SiriuS - Ascended Master's Dictations

Cycles of the Messages

Joyous News

Sanat Kumara, June 20, 2007

Sanat Kumara

I am Sanat Kumara, having come again through my Messenger. I have come to you on this day to announce the beginning of the new cycle of Dictations, which we intend to give through our Messenger. I come on this day, and the tears appeared on my cheeks against my will. Oh, you cannot even imagine how happy the Heavens are on this day!

It seems to you that everything is still the same around you, and nothing is predicting any changes. The sun is still shining like before, birds are singing, and your daily concerns inevitably appear before you. However, I daresay a lot of things have changed since the last transmission of the Dictations through our Messenger. Less than a half-year has elapsed. You may ask, "What could have changed?"

What was supposed to happen really did happen. And we are happy that the condition that we have communicated through our Messenger in March this year has been practically fulfilled.[1] We needed to see a sign in the physical plane that showed us that our Messenger was recognized by the people of Russia. We needed to see a sign in the physical plane that would prove that people of Earth could hear us and were ready to cooperate with us.

We received this sign. It was the beginning of the construction of an Ashram for our Messenger. Now we can bring this joyous news to the Great Central Sun and ask for new dispensations and new Divine favors both for the people of Russia and for the whole population inhabiting planet Earth.

We are glad, and I am glad that the most difficult test, the hardest trial, is over. The sign of the successful passing of this test allows the proceeding of our Dictations that we are giving in accordance with the Divine opportunity through our Messenger.

Now, before starting my Dictation, I have been thinking thoroughly over the content of my talk. Do you want to know what I must tell you? I understood and I realized that the way we had hoped the collaboration with people of Earth would be was not fulfilled. We expected the act of unconditional, unselfish, charitable help would be provided to our Messenger from one person. And this act of unselfish donation could have given us cause to ask for some new favors and new opportunities for planet Earth. It didn't happen. Not a single person could reach such level of consciousness to provide unconditional help to our Messenger.

Yet, you can ask why we are joyous, why we are happy.

Russian people decided to outsmart Divine Law. There appeared hundreds and thousands of people who made their unselfish contributions to the construction of the Ashram for our Messenger. There were people who donated very modest sums. But we could see and read in their hearts. Their contributions were equal to the royal one because they sacrificed this money when their families were not well provided for. There were people who donated significant sums of money, and there were people who gave the energy of their prayers, which we used to help.

We thank everyone who participated in the construction. Your contribution is priceless in the eyes of God because it will allow us to get new Divine favors and opportunities not only for Russia but also for the whole planet.

I am happy to announce that the session of the Karmic Board will start any minute. I sincerely hope that those of you who have participated in the construction or have made the contribution into it, will be able to appeal to the Karmic Board with letters and ask for the favors you would like to receive for yourself and for your relatives.

Don't be shy to ask. If your requests cannot be granted completely, then you will surely get the maximal relief of your karmic burden that is allowed by Divine Law.

Thus, I would like to express my gratitude and my thanks to everyone who participated in the fulfilment of our ultimatum[2] that we had given in March of this year. And I hope that the efforts that you made won't cease. Oh, I will tell you that God is preparing for you tremendous miracles! And the prospects that are about to open for you will exceed all your expectations.

However, it is necessary to take into account that you are at the beginning of your Path. There is a hard and dangerous road ahead of you. And if now you are enthusiastic, full of energy and Divine impulses are coming from within, you will need all your strength to overcome the rest of the Path.

We intend to implement the transformation of planet Earth in a short space of time. This means that the resistance of the forces that do not wish this transformation to take place will be increasing catastrophically. Be alert and cautious on your Path. Do not allow illusion to take over your consciousness so that you forget about God and about the Masters and slide down the slippery and dangerous path into the gorge of horror and sorrow.

We call you up the mountain peaks. Do not allow yourself to look down into the obscure gorges of grief with which Earth is still filled.

We hope that all the dangers that you will encounter on your Path will be overcome by you in dignity. It will be hard for you. You will feel colossal workloads and resistance to all your strength. When it gets especially hard for you, when you are in despair, when you don't see a single ray of Light ahead, please remember me, remember this Message, remember the fact that you are an immortal being of Light and that nothing threatens you while you keep Faith, Hope, and Love in your heart!

It is enough for you to save just a grain of Faith and use it to send a call to the Heavens, to me personally, to any Ascended Master, or to Archangel Michael. And even when it seems to you that you are completely ruined, a miracle will happen, and all the obstacles in your way will vanish like a fog. Never forget that you are in the illusory world. All the horrors and fears of your illusory world will completely disappear on one beautiful day because this is Divine Law. And those who are trying to hang on to the old, familiar, obsolete, moldy things are at risk of vanishing into nonexistence along with the illusory world.

Therefore, leave your doubts and your bad moods, and aspire toward the fresh breeze of changes, toward great transformations and achievements, toward the heights we are calling you.

I am sure that after reading this Message many of you will look at your life in a new way and will make a choice in favor of changes, no matter how scary they might seem to your human mind.

Nothing can harm you. Do not be afraid to lose your body but to save your soul. It's much worse if you prefer to keep your body and all that you gained in the physical world and lose your soul.

I have come and I am leaving you on this day.

I AM Sanat Kumara.

[1] See the Appendix: "Appeal from the Masters to the people of Russia, part of a speech given by Tatyana N. Mickushina in Moscow, March 27, 2007.

[2] See the Appendix: "Appeal from the Masters to the people of Russia, part of a speech given by Tatyana N. Mickushina in Moscow, March 27, 2007. Refer to the section: Explanation of the Appeal from the Masters.

© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina

Dictations of Sanat Kumara in the book "SANAT KUMARA"

This book contains selected Messages from Sanat Kumara, a Great Divine Being. Many Teachings are given in the Messages, including the Teachings about the following: - True and false messengers - Communities of the Holy Spirit - Responsibility for the fulfillment of the duties which one has taken on before incarnation - Proper use of the money energy - One's choice between the Eternal world and the temporary world - Overcoming the ego - The Path of Initiations and much more...

About Sanat Kumara

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Tatyana Mickushina
Omsk, Russia