are the cause of what happens with you and around you. We all are closely connected in the etheric plane, and we all belong to the common chain of evolutions in the universe. There is no particular difference between you and me. I stand several hundred steps higher than you. And that is the difference between us. Therefore, you should listen to the advice coming from me or from any other Ascended Master who gives his Messages through our representative on Earth, our Messenger Tatyana. Now you have this opportunity of almost direct communication. Use this opportunity and try to treat our Dictations not as fairy tales you listened to in your childhood before going to bed, but rather, try to treat our Dictations as the guidance that you should follow in your life. Believe me; the opportunity that you have now gives you a great advantage. In such a way we are intending to pull out of the nets of illusion millions of lifestreams, lost souls who were wandering about in the thicket of illusion from incarnation to incarnation and who face whole swarms of fears, doubts, misfortunes, and diseases. We throw our nets again to pull out thousands and millions of lost souls from the waters of the astral plane. We come in order to give you an impulse, that energy impulse that will allow you to wake up and to turn your eyes to the Heavens, to the bright sun of the New Day, the dawn of the Day that has already begun. I have come to you today in order to give necessary instructions for the future. You are the beings of Light who are lost in the thicket of the matter, and we give you a helping hand. Please, do not refuse our help, do not show arrogance that is more typical of teenagers, and do listen to our advice. Due to the Law of Free Will acting in the Universe, you have an opportunity to choose your future yourselves. You have an opportunity to listen to my and our advice, and you have an opportunity to refuse the outstretched helping hand. I must warn you that now you are hanging over an abyss, and if the mist around you hides this from your view and does not allow you to see your lamentable state, it does not mean there is no danger of rolling down into that abyss at any moment. You may not believe me. You may continue to stubbornly refuse the offered help. That is your right. But there are individuals among you who ask us for help, and we cannot but help them as the call forces us to respond. We cannot save you by force, but our duty is to offer a helping hand to those who need it. We are with you for your whole long Path from the matter back to the Divine world. We are with you all along your Path. And very soon, if you follow our advice, you will be able to distinguish us and will consciously receive our assistance. But now you need to believe our Messages and the information that we are giving through our Messenger. There were always the people who declared themselves Messengers of Heavens. And they spoke on behalf of God. There were people who listened to and followed the advice coming from above, and there were people who mocked at it and followed their own way. It is your choice. It is your free will. My task and our tasks are just to warn you about the consequences of your choice. And my task and our tasks are to point out for you that the time has accelerated, and the consequences of your wrong choices will be visible to you in just a couple of days after you have made the wrong choice. This is done especially for you to track with your external consciousness the effect of the Great Cosmic Law of this universe, which in former times was stated in the following way: "As you sow, you shall reap. It is a very rational Law, the Law-Teacher that helps you learn the mistakes you made in the past. This is Law that you should learn in schools. The generation, starting their life now, must know this Law. And if there are problems with the introduction of the subject Laws of the Universe at school, you can always explain the effect of this Law to your children and grandchildren. And the more people are informed about this Law, the better the situation on planet Earth will be, as those people who know this Law will beware of breaking it, not because of fear but because of the wish to avoid unnecessary obstacles on their Path. Believe me, sometimes it is better to get around an obstacle than to climb up a vertical rock without a safety rope. We come in order to give you our short guidance. Please inform your children and grandchildren about the safety rules of living on planet Earth. I sincerely hope for your help and support. I AM Surya, with all my Love toward you. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
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